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No Rules, Just Righter




So how about a complete teardown and rebuild of a deck that competes in the same space as the earlier No Rules, Just Right.

The goal is simple. Reveal all the hidden agendas right away, naming Sudden Shock for all of them, except that two of the Brago's Favor copies should name Krosan Grip. With Power Play, you are guaranteed to get the first turn, and therefore the first round of priority in that turn, unless the opponent also runs Power Play and wins their 50/50 shot. With that out of the way, exile a spirit guide at your first opportunity, then play Sudden Shock. There, you win. Pretty much.

In fact, other than a Power Play coin toss, the only way an opponent can possibly trump you is if their opening hand contained one of two precise cards: either Leyline of Sanctity or Chancellor of the Annex. In the Leyline's case, you need to be able to destroy it before you can target them, preferably with Krosan Grip, but Back to Nature is available as a (non-split-second) answer if you can draw it and if they built their deck around the plan of drawing multiple copies of the same Leyline to protect them for some reason.

The reason there are ten Double Strokes instead of nine is that even against Chancellor, only the original spell will be countered this way and the copies still add up to 20 damage. Unfortunately, if Chancellor does counter the original, leaving only the triggered abilities from Double Stroke on the stack, that opens up a window where no split second spells are locking the opponent down, and they have a chance to go off in response (assuming their hand and deck are capable of such a thing even as Chancellor shifts them toward defense). Ideally, you just forget about those first ten copies, plunk down another Sudden Shock immediately at the next available opportunity, and close the window back up before the drafty air gets in. Otherwise you'll just have to let it ride, and hope they aren't capable of a response like Gemstone Caverns into Extirpate, or Angel's Grace.

As an added perk of this deck, at least the games will be short.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Unknown legal.

Rarity (main - side)

60 - 12 Uncommons

0 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
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