No Lords Goblins

Modern* hellakevin


Fizzery says... #1

September 10, 2014 4:30 p.m.

Fizzery says... #2

I would definitely advise you to put Goblin Chieftain in your deck hasted +1/+1 goblins are never a bad thing and I would replace your Goblin King for Chieftain if you aren't going to be running Blood Moon . That being said 4x Mogg Fanatic mainboard probably isn't a necessity and I think youll find them being a dead card a majority of the time in your deck as is currently.

September 10, 2014 4:39 p.m.

golf4soup says... #3

Hey man, I thought your deck looked extremely interesting when I saw it through Reddit. I made a version of it using the goblins I have to pilot at FNM while I wait on getting the rest of the goblins.

Do you mind taking a look and offering advice? I'm not sure how my replacements (raging gob and gob arsonist) will do in place of Guide and Legion.

Any suggestions or better alternatives until I get those cards would be appreciated, along with an update on how your deck's been going!

June 18, 2015 10:09 a.m.

aburleigh94 says... #4

Where could you fit Piledriver into this list? I am very interested in making this deck now that he's around.

July 6, 2015 11:25 p.m.

hellakevin says... #5

I started a passive list of what I'm playing/testing. my tappedout is kind of fucked since I wrote an article for reddit(its actually very relevant to your question) so I'll just link it for now, and I'll probably update this one once I'm happy with where its at when the meta shakes out.

the black splash is only for the sideboard so just go back to 15 mountains and change the SB if you want to stay mono red.

July 7, 2015 2:50 a.m.

hellakevin says... #6

July 7, 2015 2:53 a.m.

Drakius says... #7

Hi, your goblins are the best goblin tribal that I saw. Thanks to share.By the way, do you considerer use x4 Aether vial I use it and it is great summon two goblins by turn ;)

July 26, 2015 3:54 p.m.

Drakius says... #8

less 1x Forked Bolt less 3x Krenko's Command plus 4x AEther Vial (Very good card adventaje, It cant countered, and I summon two goblins by turn. Also I dont need more than 15 lands. :D

less 4x Mogg Fanatic pluss (4x Goblin Arsonist ) or + (4x Goblin Glory Chaser )

less 3x Vexing Devil , - 1x Forked Bolt pluss 4x Goblin Piledriver

less 4x Foundry Street Denizenpluss 4x Goblin Wardriver

P.D.Let me ask, why you dont use x4 Goblin King, x4 Goblin Chieftain or x3 Goblin Matron ?

also I use x1 Smoldering Spires and x2 Teetering Peaks, what do you think?Thanks for your comments.

July 26, 2015 5:51 p.m.

moos says... #9

Been playtesting this deck live at a couple events and have two more juicy suggestions.

Monastery Swiftspear in place of Vexing Devil may be an adequate swap. I know there's a ton of Vexing Devil haters, and this is a fantastic 1 drop WITH HASTE. She's damage whenever you want it, combo it with burn, and bluff unfavorable prowess blocks. Also out of range of bolt with 2 instants / sorceries or an Atarkas Command.

Demonfire as a spicy one of. Possibly one of the best top decks. A fantastic turn 4+ mana sink to close out the round. Furthermore, the uncounterable with the hellbent feature has stolen me games. Not only that, it EXILES. Voice of Resurgence and Kitchen Finks can kiss my ass!

Would love your opinions,Moose

September 9, 2015 1:52 a.m.

elusivemonty says... #10

I really like the changes you made. This deck is crazy fast, I plan on trying out your build in a few weeks at my local Modern. I was wondering what your thoughts were on splashing black though. When I tried a No-Lords Goblin deck at my last Modern tournament I realized my biggest problem was having no form of removal if I couldn't win by turn 4. I basically took your list but splashed black for things like Terminates and Spike Jesters. If you ever want to check it out, it's on my account. Other than that, great job on getting Goblins out into the Modern world.

September 16, 2015 6:07 p.m.

hellakevin says... #11

moos you could try swiftspear, haste is never bad! you'd probably have to swap out war marshal for dragon fodder. I cut another land recently so I don't think demonfire is right to put in, and pillar of flame is going to be better early and mid game. not gonna lie I used to try to play to beat finks and voice decks, but I realized it's a better idea to just try to dodge it and use the SB spots for other MUs. it's not in a great spot in the meta ATM anyways.

elusivemonty I'm glad you're trying it out and having fun with it. reddit user treachtv, hes also active on the mtgsalvation modern goblins primer, has been doing well with a jund list. so he's probably the one to ask about a black splash. I was playing R/B for a while, but tried the deck with atarka's command and it was just so good! I think R/G or jund are probably going to be better than just a black splash.

September 22, 2015 3:04 p.m.

you aren't running enough lands.

even if you're playing an insanely low curse, you won't be drawing enough to support it at all.

at least run some gix probes to increase consistency

EDIT: ignore that, all my playtests were just incredibly unlucky.

gix probes are still good though.

November 6, 2015 12:57 a.m. Edited.

Aribaba says... #13

How it 17 lands worked, how many time manas was nonlander or 1 land?

And may u give comment my Goblin deck its almost some with u: []

December 2, 2015 4:55 p.m.

