No Rest For The Wicked

Commander / EDH adt630


thechipsta1 says... #1

here are my suggestions on what to cut:

I think you could get rid of Lord of the Void , Slum Reaper , Tyrant of Discord , and Frantic Search

i'm not a big fan of Gem of Becoming , and Insurrection could go because of its mana cost. I don't think Whispering Madness is the best in this deck as a lot of your creatures wont be sticking around that long.

July 12, 2013 4:11 p.m.

ramonthebadass says... #2

i like your idea its a good deck maybe threw in some discard to dumb your fatties and reanimate quicker and you should add Reanimate or Rise from the Grave maybe Grimoire of the Dead or Rise of the Dark Realms and i have an extra treachery if you wanna trade for it

July 29, 2013 7:16 p.m.

I_TappedWrong says... #3

Dimir Cluestone , Rakdos Cluestone , Izzet Cluestone . I know they cost more than the signets but they fix your mana as well but also ramp... just throwing that out.

July 29, 2013 11:18 p.m.

Abower007 says... #4

A fun combo in a Sedris deck is Tunnel Vision into Twilight's Call . As long as you have Flayer of the Hatebound out, or in the grave, you should be alright. Cards like Entomb and Exhume are great, and would allow you to possibly have any creature in your deck out on turn 2. Sneak Attack , Nim Deathmantle , and Sundial of the Infinite are absolute must haves in this deck... Especially the sundial, as it allows you to keep anything unearthed, stolen, or otherwise lost "at the end of the turn". Mirror-Mad Phantasm will help get things in the graveyard, also "buyback" cards with discard at the cost... I believe there is a tutor, and a counter spell that might be good. Urabrask the Hidden will help any deck with creatures, and synergize with the combo very well. Finally, Nezumi Graverobber will be your best friend.

July 30, 2013 1:05 a.m.

adt630 says... #5

Thanks for the Comments! I appreciate the feedback. Don't forget to +1!

@ramonthebadass, I actually just took out Grimoire of the Dead . The discard is nice but its way too slow to actually get an effect out of. It just gets destroyed before I can pop it. I do really like Reanimate and Rise of the Dark Realms though and need to pick some up. Also, what kind of cards would you want for the treachery? I'll see what I have.

@Samj1988, I have seen the cluestones before and if i find I need a bit more ramp, I'll consider adding them in.

@Abower007, Entomb seems amazing and I will definitely get one if I find 12$ haha. Sneak Attack is sadly a little bit out of my price range and after extensive research, Sundial of the Infinite does not in fact work with sedris :( I have considered Mirror-Mad Phantasm , Tunnel Vision and Traumatize effects but I tend to play Sedris as a bit more of a control deck and I've found that milling a large portion of my library can really backfire, particularly since most of my ways to keep my creatures around with unearth I can't return from my graveyard. Unearth already gives my creatures haste so Urabrask the Hidden seems like a bit of a waste. Nezumi Graverobber and Exhume are definitely going in though if I get them.

July 31, 2013 3:49 p.m.

ramonthebadass says... #6

@ adt630 well right now i want a lot of stuff haha check out my deck Crosis, the Contoller it has all the stuff i want

July 31, 2013 4:08 p.m.

adt630 I do believe the Sundial of the Infinite trick works. You need to wait until its your end step, with the delayed trigger from unearth on the stack, and then you activate it. A delayed trigger will only happen once (unearth is at the next end step), so once you get passed your end step, the creatures would stay.

July 31, 2013 4:24 p.m.

adt630 says... #8

If that's the case, then it's going in for sure! That card was the original reason I made Sedris haha I saw that it didn't work on another players Sedris deck and trusted his research, but now I have to put it in. Thanks for explaining the way it works.

July 31, 2013 4:40 p.m.

Abower007 says... #9

Sundial of the Infinite definitely works. it does not work with "until end of turn" effects like Zealous Conscripts , but it does work with unearth and other "at end of turn" effects because they only happen once. Urabrask the Hidden would be useful when hard casting creatures (which you will do), and using cards like Exhume , Animate Dead , or anything other than unearth to get creatures out of your graveyard. He is very control friendly because of his second ability where everybody elses creatures come into play tapped. If he is in the graveyard, he also makes Twilight's Call better because you can attack as soon as you dump onto the field... in conjunction with Flayer of the Hatebound that is usually enough to take out at least one opponent. Buried Alive comes in handy to make sure Flayer of the Hatebound , and Urabrask the Hidden and another favorite fatty are in the graveyard ready to go.

July 31, 2013 5:30 p.m.

Abower007 says... #10

my deck Sedris Blitz plays a little differently than yours, but it may give you some ideas.

July 31, 2013 6 p.m.

adt630 I think I saw the deck you were talking about. If you activate Sundial of the Infinite before the end step, then the unearth delayed trigger will happen at your opponent's endstep. Once you reach your end step and the delayed trigger goes on the stack, you activate Sundial of the Infinite and keep your creatures.

August 1, 2013 7:13 a.m.

zak5002 says... #12

Some fun cards: Wurmcoil Engine - just a beast in general Grave Titan - etb effect on roids Myr Battlesphere - another great etb, I prefer the titan though Corpse Dance - helps reccur things multiple times Arcane Denial - If Magic is politics, this card eliminates what you don't want on the battlefield without insulting your opponent, and gives you a card to boot. Dream Fracture is similar Corpse Connoisseur - could help get what you want to the graveyard Sword of Feast and Famine - because winning is fun Pathrazer of Ulamog - straight to the graveyard, reanimate him and have fun

Obviously you can't play all of these, just some ideas.

August 26, 2013 2:33 p.m.

Kozelek says... #13

What no No Rest for the Wicked ? Lol

November 21, 2013 9:01 p.m.

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