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Standard* Control WUB (Esper)



Creature (2)

Enchantment (3)

Artifact (1)

Instant (7)

Sorcery (2)


Creature (1)

Land (1)

Built from a prerelease deck, an old control I had and a bunch of new cards.Works by using cheap control early to shut them out, then winning with Aetherling or Nephalia Drownyard later on. I am currently acquiring the last of the Shocklands, which will make it more consistent.

Working on Sideboard now, so any advice on that is appreciated. Currently I have extra counterspells for control mirrors, which replace most board wipes and removal, extra removal if necessary, Sin Collector and Duress attack hands to get rid of counters, or discard spells, as well as things like Slaughter Games form Jund. B/W humans have been an issue for this deck, so Rest in Peace counters Xathrid Necromancer and Blood Artist, as well as any reanimator strategies. Will be tested this weekend to see if these match ups are improved.

Maybeboard includes consideration for replacements in Theros. I need to replace Dissipate and Nephalia Drownyard . Drownyards could be replaced by Keyrunes, Mutavault or Plate mail, so any input on the power of these would be great. They basically serve to win if Aetherling is stopped. I will look at what counters are printed in Theros and decide on replacements then. Thanks. :)


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 2 Mythic Rares

25 - 2 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

6 - 5 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.26
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