Nissa - Value seer

Commander / EDH Xinofos


Hey! I have a competitive mono green, aggro, combo deck that I think you could grab a few ideas from. Nissa's Lands. It's been through a lot of refiningn and it's creeping out of budget range in some places XD, but its still fantastic!

Some quick suggestions are replacing a lot of the non-basic lands with basics, and throwing more land ramp in. It'll let you focus on your other spells, while letting you pull your lands out of your deck, thinning it down to where you only draw your good stuff! I'd personally only keep Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Sanctum of Ugin. I'd also suggest upping your land count into the 38-42 range, and remove some of the less useful creatures to increase the potency of your thinned deck. I'd also say to only keep Animist's Awakening if you go into the 40's or higher or throw in a Scouting Trek as well. With a lower land count, replace the Animist's Awakening with Boundless Realms for the consistent ramp. (add an Amulet of Vigor for even more shenanigans!)

I also see quite a few "nifty" cards that could easily be replaced for more effectiveness, but I understand budget restraints!

November 19, 2016 11:49 p.m.

Xinofos says... #2

Hey NINJAxPENGUIN92, that's for the reponse.

I trim some of the fat and cleared out some of the lands to bump it to 40 (Keeping the Terramorphic Expanse and Evolving Wilds to help deck thin a little and to search the occasional Wastes). Not sure on Amulet of Vigor but I do want Boundless Realms and maybe Scouting Trek.

I also know that there are definatly upgrades that I really want to do (Silklash Spider for Stingerfling Spider and Genesis Wave for Lead the Stampede are couple) But budget contrats and somewhat small card pool at my locals (live in the country) makes it difficult. I hope to get some upgrades over the next several months. :)

November 20, 2016 10:01 p.m.

Most ramp spells grab basics anyway, so you can grab your Wastes pretty much whenever you need them, and later in the game, maybe after you Eternal Witness a Boundless Realms back to your hand and pull out the rest of the lands in your deck, I think you'll appreciate just having the extra Wastes in place of the Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse, but I'll leave that decision up to you!

I definitely agree with those two trades, and my next suggestion would be in upgrading some of the land ramp to thin the deck completely and give you a potent pile of cards to draw. Maybe Ruin in Their Wake, Seek the Wilds, Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, Ranger's Path, Prey Upon --> Explore, Summer Bloom, Khalni Heart Expedition, Courser of Kruphix, Nature's Lore, Skyshroud Claim, Verdant Confluence or something along those lines. Also, Oracle of Mul Daya Isn't very budget, but it's SO worth it.

November 21, 2016 3:49 a.m.

OH! and Early Harvest is a god. Rude Awakening is also very good, with the option of throwing out beaters (and it untaps Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx)

November 21, 2016 3:52 a.m.

greyninja says... #5

I'd consider Sensei's Divining Top for consistency and to work with your commander's +1 ability

Looks fun! +1 from me!

October 5, 2017 9:55 a.m.

Xinofos says... #6

Of course! How could I forget top!. xD

October 6, 2017 11:51 p.m.

MintyThe1st says... #7

Ah yes, i sense this deck has a lot of stories attached to it as well?

"forever tweaking and slowly pimping." Is not something that happens by accident.

October 29, 2017 5:32 a.m. Edited.

Unlife says... #8

Exploration, Burgeoning and Gaea's Touch are great cards ramp cards, but I've found which ones work are up to personal preference

October 29, 2017 10:29 a.m.

SufferFromEDHD says... #9

Desert of the Indomitable another chance to exile graveyards.

Winding Canyons is a great utility land. Get that in he main.

Deserted Temple double that Nykthos.

When I see dryad arbor and GSZ in the same list I always suggest Natural Order. It's a great mono green combo.

October 29, 2017 4:31 p.m.

Xinofos says... #10

Forgot to reply for a while, I'm good at this. xD

MintyThe1st: This deck orginally started as a Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger commander deck, as me and 4 friends decided that a praetor war would be fun. Though Vorinclex is cool, as a commander he gets hated on (and for good reason).

During the last game of this, Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip was the card that kept me in the game. Though I did end up losing, Nissa's ability to ramp and card advantage I enjoyed. After I moved, I decided to make my commander into Nissa. This is what I like about her, the ability to get some card advantage, especially when behind. Most mono-green commanders don't offer that value.

And the start it was mostly big dumb green thing (Hydra's, though I did, and still do, flirt with Eldrazi). After a while I decided to go for more 'value' big guys. A good example would be the last cut of Dungrove Elder for Walking Ballista. Elder is big (massive in this deck) and with protection....but doesn't do much else. Walking ballista ability to ping things to death, as well as burn opponents has me intrigued. Though WB is a bad target for Genesis Wave, so I'm going to keep testing.

So in conclusion, I'm pimping out the deck cause I like ramp! xD

Unlife: Honestly, though Exploration is nice, at this point, I'm not sure if I would add any of them. I do thank you for the suggestion though. :)

SufferFromEDHD: I do need to upgrade the lands. Winding Canyons has been on my list for a while now. And I do agree that Natural Order needs to be in the deck somehow. :)

February 3, 2018 5:40 a.m.

Ender666666 says... #11

Hey I like your appreciation of Nissa and her card advantage properties. Myth Unbound is RIDICULOUS with her, as you can Exile her through the command zone when she transforms, and draw a card in the process.

If you're interested, here's my Mono-Green Control deck which uses Nissa. CTRL-G

August 29, 2018 11 a.m.

Xinofos says... #12

Wait THATS THE RULING? I better get my hands on one. Thanks. :)

August 29, 2018 6:25 p.m.

Ender666666 says... #13

Yup. My sister is a fairly senior L3 judge and confirmed it for me

August 29, 2018 6:54 p.m.

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