No Zombie Tribal | Gisa and Geralf EDH

Commander / EDH Suns_Champion


The_Munchkin says... #1

Maybe look at Enter the God-Eternals for self mill and a some spot removal. But maybe it messes up the whole "No Zombie" thing.

August 14, 2019 12:24 a.m.

Caerwyn says... #2

I think you need Mycosynth Lattice , Painter's Servant , and Copy Artifact . Cast Mycosynth lattice first, making everything colorless. After, cast Painter's Servant , naming White, and Copy Artifact , naming Red. Then you'll be in Boros colors and you would be unstoppable!

In seriousness though:

I don't think Final Parting does enough to justify its mana cost. While searching for two cards is nice, five mana is pretty painful.

One of my favourite reanimation targets in the game is Jin-Gitaxias, Core Auger--not only does he make it incredibly difficult for your opponents, the ability to draw seven and then discard to hand size to fill your graveyard is invaluable in any graveyard-matters deck.

I think you need to run more counterspells given the amount of Graveyard hate that is in the format. Blue and Black are not great at permanently removing artifacts or enchantments, so Graveyard decks tend to rely pretty heavily on counters to stop the inevitable Rest in Peace and its ilk.

Reanimate , Animate Dead , and Dance of the Dead would make solid additions, giving you another way to cheat your creatures into play from your graveyard. They can also be used to take creatures from an opponent's graveyard, which can be a nifty follow-up to someone killing a large threat.

August 14, 2019 10:48 a.m.

Suns_Champion says... #3

The_Munchkin hey Billy! Definitely considered it but decided it isn't quite the self mill engine I prefer, though the fact it's a removal spell too makes it tempting.

Caerwyn don't tempt me with that Boros jank hahaha!

Final Parting just barely cuts it for me. The entomb + tutor is just exactly what I need for a Reanimate on a big demon. 5 mana is indeed painful but it's a great set up card.

Qui-Gon Jin-Gitaxias is simply too mean for me. I'd rather smack face with big demons.

I have added Animate Dead and Reanimate! You are right!

As for the counterspells, not really my style. And my playgroup runs very little graveyard hate so we usually get away with whatever graveyard stuff we can think off.

Thank you so much for looking! I'll see you at my Firesong and Sunspeaker deck haha!

August 14, 2019 6:06 p.m.

Caerwyn says... #4

Ah, the desire to fight honorably through big creatures and fair plays. Your silly Boros ideals shine through, even as you seek to dabble in darker machinations. Embrace the ambitious cruelty of Black; the cold calculation of Blue. Only then will the fleeting shadows of your primitive self vanish, lost in blessed perfection.

Or just play how you want. I suppose that's entirely reasonable as well.

August 14, 2019 6:41 p.m. Edited.

The_Munchkin says... #5

Stealthily adds graveyard hate to all of my decks

August 14, 2019 8:35 p.m.

Mordamen says... #6

Hahahaha, this is glorious! I love this so much! I feel like Agent of Treachery just has to be in this deck! And being able to just continually recast it is simply way too good of a payoff to not be included

January 4, 2020 5:29 p.m.

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