Turn 3 kill with no rares! [Retired]

Standard rorofat

SCORE: 223 | 125 COMMENTS | 22465 VIEWS | IN 162 FOLDERS

gabethatguy says... #1

Got turn 2 kill on playtester

February 13, 2015 8:50 p.m.

gabethatguy says... #2

You need... pain lands! Fetches also help

February 14, 2015 7:53 a.m.

rorofat says... #3

The pain land in r/b is sadly not legal.. I agree that the lands are TERRIBLE, but there aren't many budget solutions to that... I took an upgraded version (with fetches) to Fnm last night too, and I went 2-1...

February 14, 2015 8:38 a.m.

gabethatguy says... #4

Oh yea forgot br painland isnt legal

February 14, 2015 8:52 a.m.

Cepsys says... #5

Have you thought about Dragon Mantle instead of one your burn spells? It could lower your curve if you take out Lightning Strike for it and it would increase the amount of heroic triggers in the deck. And the draw will be really helpful since you are running so few lands. Also 4 Bloodfell Caves are very budget and could help with mana consistency. But overall I really like it. +1 from me.

February 14, 2015 11:35 p.m.

rorofat says... #6

Dragon Mantle has been very underwhelming. I had it in here originally, but I took it out for Hammerhand. I'm not sure about the caves yet...

February 15, 2015 1:13 p.m.

laterdays17 says... #7

This deck is incredibly quick. Took down an abzan midrange 5 or less turns 3 times. +1

February 15, 2015 9:15 p.m.


I have a deck similar called Heroic Punishment (Budget) that you may appreciate. Consider Fall of the Hammer for spot removal as it works great with midrange. You have the right idea... You just need more aggro. I'm also running Agent of the Fates which infuriates most. Don't forget Evolving Wilds if you're on the cheap. If you're going midrange, also consider Ordeal of Erebos and even Brain Maggot as ways to choke your opponent's hand advantage. Good luck. I'm in the Rakdos Boat too. Upvote.

February 16, 2015 12:33 a.m.

rorofat says... #9

Thanks for the suggestions! Fall of the Hammer might deserve a sideboard slot, but probably not maindecked, as it is a 'reactive' card, and I'm looking for my maindeck to be entirely 'proactive' ... I've put Agent of the Fates in the SB, as it is relatively slow for this deck... Evolving Wilds is a great budget alternative, but for some reason, I haven't had mana troubles yet, so until that happens, I'm going to leave the land base as it is. Ordeal of Erebos is still slow. If I cast it on turn 2 instead of 2 pumps, that's a HUGE tempo loss... Brain Maggot just seems easy to remove... So no to said maggot... Thanks for the upvote and suggestions!

February 16, 2015 10:13 a.m.

Isntitizzet says... #10

honestly though, if you're against mardu midrange, post board would get really nasty for you with magma spray and anger of the gods. Not to mention the fact that they already play chained to the rocks and lightning strike in the main. If all that guy had were creatures, he wasn't true midrange. There is a place for an aggro deck right now, but I don't think black does a whole lot for you here. Why not just play Boros so that Favored Hoplite can be in the mix?

Then you could take out molting snakeskin for Defiant Strike, which helps a lot in boros heroic. Odds are, you won't typically get to a point where the regen ability of the snakeskin is relevant. If you're trying to take this into the mid-late game against most meta decks right now, the odds of you losing increase anyway. There are way too many good exile spells (Chained to the Rocks, Abzan Charm, even Banishing Light and Utter End running around as well as Crackling Doom so regeneration isn't nearly as good as it seems. You'd be better off going with Gods Willing instead of boon of erebos, as the tempo swing of you countering a Hero's Downfall or any of the spells I just mentioned with that is huge and you'd probably just win on the spot.

In addition, you can play mana confluence and battlefield forge if money allows, and both are excellent mana fixers in aggro, so mana will never be an issue.

Just some food for thought, from someone with experience in Boros Heroic and Big Mardu Midrange.

February 16, 2015 11:07 a.m.

Luminosity says... #11

This deck is incredibly vulnerable to any of the red white or black board wipes. How do you intend to strategies against them? I can see this deck being an 'eggs in one basket' type which has 9/10 will not work in any competitive arena. With the likes of Thoughtseize Despise early game information and discard will also destroy this deck.

February 16, 2015 4:57 p.m.

DaigarStrasis says... #12

I took this deck to gameday (hope you don't mind haha) also took my U/B control for the 2nd event. This deck here, if you don't win by 3 or 4, you lose.......everytime. My opening hands were extremely shotty, only once did I get a decent hand to start with. Mulligan to 5 most games. Another person there ran one similar to this, he had a little better luck until he was caught with cards in his lap lol. Idk man, to each their own I suppose. If it works for you, then that is awesome.

February 16, 2015 5:03 p.m.

