Niv-Mizzet, Parun
Great control finisher. Good aggro blocker. Must be supported with counter-spells in hand as he presents a large target.
Good cantrip, as well as a nice 2 damage trigger from Niv-Mizzet, Parun, one from casting it, the other from drawing a card from it.
Super important card in today's current meta. A TON of creatures have 2 toughness that are giant threats such as -
Tajic, Legion's Edge, and Legion Warboss, etc.
-Chemister's Insight
Card draw that can turn your dead draws into two more cards.
This pairs perfectly with Niv-Mizzet, Parun. Counter their spell while dealing damage to their face. Beauty.
-Lightning Strike
Paired with Niv-Mizzet, Parun, this can deal 4 damage to any creature, which is not insignificant. When paired with Ral, Izzet Viceroy's emblem, that's 7 damage to any target.
For those Vraska's Contempt that threaten your Planeswalkers or Niv-Mizzet, Parun, as well as History of Benalia's. Very useful.
-Essence Scatter
In today's meta, it seems like everyone is playing aggro. An entire playset is a must.
-Beacon Bolt
For those threats that a single Lightning Strike cannot deal with, such as Lyra Dawnbringer and Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice, and believe it or not, occasionally Ghalta, Primal Hunger as our graveyard is usually stuffed full with instants and sorcery's.
-Deafening Clarion
An amazing sweeper. Can clear the way for Niv-Mizzet, Parun to swing in when he rarely does, or to stall for time during the early game.
-Ixalan's Binding
Useful against opposing Ixalan's Binding's, as well as those creatures or planeswalkers you need to deal with asap.
-Ral, Izzet Viceroy
Another win condition with his ultimate. Removes giant threats like Lyra Dawnbringer by himself with his second ability. Card advantage for days with his first ability.
-Sarkhan, Fireblood
Able to get Niv-Mizzet, Parun out on turn 4 with Sarkhan, Fireblood out on turn 3. Turns dead draws into hopefully something useful. His ultimate is awesome, but beware of sweepers in the form of Ritual of Soot as that will clear them right off.
-Detection Tower
For those Carnage Tyrant's we cant counter and Nullhide Ferox's we are forced to let through, As well as Vine Mare.
Side in against control, obvi.
-Radical Idea
For when Chemister's Insight is too slow, and you need card draw early.
-Invoke the Divine
Great against a plethora of cards. History of Benalia, The Flame of Keld, Legion's Landing, Ixalan's Binding, Conclave Tribunal, Curious Obsession,
Search for azcanta
, etc.
-Fight with Fire
Additional support against Lyra Dawnbringer and Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice, and many opposing Niv-Mizzet, Parun. Also can be a great finisher when kicked.
-Beacon Bolt
Bring in against midrange decks with high toughness creatures.
-Chemister's Insight
-Electrostatic Field
To be sided in against aggro, helps stall the game a bit, while dealing damage simultaneously.
Win con against control, can be used against creatures too.
-Star of Extinction
When s*** hits the fan, and you need to get rid of all of those creatures asap.