No One Likes You

Modern GriffinRider


evil_monkey says... #1

This deck is slow to take off, but (tested in a vacuum), once you do get a creature out, it pumps to epic proportions. Homicidal Seclusion is surprisingly good in this deck. The life gain is essential for stalling, especially after taking some early game hits, and the P/T boosting allows you to gain a LOT of life. The only thing I would possibly do is mess with your numbers a little to make some room for some removal. Maybe, Bone Splinters to sac your demons from Demonic Rising to make them useful before they get sacked to Demonic Taskmaster ?

-1 Killing Wave , -1 Demonic Rising , -1 Ring of Evos Isle for +3 Bone Splinters

Hope that was helpful and good luck with your deck!

November 2, 2012 11:52 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #2

Yeah I wasn't too sure about the Rings. They were more there to take up space.

-2 Ring of Evos Isle , -2 Ring of Xathrid

+2 Murder , +2 Bone Splinters

I want to keep Demonic Rising because it's great with Demonic Taskmaster and also because I already have a full playset of them. Killing Wave is also great with this deck so I'll keep the full playset of them as well.

Thanks for commenting.

November 3, 2012 2:43 a.m.

BLEATH says... #3

Maybe throwing in some Tragic Slip s or Morkrut Banshee s might not be a bad idea. Because think about it, every upkeep, (yours, of course) you're almost guaranteed to trigger morbid. As such, try looking into more of the Innistrad set...Also, maybe splashing some green...just an idea...

November 3, 2012 2:51 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #4

Tragic Slip is a great idea. I'm going to steer away from non - loner creatures though, so no Morkrut Banshee .

What would I splash green for? I don't know of any green loner cards.

November 3, 2012 2:53 a.m.

BLEATH says... #5

It's just to pop and utilize the morbid ability. Like, Hunger of the Howlpack , maybe. There's Woodland Sleuth and I particularly like Caravan Vigil in this deck. Okay, so maybe there isn't enough to splash green. Just throwin ideas around.

November 3, 2012 3 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #6

Okay so I just took out 2 card:Predator's Gambit for 2 Mask of Avacyn . I thought my loners would die too quickly, and the +2 toughness and hexproof Mask of Avacyn provides makes it the perfect candidate.

I'm thinking of adding Ghostform or Artful Dodge in, to have guaranteed unblockability, whilst card:Predator's Gambit only gives me intimidate.


November 25, 2012 11:08 p.m.

Slycne says... #7

Well Artful Dodge is certainly the better fit between the two for what your deck plans to do, but it's probably not worth the cards here. Well over half of your creatures already have evasion with flying and you're running cards to try and give intimidate. So I don't think you need the extra evasion to try and punch damage through.

Since you're already running a little heavy, I would swap out Murder for Ultimate Price , and maybe keep the Murder in the sideboard if you see an unusually large number of multi-colored.

November 26, 2012 1:12 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #8

Thanks that was a great idea, especially because I already had the Ultimate Price s.

I'll take your advice about the Artful Dodge , I didn't really think I needed it either.

I'll keep Murder in mind for when I make a sideboard.

Thanks a bunch.

November 26, 2012 1:19 a.m.

MR H3AT says... #9

Havengul Skaab seems to be very much lacking in this deck. It is slow, not very strong, and just plain ugly. I would suggest removing him and adding a few spells like Negate , Essence Scatter , or Dispel , artifacts like card:Runechanter's Pike, or maybe a different creature like Desecration Demon . Murder might also help you out more than Havengul Skaab .

November 26, 2012 2:46 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #10

Yeah, I might take them out for 2 more card:Predator's Gambit. Or maybe a counterspell. What do you think?

November 26, 2012 2:50 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #11

I've made a decision. I'll take out the Havengul Skaab s for Daggerdrome Imp s. This is for 2 reasons.

  1. I need something for the early game, the soonest I can get something out is turn 3.
  2. The lifelink is necessary for maintaining health until I can get out Homicidal Seclusion .

It can also be easily removed from the battlefield with Peel from Reality , or Demonic Taskmaster s ability.

November 26, 2012 3:26 a.m.

wreckedd says... #12

Mark of the Vampire would surely be quicker than Homicidal Seclusion and won't have the same prerequisite.

November 26, 2012 4:32 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #13

hmm... good idea. I'll make some changes now.

November 26, 2012 4:36 a.m.

Demarge says... #14

unlike Homicidal Seclusion Mark of the Vampire can only work on a single creature and it opens him up to being 2 for 1'd.