Luminosity says... #13

My personal opinion is that if you're going to play a deck that one shots players with insane stacked triggers/buffs you HAVE to be able to protect them or at least stabilise after a set back. Which this deck will not do. I appreciate it's a budget deck but I'm my honest opinion splashing out for indestructible buffs or even hex proof will assist you greatly in protecting your win con.

February 16, 2015 5:05 p.m.

Luminosity says... #14

As I said the only way this deck will ever win is that your opponent is new to the game and for some unknown reason keeps the worst hand known to man or has no removal whatsoever in his deck.....

February 16, 2015 5:07 p.m.

The best type of deck is one I can make without having to buy any extra cards, +1!

Also, have you thought about side-boarding Murderous Cut for removal? Since the deck runs on instant spells, getting the delving out quickly for a one mana cost removal is a great idea for tougher creatures that can't be taken down with buff creatures, as it'll help out for late games.

February 16, 2015 5:10 p.m.

rorofat says... #16

@Isntitizzet: The regen ability is relevant a LOT of the times I cast it. And the pump effect on both the boon and the snakeskin isn't something to be disregarded. I've been testing with white, and it honestly doesn't have as high a win ratio. Currently, green is the best splash color I've tested.

Luminosity For board wipes, I just regenerate off Boon of Erebos or Molting Snakeskin.

I'm not some crack shot with no clue how to build a deck. I know it's inconsistent. But it's fast. Crazy fast. If you guys aren't having luck. It's NOT THE DECK's FAULT. The deck has worked for me so far, and until it fails to preform, I will NOT be switching to other colors or adding/removing anything.

That was offensive, and I'm sorry for it. But the amount of 'switch to another color' comments that I've gotten is OUTRAGEOUS. Sorry.

February 16, 2015 6:08 p.m.

Isntitizzet says... #17

Alright dude to each his own. And if the mana isn't consistent, it actually really is the deck's fault because its budget. If you can afford the mana confluence and fetches the deck shouldn't have mana difficulties that often. But with all basics its russian roulette.

February 16, 2015 9:14 p.m.

rorofat says... #18

Agreed XD

February 16, 2015 9:17 p.m.

goofyskin says... #19

I'm typically play red/black and I must say this definitely better than any deck that I've built thus far and it don't have any rares which makes it just incredible. Congrats.

February 16, 2015 11:12 p.m.

Luminosity says... #20

I appreciate what your saying. Don't get me wrong I'm sure this deck will win some budget players a bunch of much needed boosters locally to plug the gaps with those critical rares :)

February 17, 2015 10:32 a.m.

DuckVoyager says... #21

Have you considered swapping in 2 Coordinated Assault for 2 Temur Battle Rage? It would work well triggering multiple heroics.

February 17, 2015 11:44 a.m.

rorofat says... #22

Thanks, Luminosity.

DuckVoyager: Having multiple heroic guys out is a worst-case scenario. I feel like Coordinated Assault is too slow for this deck. It would deal between 2-4 damage on average, while Temur Battle Rage can deal way more. Plus, trample is much more relevant than first strike. Thanks for the suggestions, though!

February 17, 2015 12:40 p.m.

I suggest staying black and red. I made a similar style green/white for modern and it doesn't work nearly as fast as this. You should check it out here Green white modern budget aggro (no rares). +1

February 17, 2015 2:13 p.m.

"I'm not some crack shot with no clue how to build a deck. I know it's inconsistent. But it's fast. Crazy fast. If you guys aren't having luck. It's NOT THE DECK's FAULT. The deck has worked for me so far, and until it fails to preform, I will NOT be switching to other colors or adding/removing anything."

I see where you're going with this statement, as I've also had to deal with tons of backlash when I've made new decks. I don't mean to offend, and I'm not trying to stir a bad pot. I love this deck, don't get me wrong, as I plan on using it this week for FNM. I still do, however, see some potential for Murderous Cut.

I know the deck runs purely on speed, and I'm ok with that. Although, there are some circumstances where it might hit a few big walls, such as a Siege Rhino or two, or lethal flyers like Wingmate Roc. Not only can it take them out, but it's much faster than buffing a creature to kill it, and landing an even bigger blow faster, just as a precautionary measure, in case the game runs longer than expected.

Like I said, I'm not trying to offend, and I'm not saying "oh well this deck sucks because it doesn't have x card or x mana". Just sideboarding, or even maybeboarding it, it might help it out slightly. Otherwise, this deck's great. Being able to say "I can beat a Sidisi Whip" deck feels rewarding.

Or hell, maybe even U/B control. shakes fist

February 17, 2015 3 p.m.

rorofat says... #25

Although when I said that statement, I guess i was being 'some crack shot'.... Sorry if I offended you... Murderous Cut looks great BTW!

February 17, 2015 3:07 p.m.

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