Turn 3 kill with no rares! [Retired]
SCORE: 223 | 125 COMMENTS | 22465 VIEWS | IN 162 FOLDERS
Ezra-Andersen says... #3
I appreciate decks that can beat up $300-$400 decks, especially when they go without rares. My one concern is how it does with only 11 creatures. Do you consistently see at least one creature that you need, maybe two?
February 7, 2015 9:35 a.m.
I usually get two creatures by turn 4. Against the more removal-heavy decks, I just board in Akroan Crusader for Rouse the Mob and go to town! And as long as you aren't afraid to mulligan, you will usually get a creature...
February 7, 2015 10:06 a.m.
Is Stoke the Flames too expensive both casting cost wise and price wise for this deck?
February 7, 2015 10:55 a.m.
Stoke the Flames is (believe it or not), too slow. I rarely want to be doing anything with my creatures other than attacking, and it's largest upside is from the fact that you can use creatures to cast it. Plus, 4 damage on turn 4 isn't a good rate for this deck, since we can kill turn 3.
February 7, 2015 10:59 a.m.
That was always my concern about Stoke the Flames. For a fast red deck unless you go late game (and by late game I mean turn 6) it is too slow. I actually like the deck without them. I was just curious if the lack of them was due to the speed of the card or to keep the deck on a budget. The card is around $5 each.
February 7, 2015 11:01 a.m.
You're right Dragon Mantle isn't a good card. I think Hammerhand is much better.
February 7, 2015 11:03 a.m.
thecrafter703 says... #12
This deck seems great! might play at next fnm or on untap! +1
February 7, 2015 11:21 a.m.
After a bunch of playtesting, either tappedout's shuffler is rigged, or this deck is just wildly inconsistent. In 10 games, I never got a 7 card hand I could keep, usually not even finding anything remotely playable until I was down to 4, which was still bad obviously.
All of the problems came down to 1 of 3 things:
No creatures
No Lands
Wrong Lands
I think as neat as it is to have a potential 3 turn win with things like boon of erebos, the lack of consistency from having black in your mana base is too detrimental. I understand this is a budget deck and these suggestions break the budget and gimmick, but Mana Confluence and Bloodstained Mire would be extremely useful, since your life total's irrelivant. Otherwise, I wouldn't even play black.
Congrats on your 3-0 at FNM though.
February 7, 2015 11:31 a.m.
Hmmm... I understand your concerns, but I only had one game where I had significant mana problems... I'll playtest some more until I get the lands worked out. I'm keeping this budget for my friend, who I'm trying to convince to get back into standard ATM... Maybe Evolving Wilds? I'm fine with having a tapped land on turn 2... The black is important, as it protects from removal. Any ideas on red anti-removal cards?
I ran some playtesting, and out of 10 games, the keepable hands were:
- Opening Hand - 4
- Mull to 6 - 5
- Mull to 5 - 1 (actually a relatively OK hand for five cards.)
- Mull below 4 - 0
One thing to remember is that if you can cast your turn 1 creature with the lands you have, then it's usually keepable.
February 7, 2015 11:53 a.m.
If you play tap lands such as Evolving Wilds, you might as well run Bloodfell Caves instead, since it gets both your colors.
Problem with Boon of Erebos as protection from removal is that you're typically just using it to push through more damage, and not holding up a black on your opponents turn for it anyway.
Bile Blight and Drown in Sorrow will kill your stuff through regenerate anyway, and bile blight is the early removal that you have to watch out for, being hyper aggressive. Maybe it would just be better as red/white to give you your pick of Gods Willing/ Feat of Resistance, Ajani's Presence Valorous Stance etcetera. Also Defiant Strike, Mortal's Ardor, Seeker of the Way, and other goodies. At that point you're really getting into a different deck, but you'd be trading a tiny bit of speed for consistency/ protection I think. Also of note, you'd be sticking to your no rares budget limitation.
February 7, 2015 12:39 p.m.
roboboy9000 This is standard, so nope!
Apart from Gods Willing, all that removal dies to Bile Blight too. I've been debating going white instead... I'll test for a while and see how it does.
February 7, 2015 3:19 p.m.
drewmighty says... #19
hmm, I run red blue ago. It is slightly slower but is fast and can go to the lategadme. I like your deck and will give it a try. I play purely ago strategies. I have a lot of non budget cards so I will add fixing and such and test this out next fn. for y'all. also I feel that perhaps akroan MD might be good. also looking at other cards to add.
February 7, 2015 4:19 p.m.
drewmighty just to clarify, I don't have the budget problem... it's my friends XD, and thanks for the comment!
February 7, 2015 4:25 p.m.
drewmighty says... #21
if you want better protection as said perhaps another color is best. But what about green instead of white? Ranger's Guile is pretty good at keeping your stuff alive. Also green gives you Become Immense. I have blown people out with a green red deck so many times. Become Immense+Temur Battle Rage on a swiftspear is 18 damage w/ trample. I have cast Become Immense on turn 3 before because of fetches. Also I have had 0 things on board and then gone Monastery Swiftspear attack, Become Immense+Temur Battle Rage for some fun blowouts from behind. White does indeed slow you down, but it does add Defiant Strike. If you go white though I have a feeling the heroic route would be best.
February 7, 2015 4:29 p.m.
It is competitive. I won an FNM with it. It is budget. It has NO RARES. Competitive doesn't mean it's the best it can be. It means it's capable of winning an FNM. I agree that the performance would be much better if I put in the aforementioned lands, but then it wouldn't be budget. I have satisfied both budget and competitive in this deck. 115 dollars is not budget. For a kid to earn 115 dollars, he'd have to do a LOT of babysitting/mowing lawns/whatever. I want this to be capable of winning, while not breaking a 12 year old's bank. It does that.
I'm sorry if I'm being a d***, (I know I am.), but stating that competitive must 'compete at the highest level of play and do well' is a false statement. If you assume that to be true, 99% of all decks on T/O that are marked as 'competitive' aren't. Also, that would make NO decks but abzan midrange, jeskai tokens (and variants), temur aggro and mardu 'competitive'.
Telling a budget deck to QUADRUPLE it's price over the occasional mana problem tells me that either:
- You have no clue what the word budget means.
- Or you care about nothing except winning.
Either way, I'd prefer you stop hating on my deck. Just because you can afford 100 dollars worth of lands doesn't mean others can.
@drewmighty: I like the idea of splashing green! I'll run some playtesting online with it and see how consistent it is!
Sorry for the hate comment. I will remove it.
February 7, 2015 5:20 p.m.
Really enjoy this deck! I'll have to try it out for myself. I don't know of other 1 drop replacements for Boom of Erebos and Molten Snakeskin but I can see this deck swapping black for another color, although I personally like your take on this aggro strategy. Plus 1 for the Turn 3 Madness itself :)
z2ontzv says... #1
Wow, nice!
February 7, 2015 9:06 a.m.