Tarzi says... #14

Why no mention of tattermunge? I would play this 2/1 with "downside" over raging goblins i think or at least you should discuss it after som test :)

[tattermunge maniac]

January 1, 2016 6:53 p.m.

hellakevin says... #15

Tarzi I played him forever, and did mention him but spelled it wrong apparently because it didn't link it. without haste he's gonna fight with FSD for being a turn one play, and is basically never going to be better than goblin glory chaser as a 2-power one drop. the strength of my deck is that it's good against a lot of tier-one decks in the format, and maniac makes it worse against a lot of them because he just runs into cards that show up in tier-one decks like goyf, wurmcoil, exarch, and nacatal as well as any 1 power creature that wants to chump before we can develop a board that can go wide or cast removal.

January 2, 2016 3:36 p.m.

rockleemyhero says... #16

Hey! I'm thinking of getting into modern and I came across your goblin list. It's my favorite one that I can find on the internet and is very similar to one that got a top 8 in a SCG tournament a few months ago.

My question to you is, what do you think of the new surge Goblin Bushwhacker in here? Do you think it could replace Raging Goblin or something? Seems to be a lot better than Goblin Chieftain was in this build cuz you can get the buff even if you lose it.

January 5, 2016 11:26 p.m.

hellakevin says... #17

rockleemyhero so I built my deck to never cast a three drop, and the new bushwhacker is, for all intents and purposes, a three drop. it's going to be tough to hit three mana turn three to surge him in my current build, but he certainly looks powerful and probably has a home in a goblins deck in modern. you should check out this discussion on the modern goblins mtgsalvation thread or the goblinsmtg subreddit. consensus is that my no-lords build, or a meta tuned version of it, is the best goblin deck in the format, and a lot of players are playing it and tuning it and will probably find a way to fit him in if he belongs. there will be a lot of testing with the new bushwhacker posted that you can benefit from, and contribute to, to help you out in building and playing the deck.

January 11, 2016 12:05 p.m.

I have always scoffed at goblins just because it has tried and failed to be good over and over, but you look like you are doing it right. I love your list and I love your funny writing style and attitude. Just some questions - is this deck good against affinity? And also, what is the rational of playing this over affinity? I want to play this deck so much and I want it to be competitive, but I can't quite justify it yet. Thank you for sticking out with the deck and trying to break it! I love your efforts and you seem like a great guy.

January 17, 2016 10:38 a.m.

hellakevin says... #19

rice_is_nice1005 first of all thank you so much for saying that you like my writing style. I went to school for creative writing, and it really makes me feel happy inside to get compliments like yours.

this deck is good against affinity. mainboard mogg fanatics kill most of the guys that make affinity troublesome for aggro decks(skirge and overseer), and bolt cleans up the rest. the most trouble I've gotten from affinity is etched champion and ravager on board with a skirge I haven't been able to clean up or blinkmoth, but just one big fatty ravager is pretty easy to race and chump. the additional forked bolts in the side come in and make us even better games 2 and 3, and there's room to load up even more affinity hate if it's a boogy man in your/the tournament meta. while affinity goldfishes a little faster I've found my deck is faster against one or two removal spells because it suffers less from some things being high impact cards while other things are ornithopters. also my personal playstyle is such that I'd never play an aggro deck without a decent burn-out plan. so what I trade in elusiveness, compared to affinity, I make up for in being able to just grenade people out.

January 17, 2016 12:14 p.m.

moos says... #20

hellakevin, still refining the dream. Been playing around with Reckless Bushwhacker and so far it has been worth running x3 only because of Burning Tree Emissary. Going to also test Mutagenic Growth in the deck as a Reckless Bushwhacker enabler that also pushes Goblin Piledriver out of bolt range.

I'd love to hear your opinion on BTE + Reckless. I'll let you know what my findings are after a couple more modern events.

February 23, 2016 5:02 a.m.

JCid says... #21

This deck forces your opponent's hand by applying so much pressure in the attack phase, so... Wouldn't Titan's Strength be good? Because Scry 1 in a deck like this seems good.

March 9, 2016 5:36 p.m.

mtg13579 says... #22

Hey hellakevin,

Great update and rationale. To be honest I have not tried Vexing Devil, but will give this list a spin. I've also recently dropped Mogg War Marshal after playing Goblins for a year (minimizes 2 drops against Spell Snare, etc as well). I look forward to continuing to improve my game and will let you know how this list works for me.

Thanks for the great post!

July 13, 2016 7:50 p.m.

Piledriver? Reckless bushwacker?

July 14, 2016 5:46 a.m.

hellakevin says... #24

mtg13579 thank you so much! I hope the list treats you well.

VanillaBean_MTG I explained piledriver a little on the post I made on reddit as such: The big change I made to the sideboard that I can't go without talking about is the total removal of Goblin Piledriver. Without more lands in my deck Piledriver wasn't speeding me up the way I hoped he would against decks with no removal, and was basically a card I only brought in against merfolk. He wasn't versatile enough so I decided to toss him to fit in the Fireslingers, and just made sure to squeeze in some other things that were decent against merfolk, like lavaman and gruul charm, so I wasn't dead in the water against fish.

he just wasn't doing enough for me. I run atarka's command instead of the reckless bushwhackers for the reasons I mention in the card's description. I think the decks gets way too clunky if you try to play 8-whacks and atarka's command at the same time, and it's kind of one or the other.

July 15, 2016 5:31 p.m.

mtg13579 says... #25

hellakevin - is there something in your 15th sideboard slot?

July 17, 2016 10:17 p.m.

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