No One Likes You

Modern GriffinRider


GriffinRider says... #1

I would normally agree with you about Bone Splinters , but it has saved me an innumerable amount of times by feeding it things like Daggerdrome Imp , Duty-Bound Dead and Demon Tokens.

I'll take your advice on Mask of Avacyn and Ring of Evos Isle , it never occurred to me before.

Thanks for commenting.

December 25, 2012 8:45 p.m.

smash10101 says... #2

the ring is kind of sucky, especially since you'll want it on a demon, not a blue guy most of the time. I'd stick with the mask unless you find yourself using it on Fettergeist all the time

December 25, 2012 9:21 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #3

Hmm.. You are correct. Especially because you need to pay for hexproof. I'll change it back.

December 26, 2012 1:02 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #4

-1 Fettergeist for +1 Demonic Taskmaster . Thoughts?

December 30, 2012 5:33 p.m.

AirlockFart says... #5

I like the Trollery, but oof! the card quantity is scary bad. Lemme 'splain something to you.

4 Ofs

You should have 4 of a card if...

-It's absolutely necessary to the plan

-It gets better with more of them

-They're good at any time in the game

-You wouldn't mind having 3 of them in your hand at once

3 Ofs

You should only have 3 of a card if...

-Getting only one is enough

-They contribute to the plan but aren't a necessity

-They work well with the 4 Ofs

2 Ofs

2 is a quantity that should mostly be avoided, seeing as how you can never reliably draw one when you'll need it because it's outnumbered by all the other cards (statistics bro). But you can still have 2 Ofs if...

-The card in question is so similar to a 3 Of or 4 Of that it's basically the same thing (Clinging Mists + Fog )

1 Ofs (Sometimes called Loxodon Warhammer s)

You should only have 1 of a card if...

-It follows the 2 Of rule

-It would rarely work or come in handy, but can be a table-turner if it does

You can trust this info because I got from the Wizards website (the guy always talking about adding more lands wrote the article). I'd post a link but I can't find it again. With this in mind you can reconstruct your deck like a proper gent!! Huff fluff fluff fluff.

December 31, 2012 12:28 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #6

-2 Mark of the Vampire , -3 Crippling Chill , -2 Daggerdrome Imp , -1 Demonic Taskmaster .


Mark of the Vampire is unnecessary compared to Homicidal Seclusion . Crippling Chill is unnecessary with Blustersquall . Daggerdrome Imp wasn't coming up consistently enough and also was too mana intensive. I want mainly 1-drops and loner creatures. 4 Demonic Taskmaster was too much. I always had too many in hand when I could have other stuff.

+1 Duty-Bound Dead , +1 Killing Wave , +2 Blustersquall , +2 Mask of Avacyn , +2 card:Predator's Gambit.


Duty-Bound Dead is amazing, it has exalted, can knock points of enemy life and can regenerate. I also need more creatures after axing the imps. Killing Wave has saved me thousands of times, so I figure another one couldn't hurt. If it doesn't work out Duty-Bound Dead can take it's place. Blustersquall trumps Crippling Chill in nearly every way, so I figure I should put some more in. Mask of Avacyn is really good, as it gives me hexproof. I don't want my expensive loner creatures to fall to a simple Murder . Finally, I'm always happy to have card:Predator's Gambit in my hand.

Thanks AirlockFart.

December 31, 2012 12:55 a.m.

AirlockFart says... #7

No problem bro.

January 1, 2013 10:13 p.m.

Facecheck says... #8

Some tips:

  • I think you can run more than 2 Ultimate Price ;
  • Launch Party is good either, because, if someone would remove ur alone-creature, you can finish it and remove a creature from your opponent AND shock him;
  • Disciple of Bolas can be a broken card if used with Demonic Taskmaster , 3 mana tasmaster, 4 mana, draw 4 and gain 4 life. Even Fettergeist can be good with Disciple too;
  • You can fill your sideboard with Undying Evil , because Mask of Avacyn is kinda heavy to cast against hard controls or BR removals. You can keep the Mask, but not 4;
SO, my suggestion is:


4x Demonic Taskmaster

4x Fettergeist

4x Lone Revenant

3x Disciple of Bolas


3x Ultimate Price

1x Launch Party

1x Tragic Slip

2x Blustersquall

2x Unsummon

1x Think Twice


2x Barter in Blood

1x Sleep

1x Sign in Blood

2x Killing Wave


2x Demonic Rising

3x Homicidal Seclusion

4x card:Predator's Gambit

LANDS [23 of your choise to complete your mana curve]

January 4, 2013 1:12 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #9


You've only allowed room for 21 lands in there. From that, here's what i'm thinking.

-1 Think Twice , -1 Sleep , -2 Unsummon , -1 Launch Party , -1 Tragic Slip , -2 Barter in Blood


+3 Land, +2 Cyclonic Rift , +2 Hands of Binding , +1 Sign in Blood

Sorry about not posting this earlier. I didn't see your post until just now.

January 16, 2013 8:25 p.m.

GriffinRider says... #10

Oh and -2 card:Predator's Gambit for +2 Mask of Avacyn .

January 16, 2013 8:27 p.m.

Eskimole says... #11

Salt Marsh isn't Standard. Try Watery Grave instead.

February 3, 2013 5:30 a.m.

GriffinRider says... #12

Oh sorry, yeah I accidentally deleted the bit in the description that said that was a stand in until I got watery grave. Now that I do own 2, I'll swap them over.

Thanks though.

February 3, 2013 5:46 a.m.

Felixlives says... #13

mask of avacyn is garbage try Swiftfoot Boots instead

July 13, 2017 6:46 p.m.

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