No lands man

Legacy Danielbz


I'ld lose the 2 Dwarven LandslideMTG Card: Dwarven Landslide and 2 FireballMTG Card: Fireball for 2 more Molten RainMTG Card: Molten Rain and 2 more RazeMTG Card: Raze. I'ld also cut 2 Deadeye NavigatorMTG Card: Deadeye Navigator for 2 more Mine LayerMTG Card: Mine Layer. Also I think you need to make room for a few real big creatures for late game. It will be hard to finish them off if you can hardly do any damage.

July 22, 2012 6:47 p.m.

Danielbz says... #2

Yeah, I agree with the finishing them off part. In my playtesting, the biggest difficulty is finishing them off in a late game when I have all of the land and they have none (hence the Fireball s and the Deadeye NavigatorMTG Card: Deadeye Navigators).

Any good bigger creature suggestions for late game?

July 22, 2012 6:55 p.m.

Danielbz says... #3

Yeah, I agree with the finishing them off part. In my playtesting, the biggest difficulty is finishing them off in a late game when I have all of the land and they have none (hence the Fireball s and the Deadeye NavigatorMTG Card: Deadeye Navigators).

Any good bigger creature suggestions for late game?

July 22, 2012 6:55 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #4

Pillage has an more than one use, so it might be worth adding one or two.

As for late-game big creatures, how does Petradon strike your fancy? Or you could add Dingus Egg as a wincon.

July 23, 2012 10:15 p.m.

Danielbz says... #5

I like all of those suggestions. I'll slash two Molten Rain s for two Pillage s because sometimes I need to kill an artifact. The question is, should I have an Icefall instead?

Mine Layer in play testing hasn't really useful enough to warrant having four of them. Once a Parallax Tide comes out, it's usually game over. That said, I'll add two Petradon s. Is having Dingus Egg really worth it though? Because I use the Evolving Wilds + Crucible of Worlds combo every game, and that would let Dingus Egg wreck me as I search my deck for mana. If there was a card that game me life every time a land went into the grave yard....that'd be nice.

July 24, 2012 5:03 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #6

Icefall vs. Pillage is mostly a question of how consistently your creatures die. If they die often, then go with Icefall . Otherwise, you should emulate the vikings and Pillage .

If your opponents suffer more from Dingus Egg than you do, then it would be good for you to run it, but if it disrupts your strategy too much, then you'd be better off with other wincons.

Also, another good card you might want to consider is Roiling Terrain .

July 24, 2012 7:14 p.m.

Danielbz says... #7

@doinitwrong you're totally right about using Pillage rather than Icefall . As for Dingus Egg , I just added 6 cycling lands, so it's now definitely more harmful than helpful.

I took out a bunch of cards such as Fireball , Sowing Salt , Petradon , and Mine Layer , and Plainswalkers in order to have Noxious Revival , Dual Casting , +1 Boomerang , +2 Molten Rain , +2 Pillage and very importantly +4 Shivan Wumpus my end game creature.

I've also updated my description to point out some important combos I've added.

July 25, 2012 8:19 p.m.

doinitwrong says... #8

Actually, cycling puts lands into the grave from your hand. Dingus Egg only triggers when a land hits the grave from the battlefield, so cycling doesn't trigger it.

July 25, 2012 11:39 p.m.

Danielbz says... #9

Okay. I just added 2x Storm Cauldron , which makes my cycling green (as in recycling), so adding a Dingus Egg would be a great addition to this deck..if I could figure out what to cut to make room for it.

July 26, 2012 10:20 p.m.

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