


Welcome to my version of competitive standard merflok deck.

So this is not the counter theme version, the idea is simple, put as many merflok on board to swarm the opponent while Merfolk Mistbinder is in play.

Let's see the deck piece by piece



Kumena's Speaker: A good one drop that put an early threat in play.

Mist-Cloaked Herald: The second one drop of the deck, early threat too, this is free damage and this is very nice with Chart a Course.

River Sneak: Same as Mist-Cloaked Herald. This guy can do alot of damage.

Jade Bearer: Not a real one drop but can be a very good top deck card, put that counter on an ninja fish is good, so even if Jade Bearer die we still have the value of him .

Deeproot Elite: Pseudo lord, i choose him instead of Metallic Mimic because i can choose where i want to put my counters and i want them on the unblockable merfolk.

Merfolk Branchwalker: He was good before RIX, he's better now. Played before Silvergil Adept or Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca's second ability, this guy is just too powerfull.

Silvergil Adept: He replace himself, that's make more merfolk to play.

Merfolk Mistbinder: Buff every merfolk in play, extra free damage for Mist-Cloaked Herald,River Sneak and Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca.

Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca: The only three drop of the deck, free damage, can draw us so many cards and can buff every merfolk, easy to activate with that mana curve and with instant speed. Yep...


Blossoming Defense: The only spell that can protect our precious lords.


Chart a Course: Really needed in the deck, keep our hand with gas.

The sideboard is here to play against mass removal, temur energy, gods pharaoh's gift and ramunap red.

Feel free to leave a comment if you like the deck, if you have ideas. Thanks ;)


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 1 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

17 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.70
Tokens Merfolk 1/1 U w/ Hexproof
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