Nissa, Vastwood Seer
, forms a Demonic Pact with Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in order to realise her dream of The Great Aurora. And this is the resulting deck.
Why BG for ramp over UG or RG? Show
Demonic Pact is absolutely devastating against anything that isn't Atarka Red. It's insane how strong this card is in current standard.
Infinite Obliteration sideboard is insane in the mirror match, if they don't have their Ulamogs, you usually win.
Duress sideboard improves the match vs Jeskai Black and Esper Dragons considerably. As well as all other heavy control decks.
Languish is a very strong sweeper right now.
If they don't run blue, slap this on the table whenever and gg. If they do run blue, only play if you feel confident you can resolve either Ugin or Aurora (due to the discard portion of the ability, or having 2 vs limited counterspells) or if you have Ulamog. Ulamog can always exile Pact and it can't be countered.
Demonic Pact utterly decimates so so so many decks out there in current standard. Once it gets going it wins games by iteslf. The weakness of this card if you have to build around it normally due to it's "you lose the game" clause. However in Ramp... your deck already has 3 very good cards that can perform perfectly well on their own, that can also get rid of your own pact to prevent the loss. Ugin, Ulamog, Aurora.
What does this card do? Why are you running it?
When you're playing vs Atarka Red with Eldrazi Ramp, basically the game is "can you resolve Ugin before they kill you?" Against Abzan Aggro, it's "can you resolve Ugin or or Ulamog before they kill you?" But not this deck. This deck has a third card that wins those games. The Great Aurora. They play a spell for burn? You get card advantage. You ramp? You get card advantage. You play Demonic Pact? Card advantage. Ugin? Ulamog? Card advantage. Aurora turns card advantage into roflstomping your opponent.
Jaddi Offshoot
because if you draw it opening hand, its great. Otherwise it kinda sucks so running more than 1 has got me killed more often than it's saved me. However due to The Great Aurora, it will often hit the board if it hasn't already when you resolve that, granting you reasonable incremental life-gain throughout the game. Running 1 is good, 3 are sideboard for Atarka Red matches. 4x Hangarback are good enough to give us a chance round 1 vs aggro.
Only 2x Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger because I've never needed more than 2, and it protects vs Infinite Obliteration to not have many. Very searchable with Sanctum of Ugin so you basically have 5 copies anyway. The Great Aurora is actually better in a lot of match-ups.
2x Nissa, Vastwood Seer
because it's a good early-game blocker against aggro while improving ramp consistency. Often scary enough to soak up removal or damage when it flips which is mana not spent on killing you. Also Card Advantage for Aurora.
The rest is basically standard Eldrazi Ramp. I'm currently 9-0 with the deck but obviously that could just be variance.
Weakest matches:A control deck running lots of counterspells if they manage to Obliterate the Ulamog.Any kind of fast damage deck (dash or burn) that doesn't commit to the board. A good Atarka red player is always going to be your hardest game.
Demonic Pact is amazing in both these match-ups.