No mr. Bond, I expect you to populate

Modern Aefinn


beastmanbrett says... #1

Oh man I want everything in this deck hahaha I actually have a few of these cards so they're definitely going in my current token deck

July 23, 2014 3:23 a.m.

Aefinn says... #2

@beastmanbrett haha, thanks. I like this deck probably the most out of all my decks. The only problem with selesnya token decks is that there are still other awesome cards I would like to add but there just isn't anything I would like to take out either :D But I think I have found a pretty good balance in this one :)

July 23, 2014 5:29 a.m.

Raishen717 says... #3

Hmm Doubling Season ? Double the tokens and your planeswalkers enter with double loyalty.

Rhys the Redeemed That ability....just wow haha

Avenger of Zendikar This guy is pretty fun

Just some crazy cards that I've had played on me. I definitely like the deck. I've never been a fan of so many singles haha, but if it works for you then that's great! :D

July 24, 2014 11:13 a.m.

Aefinn says... #4

Thanks for the suggestions Raishen717!

Doubling Season is nice, but tokens are more important than counter in this deck. That in mind, Parallel Lives does the same trick with cheaper manacost. Also, Doubling Season is quite an expensive card to get.

Yeah, the second ability of Rhys the Redeemed is amazing :D Expensive manawise, but amazing. That one too is pretty expensive and that's why she has only been in my "want to buy" list :)

Avenger of Zendikar has the same problem that all of these suggestions does: manacosts are way too high. In most times the game has already ended when you could put this to play.

July 24, 2014 11:25 a.m.

Aefinn says... #5

Well, it really started to bug me so I went and bought Rhys the Redeemed and when it comes, it will replace Parallel Evolution . So thanks again, Raishen717!

July 25, 2014 3:17 a.m.

beastmanbrett says... #6

i would suggest putting in the Grove of the Guardian or at least 1 of them. It's saved my ass on a couple occasions when I needed a big token in case my oppent had been whipping out smaller ones

July 25, 2014 5:30 a.m.

Raishen717 says... #7

Luutamo Yea his ability is a bit steep, but 6 mana for a potential win-com...yea that's not too bad xD However, if you're ever playing something with removal they will likely want to kill him as soon as possible, but the plus side is that he is only a 1 mana investment with a potentially huge payoff if they don't get rid of him. Anyway, I hope the deck continues to work well for you!

July 25, 2014 8:16 a.m.

Aefinn says... #8

That is actually a very good point. The loss isn't big.

which made me think that it is kind of unfortunate that Kazandu Tuskcaller stays as 1/1 even after levelin her up. That in mind, I might not want to level her up more than ones (and only more if there isn't anythin else to use the mana).

July 25, 2014 8:26 a.m.

Raishen717 says... #9

Well idk if you knew this or not, but Kazandu Tuskcaller actually starts as a lv 0. They levels are all based on the number of 'level counters', and since they enter with 0 you would actually have to spend 4 mana before you could start making the elephants. I would personally take it out, but that's my preference.

July 25, 2014 8:30 a.m.

Aefinn says... #11

Hmm. It's like that. Then we have played those level up creatures incorrectly on our casual games so far. Good to know. I think I'll keep it for couple of test games and see is it worth it.

July 25, 2014 10:36 a.m.

This deck reminds me of my old Selesnya standard deck. Ah, old memories. Gotta love Selesnya :)

I suggest moving Sundering Growth to sideboard, as well as possibly one or two of your mainboarded copies of Druid's Deliverance , though I'm not sure what your meta is like, so maybe they work out well for you in mainboard. If you do go the sideboard route, Rootborn Defenses is a good addition. Another nice sideboard tech is Eyes of the Wisent .

From my experiences, I'd definitely run at least two of Grove of the Guardian , though of course my original deck was standard, not sure how much work it would do in modern. I feel like, in this deck, they would still fit in nicely. I suggest replacing Slime Molding with Wurmcalling and/or Gelatinous Genesis . Both are fun, relatively budget cards. Also, since your deck (most of the time) will have more tokens out than actual creatures, I think it might be safe to put in a third Intangible Virtue .

Love this deck, and I wish you the best of luck with it! :D

July 26, 2014 1:32 p.m.

Aefinn says... #13

Thanks for commenting and suggesting, MrBrightsideX11!

