
Enchantment (1)

Artifact (1)

Instant (1)

No Vowels! FBLTHP cEDH

Fblthp, the Lost is a great new commander from War of the Spark that allows us to combo off with his favorite card Proteus Staff . By having a creatureless deck, we can use the staff to put FBLTHP on the bottom of our library, which he will then pop back into play and allow us to stack our entire deck in any order. Afterwards his enter the battlefield from the library trigger will happen, drawing us the top 2 cards, which is basically akin to casting demonic tutor twice. We can then combo off and win from this position.

The Proteus Staff Combo

Fblthp, the Lost + Proteus Staff : stack your whole deck and draw any 2 cards to start a chain.

FBLTHP Library Stack piles : These piles are how you will stack your library after performing the proteus staff combo to allow us to win the game. There are various piles depending on your boardstate, available mana and situation in the game.

We can also use Dramatic Reversal / Isochron Scepter to not only generate infinite mana but to keep untapping the proteus staff. This will allow us to use FBLTHP to draw our entire library. Once that is done, we can now proceed to win with either infinite Blue Sun's Zenith activations or by simply playing and activation Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

Pile 1 : standard pile

Gush and the mox are going to be drawn by FBLTHPS ability. We are going to cast gush for its alternate cost by bouncing 2 islands to our hand. Gush is going to draw the brainstorm and mana vault. Play your mox to create blue mana and then cast brainstorm, drawing the next 3 cards and placing the 2 islands back on top of our library. Once the pieces are assembled we can combo off, make infinite mana , draw our deck and win.

Pile 2 : no open mana

Gush and lions eye diamond will be draw by FBLTHPS ability. Cast gush by reuturning 2 islands to your hand, and in response crack lions eye diamond for 3 blue mana. Draw the next 2 cards with the gush which gets you a mana crypt and a future sight. Cast the mana crypt for free, and using that and the three floating blue from the LED cast the future sight. Cast the two moxen on the top for free, and cast the mana vault off the top with the mana from the mox. Cast the gitaxian probe for 2 life, drawing you the dramatic reversal. Cast the isochron scepter with the mana vault mana and activate it to go infinite. This will untap your proteus staff, and now with infinite mana and untaps you can draw your whole deck and win with either blue suns zenith or jace.

Pile 3 : no dramatic scepter

coming soon

Pile 4 : No gush , no brainstorm

coming soon

Pile 5 : manual mode

This is the 'manual' pile we can use if all our resources are on the board or in the graveyard already. It requires 2 mana to cast the scepter and 3 mana from mana rocks to activate and go infinite.

Infinite Mana Combos

Grim Monolith + Power Artifact (or Basalt Monolith ) : infinite colorless mana

Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter + a few mana rocks that make 3+ mana : infinite mana

Infinite Turns

Isochron Scepter + Narset's Reversal + an extra turn spell in your hand : take infinite turns

Win Conditions

Jace, Wielder of Mysteries + Mirror of Fate : win the game on the spot

Blue Sun's Zenith + infinite mana : draw everyone to death

more coming soon!!

Updates Add

Removed thought lash for mirror of fate. Yes , thought lash is the better card overall, however being an artifact mirror of fate is way easier to tutor for when not using the proteus staff combo, and if you do combo w proteus staff you generally have the whole deck and infinite mana so the one less mana cost is irrelevant

Also added prismatic vista the new basic land fetch from modern horizons


Date added 5 years
Last updated 3 years
Key combos

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

37 - 0 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.35
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Emblem Tamiyo, the Moon Sage, Frog Lizard 3/3 G, Zombie Army 0/0 B
Folders edh, Fblthp
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