
Draw (16)

Graveyard (1)

Mana (12)

Multiplier (1)

Other (70)

Recursion (4)


This is my pride and joy, the primary EDH deck I've been playing and tuning and upgrading since mid-2011. It spent most of its life with Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind at the helm, and as it got foiled, it slowly became known as Niv-Mizzet, the Foilmind, and Niv-Mizzle the Fizzmizzle fo' Shizzle m' Nizzle. Niv-Mizzet, Parun finally gives me a reason to make major changes and swap in a bunch of the cards I've been waffling about for years.

Also: Yes, this deck is the actual paper deck I used to tote with me to EDH nights at the LGS. No, I'm not insa-- Wait. Well, maybe I can't really say that. In order to be more friendly (and to save myself the stress of resleeving) I've since taken out all the cards worth $100 or more. So that means even Preordain is out, since it's foil.

Deck Summary

New-Mizzet enables a few combos that were possible with the OG, but were sub-optimal, requiring additional set up. For example, Paradox Engine can allow for untapping Niv-1 several times, but he has to be able to tap, so he needs haste or to have been on the field already. This isn't the case with the Parun. Thus, we can now include both Paradox Engine and the Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo. Other combos are now actually more effective and efficient than before, specifically Inner Fire + Reiterate .

The overall strategy is to assemble some combo (Niv-Mizzet, Parun + Ophidian Eye ) or overwhelming synergy (Isochron Scepter + Narset's Reversal ). From there the actual "winning" thing is academic. The version I present here is oriented more toward combo than anything. I sometimes modify it to be more control-oriented; that version will get its own page.

His Beautiful Incarnations

Dragons are the multiverse's perfection coalesced in corporeal reality. How can one possibly choose from among his various cardboard representations to helm a deck? How does one distinguish and compare infinities?

Niv3 combos with more things than his predecessors while also generating incremental card advantage during the control portion of the gameplan. Niv1 doesn't win with infinite mana; Niv2 doesn't combo with Curiosity . Niv1 was so great for the same reason that landfall is awesome: you are rewarded for doing something you already wanted to do anyway; i.e., draw cards. Niv3 doubles that up by rewarding you for casting spells in addition to the draw->damage conversion.

Card Choices

Key Cards, Combos, and Synergies

  • Curiosity + Niv-Mizzet, Parun or Ophidian Eye . Now with Niv3 it's actually a viable option to put one of these two auras on and pass the turn. Most removal and ways to find removal trigger the draw, and thus trigger your victory.
  • Inner Fire + Reiterate . This combo is even better now, too, as it draws your deck and can go off with fewer cards in hand. You only need three other cards in hand with Niv on the field, and it draws your deck while you go off.
  • Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter . Infinite mana lets us cast Niv, draw the deck, and win however we want. (Usually Laboratory Maniac ).
  • Basilisk Collar . A blinged out Niv acts as a pretty decent deterrent in casual to semi-cutthroat games. People don't want to cast instants or sorceries for fear of losing their best dudes.

  • Mindmoil . A card that is criminally underrated, and one that is, yet again, even better with Niv's newest version. When you're mindmoiling, you're casting the best spell in your hand, and you're usually doing so at a rapidfire pace. The problem with that is simply that your hand usually goes up in smoke before your mana runs out. Not so with the Parun out. The sheer number of cards this little enchantment lets you see is totally bonkers, and every time I try to cut it, I miss what it brings. The fact that it lets Niv deal some massive burst damage is kinda just icing.

  • Consecrated Sphinx + Winds of Change or any wheel. In a 4-player game, a draw-7 with the sphinx out means you draw 49 cards. That's ... Well, that's usually enough to win on the spot.
  • Commit / Memory , Wheel of Fortune , Time Spiral , and Timetwister . This deck poops out spells like it took ALL the Ex-Lax. These both efficiently refill your hand and act as combo pieces.
  • Alhammarret's Archive . With this out, every instant or sorcery grows your hand. Draw-7s become draw-14s. The sphinx draws four per trigger. Mindmoil doubles your hand size, so it's important to get Laboratory Maniac out quickly. It doesn't take long at all to mill yourself out this way, even with Niv sitting in the command zone.
  • Candelabra of Tawnos . This subtle device is here primarily for its ability to filter colorless mana into colored so we can cast Niv on time. I'm still trying to decide whether adding the High Tide package is worth it.

Sideboard Cards

These are things that will come in for super high-power metas:

Notable Exclusions

Keep in mind that this deck is a WIP changeover from Firemind, so I'm still in the process of testing individual cards' value in this new context. The below cards are ones that I'm pretty sure won't be maindecked.

Card Experiments

These are cards I'm currently testing or looking to test.

