R/G Madness is a Tempo deck looking to be efficient in both mana and timing by keeping an opponent off threats while amassing our own threats by using the Madness mechanic to not only get discounts on mana but also force our opponents to play inefficiently by either forcing them to use counterspells on their own turn or blanking removal with our various effects. Insolent Neonate is by far our best Turn 1 play due to the fact that it can sac itself for free to get a Madness card out quickly or can be sac'd in response to removal, and thanks to the fact that it draws a card we get card advantage either way. Furthermore, this card has Menace meaning even if we don't sacrifice it for value it can typically do lots of damage to the opponent during a game. Basking Rootwalla is also one of the strongest cards in the deck, giving us a free 1/1 creature that can be a 3/3 creature later in the game and helps the deck play around edict effects Black control decks like to throw about by cast it at Instant speed with a sacrifice outlet. Wild Mongrel provides the deck with it's most reliable sacrifice outlet and is hard to remove thanks to it's color changing ability getting around cards like Doom Blade and curves nicely into Arrogant Wurm. The deck is fantastic at being reactive to what the opponent is doing, as you can have breakneck fast starts where you play a Neonate Turn 1 and cast a Bloodmad Vampire at the end of their second turn to take over the game with a growing 4 power creature alongside lots of burn with Lightning Bolt and Fiery Temper or you can play the defensive game by casting 4/4 blockers at instant speed along with using Lightning Axe to cut down opposing Gurmag Angler or Myr Enforcer like cards. Getting an early Discard outlet is crucial for being able to play this reactive playstyle, and knowing the match ups are also incredibly important as well so while the deck is able to do a lot and take on most of the format well it typically isn't easy or obvious to do so. This is absolutely a deck that rewards you the more you play with it, and is not easy to pick up to get easy wins. The deck definitely makes you earn the win, but that isn't because the deck isn't powerful but rather because it requires an understanding of threat assessment timing when casting spells.