No, Don't Do That - EDH Mono-Blue Cancel Deck

Commander / EDH Madaraximundar

SCORE: 47 | 107 COMMENTS | 10690 VIEWS | IN 21 FOLDERS

NoSoyYucateco says... #13

I wish you could make this the featured card.

enter image description here

Only thing I think you could use a little more of is some draw, and maybe some Guile action, if you swing that way. Recurring Insight, Flow of Ideas, Mystic Remora and Rhystic Study are all great. Swapping a few counterspells for more draw would help the deck be more consistent and annoying.

February 11, 2016 5:37 p.m.

I can't see myself going below 25 counterspells, as that's a 4th of the deck that counters only (besides creatures). However, Guile will definitely make it in here. That card is EVIl and I love it. I countered your burn spell? Now it's mine. Eat a burn hahaha.

Oh if that was my featured card hahaha yes.

February 11, 2016 5:49 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #15

Yeah, Guile eats burn, creatures, enchantments, artifacts.

You own everything.

February 11, 2016 5:53 p.m.

I have plenty of cards to increase my per-turn drawing so taking out for more once-only draw hits would be counterproductive.

February 11, 2016 5:53 p.m.


February 11, 2016 5:54 p.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #18

I get what you're saying, but I would at least think about Recurring Insight. Its not a once-only draw and it will seldom net you fewer than 10 cards. I've used it to draw for 50+. It's great on turn 6 or turn 26.

February 11, 2016 5:57 p.m. Edited.

I will definitely think it over and see if there is anything worth replacing.

February 11, 2016 5:59 p.m.

Where's Void Shatter? And Arcane Denial?? And Dismiss?!? And Mystic Confluence?!?!? THESE ARE ALL SO GOOOOD!!!

Also, Lullmage Mentor could be fun. Even outside of Merfolk tribal, he gives you a steady stream of chump blockers with enough counterspells. And once he gets enough merfolk, he becomes a real pain in the ass. (Psst, and Talrand is a merfolk too!)

February 14, 2016 2:20 a.m.

NoSoyYucateco says... #21

All good suggestions. And you don't have a ton of abuse potential for her, but Glen Elendra Archmage is never a bad draw for me. That said, she's not cheap.

February 14, 2016 2:53 a.m. Edited.

clayperce says... #22

OK, I really like this deck. Talrand is always a pain to play against, but this raises him to a whole new level of pain. Ouch and +1!

Maybe an Into the Roil or Capsize? I like the idea of letting an opponent actually resolve something every now and then ... just to see it bounce right back! Vapor Snag too, to add injury to insult.

Speaking of adding injury, maybe a Sphinx-Bone Wand?

Another super-trollish option could be Foil or Thwart. Tap out sometime, and let everyone get all excited. Just to find out that no, you can still counter their stuff.

I know lots of folks like Echo Mage, but I'm not a fan. to copy a spell is just REALLY pricey. But if you run him, you might consider Echo Mage + Reality Spasm for infinite mana.

On the Land side, I may be missing something, but why Vivid Creek ... do you need the fixing?. A couple utilities that might be worth considering: Blighted Cataract, for a late-game draw, and Riptide Laboratory, to reduce the Commander tax if Talrand gets targeted.

And this deck TOTALLY needs a Sea Troll! :-D

February 14, 2016 8:36 a.m. Edited.

Loving all of these suggestions guys. However, exiling is a no no as I am using cards to bring their countered cards to my side and sacrificing is not in this deck. Killing my own creature to counter is a waste.


Echo Mage is nice because I can power him for mid and late game when people start playing more and more a turn and use him to copy my counters without using more.

February 14, 2016 10:17 a.m.

zsedcx22 says... #24

Hey chum, Erayo, Soratami Ascendant is a bit of the banned...

February 14, 2016 10:22 a.m.

If he was banned then tappedout wouldn't say my deck was legal.

February 14, 2016 10:26 a.m.

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