No means NO!

Standard* Ogmatic


vila_a23 says... #1

Basically your average U/B control deck. May i suggest adding more lands? As a control player, you are going to want to hit all of your land drops. Consider playing Ghost Quarter as well. Also if you have the budget, Snapcaster Mage would be amazing here. If not then Archeomancer should get the job done as well. Oh and love the description.

July 31, 2012 1:17 p.m.

keeblerz says... #2

I don't think Darkslick Shores is worth running unless you have 4 of them. They are really only good if you have them opening hand or the first two draws.

August 4, 2012 2:42 p.m.

zandl says... #3

Evolving Wilds is unnecessary. In this build, card:Black Sun's Zenith > Mutilate . Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis . -1 Griselbrand , -2 Elixir of Immortality , +1 Think Twice , +2 Dismember .

August 23, 2012 11:05 a.m.

Ogmatic says... #4

This is built off cards I own IRL, in which I do not have black sun's but do have mutilates... I have a grave titan so he is going in, dismember is in the board now, and -1 elixir for a think twice.

August 23, 2012 11:10 a.m.

zandl says... #5

card:Black Sun's Zeniths are only about $2, though, and are much better than Mutilate , which requires you to simply be lucky if you want to kill anything bigger than 2.

August 23, 2012 11:23 a.m.

jurgiano says... #6

Love the description! lol Clever idea for a deck. Looks pretty fun. +1

August 23, 2012 11:28 a.m.

strateupjee says... #7

I'd say Snapcaster Mage all day long as well as more control, moving Dissipate to MB as well as tossing in either Essence Scatter s or Negate s :)

August 25, 2012 3:03 a.m.

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