5th Nov 2022: Store Championship Magic Corner
5th Place from 32 Players total
Match 1: 2:1 Amulet-Titan
Match 2: 0:2 UR Murktide
Match 3: 2:1 Esper Reanimator with AEthermage's Touch
Match 4: 2:1 UR Murktide
Match 5: 2:1 UW Hammertime
Quarterfinals: 0:2 UW Emeria + Ephemerate Control
Note: Both Veil of Summer and Slaughter Pact are underperforming in the sideboard, I took them out after the tournament in favour of 2 Shapers' Sanctuary to be better prepared against decks that have a lot of removal.
25th Sept 2022: St. Anna Childrens Hospital Charity Event
7th Place out of 20 Players
Match 1: 1:2 UB Shadow
Match 2: 2:0 UW Hammertime
Match 3: 2:1 Yawgmoth-Combo
Match 4: 2:0 5c Domain-Zoo
Match 5: Intentional Draw to get into Top8
Match 6: 1:2 Creativity
16th July 2022: Store Championship
1-3, 12th Place out of 16 Players
Match 1: 2:0 Amulet Titan
Match 2: 1:2 4c Yorion
Match 3: 1:2 4c Yorion
Match 4: 1:2 Mardu Creativity
FNM 27.May 2022: 2nd Place, 16 Players
Match 1: 2:1 Amulet Titan
Match 2: 2:0 4c Yorion Control
Match 3: 2:1 UBw Mill
Sunday Modern 27.February 2022: 1st Place, 9 Players
Match 1: 1:2 BRw Lurrus with w-splash for Kaya's Guile Mainboard
Match 2: BYE
Match 3: 2:0 Amulet Titan
Match 4: 2:1 Mono-U Taking Turns
- sideboard against Amulet Titan: Removal & Disenchant-Effects in, Crusader & Protection out. Gameplan: prioritize answering their threats, they only have 8-10 of them.
Sunday Modern 20.February 2022: 3rd Place, 12 Players
Match 1: 2:1 G-Tron
Match 2: 2:0 BW Reanimator
Match 3: 0:2 Amulet Titan
Match 4: 2:1 BR Brew: Emrakul + Goryo's Vengeance Combo in a Asmo & Urza's Saga Shell
Sunday Modern 8.August 2021: 5th Place, 10 Players
Match 1: 2:1 4c Control
Match 2: 1:2 Gifts Storm
Match 3: 2:1 Izzet Prowess (Pre-MH2 Build)
Match 4: 0:2 BR Darcy
Note Match 1&3: both Losses were due to Mistakes from me, could have gotten 4th Place.
FNM 6.August 2021: 4th Place, 15 Players
Match 1: 2:1 BR-Prowess
Match 2: 2:0 Esper Mentor
Match 3: 0:2 Humans
Note Match 3: Tried a removal-heavy mulligan (IN: 2x Fatal Push, 1x Murderous Cut, 1x Abrupt Decay, 2x Crime / Punishment; OUT: 4x Glistener Elf, 2x Snakeskin Veil), but that failed. Probably the best Strategy against Humans is to mulligan aggressive for Phyrexian Crusader, since most of their creatures are .
FNM 9.July 2021: 3rd Place, 13 Players
Match 1: 2:0 MonoR-Prowess
Match 2: 2:0 UR-Prowess
Match 3: 1:2 BR Darcy