For some reason we have never played with sideboards. Main reason being, we have the same casual gamer group so as you already though correctly, meta playing has already been though in cards that aren't on sideboard. Eyes of the Wisent could definitely be an addition though. That was completely new card for me so thanks!

Wurmcalling is obviously just better version of Slime Molding . I might look into that too. Though, I'm not sure if there would be a situation when you would pay the buyback instead of adding those 3 manas to the spell itself. I actually already own Gelatinous Genesis but because of the XX manacost and the fact that there isn't any manaramp in this deck I think that it wouldn't work so well. For third Intangible Virtue there just isn't any room.

July 26, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Aefinn says... #14

This weekend I had a chance to test these changes in action and Grove of the Guardian proved to be a very very good choise for addition. At the moment I'm really happy how this deck has turned around. I'm still open to suggestions though. Thanks for everyone who has contributed so far!

August 4, 2014 10:42 a.m.

HydraOoze says... #15

Very cool deck, one suggestion I have is to replace Elspeth Tirel with Elspeth, Knight-Errant or Elspeth, Sun's Champion since there both a lot better for tokens. Hope this helps +1

August 4, 2014 10:57 a.m.

Aefinn says... #16

@HydraOoze, I have to disagree on that one. Tirel has the most op last skill for this deck. Also, 1/1 tokens are kind of redundant with this deck build. But thanks for the suggestion still.

Also *they're

August 4, 2014 11:20 a.m.

JRaynor says... #17

Wow, I'm so happy I found this deck! +1! Selesnya populate is my absolute favorite deck to play, and I love seeing a more modern approach to the build. I can't believe I never saw Elspeth Tirel before! I'm going to have to buy one next week at Gen con for sure.

Okay suggestions though,

Replace all 3 Wake the Reflections with 3 Selesnya Charm . I see it there in your maybeboard and while it can't populate it can create a token and more importantly it doubles as removal for some of the big threats you might run into.

Other good removal to consider: Path to Exile , Swords to Plowshares , or even less pricey Oblivion Ring and Banishing Light cards will go a loooong way in just paving your path to victory.

I have a couple of Populate decks listed on my profile if you want to take a look and give any feedback as well. I would really value insight from another player who likes to play this style.

August 11, 2014 4:23 p.m.

Aefinn says... #18

Thanks for commenting and liking, jraynor! :)

for the suggestions: With this deck build Wake the Reflections is far superior to Selesnya Charm . There is already many ways to get bir creature tokens and with those you can multiply them with very small mana costs. 2/2 knight token is kind of lame when you can make 5/5 trample wurm with lower manacost.

Also, this deck build works pretty fast so there is no real reaso nto have that much removal. More than that, all the opponents have had hard time keeping up with all the tokens this deck produces in no time so if anything, they need to use their manapool to remove my tokens instead of casting their own creatures. Those are valid suggestions though, so I'll keep this in mind if things change in the future.

August 12, 2014 8:42 a.m.

JRaynor says... #19

Wow maybe I've just got it all wrong then... I'll have to try a version your way.

August 12, 2014 9:56 a.m.

DatJunkPlayer says... #20

Hero of Bladehold seems significantly better than Brimaz, King of Oreskos

September 7, 2014 4:44 a.m.

Aefinn says... #21

DatMidrangePlayer, in some way you might be correct. In my mind they are both pretty much equal in "goodness". Only major difference beign: I already own Brimaz, King of Oreskos :) I think I might try getting one Hero of Bladehold more and then move Brimaz, King of Oreskos to Master and Commander (it already has Hero of Bladehold ). Thanks for suggesting!

September 7, 2014 4:51 a.m.

alexoak says... #22

Im trying to craft a populate deck as well, but I've thrown in a small bit of black mana for Lingering Souls and Bloodline Keeper  Flip . Have you thought about Rootborn Defenses ?

September 7, 2014 4:48 p.m.

Aefinn says... #23

alexoak, yes. I run this deck previously with couple of Rootborn Defenses . 95% of the time I went and used it only to populate. I personally don't like to have a "small bit of" any color. It has to be pretty even or not at all. Most of the time you can't play those cards making them useless.

September 8, 2014 3:16 a.m.

doriboncore says... #24

Great deck, thank you for your input on my Token Centaur Green/White Deck

September 30, 2014 11:26 a.m.

Xavier4238 says... #25

so I know it's quite mana-expensive, but Mirari's Wake can pretty much finish a game once it gets out ...

December 19, 2014 4:44 a.m.

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