  • Stranglehold . Playing my Teferi deck has taught me the value of permanent-based disruption. It's hard to see when this one is doing work, so it's hard to evaluate.
  • Invoke Prejudice . So far the mana cost hasn't been prohibitive, and the deck's low creature count makes this tempting.
  • Forbid . I haven't tried it yet. Seems potentially strong, but my metagames don't currently require a lot of countermagic.
  • Disallow . So versatile, but three mana's rough for a simple counterspell. With Baral, it's great.
  • Supreme Will . I love this card and expect it to do great things.
  • Frantic Search & Snap & High Tide . I suspect that my Island count is too low for High Tide to be reliable, and without that, the other two become less tempting. A 0-mana draw-3/discard-2 seems really strong, though, and I've seen Snap used to great effect in an Oloro control shell.
  • Ivory Tower . I'm curious how much lifegain this would represent. Would it be enough to offset the economic cost of playing it rather than what it replaces?
  • Jace's Archivist . Adding the Archivist would give another Paradox combo piece, but it would bring us back into the realm of being concerned about haste. Having all your combo pieces on board but unusable feels really bad. It would also make me want to include Mind Over Matter .
  • Mind Over Matter . This card wins games. It won games with Firemind at the helm without even having Niv or Archivist on board, so it's very tempting to throw it back in here. It's really centralizing in deckbuilding, though, as you want to include as many of its combos as you can.
  • Jace's Sanctum . The cost reduction may be small, but if it lets you cast an additional spell with Niv out, then that's an extra card. If it lets you go off with Inner Fire & Reiterate two turns early? That's potentially huge. With this plus Baral the combo can start with just six mana.
  • Mizzix of the Izmagnus . Super powerful, and you really don't need that many counters to just go off. The primary problem is the fact that she doesn't initially reduce any costs. Interested to see whether it ends up just being win-more.
  • Jace, the Mind Sculptor . I always ran this in Firemind.
  • Mind's Desire . Win more?
  • Mindbreak Trap & Counterflux . Seems kind of a meta-call. Both handle the stormy nonsense. But if people are doing that, wouldn't it be better to just run Flusterstorm ?
  • Recurring Insight . Perennial all-star in Firemind. Getting a big hand in Niv3 seems so far less important.
  • Mystic Confluence . Such a strong card, I always want to include it.
  • Smoke . Winter Orb for creatures seems like it might be an effective form of disruption, depending on the meta. I've seen the card do work in other decks, so why not this one, where no creatures need to tap?
  • Sunbird's Invocation . It kept whiffing when I tried it in Firemind, but I ran more dead cards (e.g., countermagic) in that deck than this one.
  • Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir . I ran this for the first couple years I played Firemind, because my meta was dominated by permission.
  • Torrential Gearhulk . I somehow doubt the otherwise vanilla body is worth the fatcaster's cost, either in mana or card slot.
  • Transmute Artifact . I run this in Teferi, but I'm not sure whether it's worth including here. The artifact suite in Tef is just sooo much broader.
  • Treasure Cruise . Sorcery-speed draw feels bad if it isn't a wheel or a cantrip. I mean, I've played it in Firemind, but I'm still not sold.
  • Treasure Nabber . This looks stronk.
  • Willbreaker . I mean ... Janky, yes; wacky fun, also yes. The question is really whether it's effective or not.

Variations I've Tried Show


Thanks for checking out my deck. I'm always receptive to suggestions and whatnot, so post a comment if you have one. In particular I'm looking for a Trinket Mage target for when I already have Omniscience on the field. The top used to fill that role, but that's gone, so ...


Updates Add

Initial testing.

Found Lab Man to be a straight-up dead draw. Its value as a wincon is redundant.

Oona's Grace drew me 26 cards on turn five.

Counterspell + Isochron Scepter controlled one game, then adding Paradox Engine generated infinite mana.

Got to put Basilisk Collar on Niv, which was as silly as usual.

Consecrated Sphinx is still bonkers, even in a competitive pod, due to the density of ramp and forced draw in this deck. Played games against Prossh and Thrasios/Tymna, as well as Prossh and Blood Pod. Won one of three, losing one to a misplay (forgot I had Winds of Change in hand) and the other to a lucky topdeck. Need to find a place for Cursed Totem and Grafdigger's Cagefoil, as either one would have prevented the second loss. Maybe LabMan's space will go to one of them.

All in all, despite some misplays on my part, the deck performed really well. I get the feeling that as long as you include enough ramp and card draw, it's gonna be really hard to make a bad Parun deck.


Date added 6 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

17 - 0 Mythic Rares

34 - 0 Rares

17 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Dack Fayden, Treasure
Folders IRL Decks, Niv Ideas
Ignored suggestions
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