November 26, 2012 3:45 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #15

howabout Barter in Blood ? deals with threats early enough... I'd suggest some digestible golgari creatures like Sewer Shambler and Slitherhead for early blockers. they can help buy you time before bringing a beating to them and you won't mind so much when they go to the grave cause they'll be coming back one way or another...

maybe a few death-trigger creatures like Black Cat and Drainpipe Vermin will suffice for early drops and chump blockers

November 29, 2012 2:18 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #16

@Demarge: That's why I kept both.

@gheridarigaaz: I might give those a miss. I have Daggerdrome Imp for early game chump blockers. And as for the golgari creatures, they will be taking out cmc spots for when I'd normally cast Demonic Taskmaster or Fettergeist .

Thanks though.

November 29, 2012 2:34 a.m.

Thomaster22 says... #17

i have blue black loner deck and i feel like there might be better creatures you could use. there is for example vampire nighthawk 3 drop 2/3 with flying life link and deathtouch bossted with homicidal seclusion or any other loner ramp is a hard hitter also one or two Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis couldnt hurt for late game. instead of using creatures who remove our other creature maybe use things like bone splinter to remove yours and theirs or barter in blood for opponents with higher number creatures.

December 9, 2012 2:39 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #18

Okay, I'm thinking

-2 Cancel , -2 Unsummon for

+2 Vampire Nighthawk , +2 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis


December 9, 2012 3:13 a.m.

sWeeperGST says... #19

Cathedral of War doesnt go well in this deck?

December 9, 2012 10:32 a.m.

sWeeperGST says... #20

i personally dont like Mask of Avacyn . well, its an equipment, the opponent can kill the creature before you have a chance to equip it. Dissipate is way better than Cancel .

December 9, 2012 10:44 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #21

@sWeeperGST: Cathedral of War would be great in this deck. Thanks, I completely forgot.

I really do like Mask of Avacyn ; it's cheap and gives hexproof. The last thing I want is all my loners dying.

Now, about Cancel , here's what I am (now) thinking:

-2 Cancel , -2 Daggerdrome Imp , -2 Unsummon for

+2 Dissipate , +2 Vampire Nighthawk , +2 Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis .


December 9, 2012 7:35 p.m.

sWeeperGST says... #22

Cool thing with the nighthaks and dissipates.I prefer Reaper from the Abyss over nefarox. Think: they block and lose 1 creature, and at the end of turn, lose another at your choice. I think that's nice to play, as i'm a lover of long games.

December 9, 2012 8:06 p.m.

smash10101 says... #23

Have you thought about more exalted creatures? I don't really know much about this sort of deck, but I feel like that's the whole point of it. Cheap beaters with evasion are probably your best bet in this deck. Knight of Infamy would certainly be fun against white, but there really isn't much in the way of exalted that would work here. I look for some nice beaters that come in early

December 17, 2012 3:23 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #24

I have Cathedral of War in there...

But no, Exalted creatures is a good suggestion. I never really liked Vampire Nighthawk so I might cut him out for something with exalted.

I'm left with 4 options:

  1. Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis . As I've already said, I find him a bit too slow. For 6 mana I get (effectively) a 6/6 flier with annihilator. By the time I cast him, I should already be well on my way to winning.

  2. Servant of Nefarox . She is a 3 drop for a 3/1, which already makes me a bit hesitant. Furthermore, as a 3 drop, she wastes a turn when I could be casting Demonic Taskmaster or Fettergeist .

  3. Duty-Bound Dead . I think this is the one. He's a 1 drop that can swing for 1 on turn 2. On it's own, that's average. However, having 1 more toughness than most other creatures with exalted and regenerate means it's a lot more durable.

  4. Knight of Infamy . Good against white, but against anything else I'd rather have a Duty-Bound Dead . He can get sideboarded.

Thanks to smash10101.

December 17, 2012 4:23 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #25

first things first cant see the use of Bone Splinters in this type of deck yet it kill opposing creatures but it cost me one also and with the amount of creatures doubt it has much value, i know you have Demonic Rising but even so if you have taskmaster out its more of a letdown. if it only were instant speed...

Mask of Avacyn you chose this one for the +1/+2 buff? if not try Ring of Evos Isle it give hexproof on command but it makes blue creatures stronger on the turn.

and finaly my decks. ive have 3 in total 1 pre-rotation, 1 U/B and 1 grixis version.


Home alone U/B(doesnt feel right to me :( am hopeing on some good card in gatecrash)

deck:home-alone-grixis-version(till gatecrash)

December 25, 2012 6:10 p.m.

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