This is what I would turn your deck into.
This is endgame, replacing some of the cards you currently have, depending on your exact focus.
Look at the various sections and make choices based off what cards you think you like most.
There is currently 117 cards. we need to only have 100.
There is:
19 Utility cards. (This is the core of your deck. this is what you want your deck to actually do.)
10 Mana ramp artifacts could cut by 2, but you need ramp for your bigger spells. Do not go below 8.
5 counter spells, could cut or add based off need.
34 lands. Basically where you want to be. There are a number of cheap blue/red or black/red or black/blue cards that enter the battlefield tapped for 15-25 cents. Any of these would be good adds, but without knowing how you need your colors, and which are most important I wasn't able to give you an accurate land base. If you add any, take out one basic island mountain or swamp that shares a color with it. While not perfect, the land base is very solid, and could be played as is with out any problems, but could be more efficient with minor swaps. The current list is roughly 33% Red, 33% blue and 33% black.
13 copy effects. Can add or cut based off desire. This would be in the utility section, but it separate so you can make choices.
4 board wipes. Depends on meta. 2-6 is recommended depending on deck, and number of creature decks you play with. ALWAYS have at least one. Two would be the ideal minimum, but again, more is better depending on meta.
3 protection cards. Cards that are specifically there to protect you, or your commander. Swiftfoot gives haste, so she can attack when she lands, while the other cards save you from opposing attackers. You can clone these cards to create a large wall, or clone opposing creates you create your own wall. If opponents are a tribal deck, that gains benefit from lots of their small units in play, cloneing these cards may be better.
1 commander. Exactly what it says on the tin.
15 Draw. Can be cut down to as low as 8. More is generally better, but then there is less unique cards in your deck. Some choices have to be made here about which draw is best for you. You'll note I replaced some of your draw with what is here. You don't have to replace cards you own already like I did, this is just an ideal. Feel free to rereplace cards you own with cards from this list. Choose to cut the cards with higher mana cost cards, and cards with more restrictive mana requirements. You could also choose to cut cards of a specific color to keep your deck focused more towards one or more colors.
8 Removal. Don't go lower. You COULD technically count boardwipes and counterspells here, but that gets to be a dangerous game quickly. You'll also need removal to keep yourself safe, and you'll have plenty of targets.
4 reanimate. Situational. Always have at least one effect that can let you recast your commander from the graveyard, in case its manacost gets too restrictive to cast due to the command tax. Most decks want four, but you don't want your commander going back to the battlefield. Cards that return your commander to your hand from the battlefield would be better BUT those cards would not nearly as well translate to other future decks. Every card is selected with specific criteria.
Each card I picked has:
Lowest mana cost to $$ ratio
Reduced number of colors, then reduced number of doubled/trippled requirements of colors in the manacost. This lets cards be switched to new decks much easier, should you decide to switch cards to a blue/red/black deck in the future.
Are generically good in a vacuum. Infernal grasp is good, great even, and always will be. 2 mana or less instant is exactly where removal wants to be, and it doesn't restrict you by creature type, like doomblade. The 2 life loss is nothing if it means its stopping a 6/6 or bigger from doing damage to you.
You'll have to use best judgment practices to determine which cards are best for you.
17 cards need to go. click the "1x" near the card to down arrow it, deleting it from the list. Continue doing so until you've removed any 17 cards you feel are not for you. If there are more cards you don't like, or wish to replace, continue doing so until you've gotten the list to your liking. This list is an 'ideal' of what I would buy knowing what we've talked about, and what you already own. But it's not 'your' deck until you've gone through and thought about every card, and decided what works for you. so don't spend more than you think you need to.
Current tcgplayer has this at $40 TOTAL for the whole deck, not including the fact that you already own a very large chunk of these cards. I didn't do the math for how much the changes would make, but that can easily been done once we are closer to knowing what cards you need to get/what 100 cards you are going with.
I have not looked at my own collection yet, but will do so sometime this week. It would help to know what more your interested in going with for 100 cards, so I know what to look for. IE, removal/draw/utility/ ect