
Instant (8)

The deck is primarily a milling deck, with a small exile component through Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

my main goal is to completely shut down any combo decks or mana reliant decks. removing answers from their hand and deck.

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver is an amazing planeswalker for a mill deck, every turn 3 cards exiled, and the potential to play one of their creatures and if it gets far enough, exiling their entire hand and graveyard.

Archive Trap plays heavily into the decks design, Fetchlands are a staple for most modern decks, so milling them for 13 when they search for a card, and if they dont happen to search for cards Ghost Quarter plays its role.

Breaking / Entering Is an affordable Glimpse the Unthinkable that mills for 2 less, but has the option to also play a creature from their deck.

Cards like Thought Scour&Mind Sculpt are nice cheap milling cards to help get more out of the deck for little mana, while Mind Sculpt Mills for 7 which is a nice amount for 2 mana, Thought Scour helps keep the card advantage up

Mind Funeral can be either really good or really bad, sometimes it takes a huge chunk of the deck out, and at others it only nabs a few cards with the lands, but fewer lands means less mana to work with.

Surgical Extraction is another staple for this deck, milling the cards is one thing, but removing all copies of a staple or one of their powerhouse cards from their deck can be amazing, targeting their graveyard, hand and library. once this is played, they arent using that card again

Visions of Beyond is a fantastic draw power card for mill decks, it wont be likely for me to play this without getting the 3 card draw at least once in a match

Dig Through Time Helps to continue the draw power, letting me look at the top 7 cards of my library and take 2 cards i need while putting the rest at the bottom... and seeing as im not Re-using my graveyard why not exile my cards to make it cheeper


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

36 - 0 Rares

14 - 4 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.61
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