
What's in a Ninja Maki Roll you might ask?

Crab? Cucumber? No! Inside is one of the spiciest combos in the format. A fresh and delicious cut of Thassa's Oracle coupled with Demonic Consultation. Available now for only a limited time!

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The ulitmate goal that this deck works toward is to execute the Oracle + consult combo. If we can't get there for whatever reason, our plan B is to grind out our opponents with Yuriko's topdeck damage ability.

Opening hand we want a blue source and a black source, such as 2 lands, or a land and a Chrome Mox or something like that, so that we can ninjitsu out Yuriko and start the clock ticking on our opponents. In addition to our 2 sources, we want one pinger that we can play t1 to ninjitsu with on t2. Apart from that we want some kind of way out of our opening hand that doesn't rely 100% on Yuriko. I mean we need some form of card advantage to draw out into in case our Yuriko and friends plan doesn't work out as planned. Aside from that any card that isn't unplayable is most likely ok to keep.

If we're going to deviate from this opening hand archetype, we need a really good reason to. Such as an obvious path to notion + wheel or something like that.

Follow this, and just don't keep shitty hands.

Apart from drawing into a keepable hand our gameplan is fairly simple, as much as we're allowed to, we want to prioritize tutoring and furthering our ultimate goal of executing the fish combo. if for whatever reason that fails, we fallback onto the topdeck-damage strategy that Yuriko was originally intended for.

Plan A:

flick big spells off the top, or just whatever happens to be off the top with Yuriko. At this point we aren't prioritizing topdeck damage, so if we get lucky and flip a Temporal Trespass or something, then great, but if not its no big deal. The point is we're "drawing" cards and looking for that sweet sweet fish consult. Along the way, we might deal some damage but that's our plan B. If in the process of looking for the fish combo, you happen to come into the means to do some thicc topdeck damage then by all means take advantage of the cards you're getting but just remember that the yuriko damage triggers are just stepping stones/ insurance for if we ever need to switch gears.

Plan B:

Plan B is for when someone Praetor's Grasp our fish or our trigger gets stiffled or in some way or another our fish plan becomes nonviable. If this ever happens, and it very well might, we simply switch all of our efforts into the incrimental, grindy, topdeck damage with Yuriko's ability. If it ever is just better to switch to this plan, start tutoring for something like Scroll Rack and a big cmc spell.

The other plan B:

notion + wheel. You draw ~28 cards, your opponents discard their hands. If this happens you're most likely going to win the game unless an opponent has an immediately threatening board. This isn't a plan C because it's just about as good as Plan B, except you're probably in a better position to win if you're able to notion wheel and then start grinding out your opponents. This is also an incredible way to get you to Plan A. it's just one of the most indiscriminately powerful combos in the game the doesn't just win you the game outright.

People reading this might wonder, "Why should I play this as opposed to Cobblepot's Inevitability build or the decklist recommended by the cEDH decklist database, or cEDH TV's The promised control deck?"

Well, because I have my own unique philosophies and views that to some extent, part from that of other popular Yuriko builds. For example I disagree with what seems to be the consensus of other popular builds on how many creatures should be in the deck. I don't think Yuriko needs that many creatures. I believe somewhere between 10-14 is the sweet spot. For this particular build I'm running 12 creatures that "poke" (not to be confused with Poke, see below)

Poke Show

As for other builds, they seem to sacrifice a lot of card drawing effects for stax pieces. We are running some stax such as Back to Basics and Grafdigger's Cage, but we're not overdoing it at the cost of sacrificing some of the best spells for card advantage that and have access to. This is more of a midrange deck, because we want to prioritize speed and card advantage over interaction with our opponents. I believe that in some ways, we can be "demanding" and "aggro" in a way that is more effective that playing stax or control.

That being said, this is an experimental build, so in time after much play testing I might change the decklist based on my experiences, so we'll see.


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98% Competitive

Revision 2 See all

(4 years ago)

-1 Cabal Therapist main
-1 Cloud of Faeries main
+1 Cover of Darkness maybe
+1 Curiosity main
+1 Cursed Totem main
+1 Diabolic Vision main
+1 Fierce Guardianship main
-1 Frantic Search maybe
+1 Island main
-1 Morphic Pool main
-1 Negate main
-1 Shadow of Doubt main
+1 Shizo, Death's Storehouse main
+1 Spectral Sailor main
-1 Swamp main
-1 Transmute Artifact main
-1 Whir of Invention maybe
+1 Wingcrafter main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

39 - 0 Rares

15 - 0 Uncommons

15 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Bird 2/2 U
Folders Combo Deck
Ignored suggestions
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