Hmm. Something looks familiar ;)
August 6, 2016 5:41 a.m.
Been a while. Just wanted to let you know that I've been using this deck for quite some time now (with some budget replacements) and I'm really enjoying it!I'm forcing friends around me to get card that remove all enchantments haha. I see the link does look a lot like your deck! Thanks once again for making this deck!
September 18, 2017 5:53 p.m.
Oh! Also, do you know if transmuting Drift of Phantasms mean you're casting a spirit spell to toggle tallowisp?
Wedgo says... #1
Luutamo, oops, sorry. It was my first time posting something! Thank you for your response though! I'll be playing this deck soon :)
March 30, 2016 2:34 p.m.