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Niv-Mizzet's Third Deck of Motion

Modern* Burn Competitive Control UR (Izzet)




Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)


One should learn from the mistakes they have made. Whether it's casting a creature I don't like or thinking they have the upper hand, the point of this deck is to put them back into reality, teaching them the ways of logic. As a counter-burn deck, this deck is focused on two things - Countering and controlling the field, and burning your opponent. It's rather straight forward and recalls the days of Return to Ravnica, which is fitting at the time and date of writing this, and as such is a big work in progress for someone never having done competitive play before. This deck may not be updated too terribly frequently, so to see the official deck with current changes, check out the deck (The link should take you to Top Decked for those worried about viruses or anything). So, with that out of the way, let's delve into the specifics of this deck.

1) Win Conditions

Our goal is to burn out opponents down to zero health or less. We do this through a variety of means, whether creatures aid in our control such as Guttersnipe or Electrostatic Field, burning them directly with cards such as Lightning Bolt or Lava Spike, or leaving them unable to do too terribly much without consequences using things such as Kira, Great Glass-Spinner and our power house, Niv-Mizzet, Parun. We have no intent to attack, so we're always ready on the defense with our creatures untapped.

2) The Strategy

As mentioned, this is a counter-burn deck, so our goal is to maintain control of the board by not even letting our opponents have a chance to do anything. This is used through Spell Pierce and Mana Leak for the most part, as well as some bigger and stronger counters such as Disallow and Ionize. We also have a bunch of burn spells to deal damage to our enemies as well, since using creature-aid alone isn't going to be enough to win the match. There are full sets of Lava Spike, Lightning Bolt, and Shock to have cheap brurn spells on hand for either our opponents (which are our primary focus) or cards that make things harder for us (say Thalia, Guardian of Thraben).

This is a prototype, and in need of suggestions to make it better and faster. I'd want to get it's average CMC to around 1.5, but still need to be able to do all that I need with it.

Update 1)

Looked into what Gracco suggested and reworked the deck. Not for sure about Fevered Visions mainly because I have yet to fully test it in a match, though I do see the use for it. Also came up with a way to spot remove with blue, and, including the suggested Thermo-Alchemist, I feel this deck may finally be able to perform it's designed use. Thank you again Gracco for your suggestions!

Update 2)

Had a few games with Fevered Visions and have some slight mixed feelings, though it is a huge aid. Including it as a field advantage and additional burn output.


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94% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

26 - 8 Rares

13 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.20
Ignored suggestions
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