Nobody F***s with the Jesus

Modern Monsmtg


teamawesome1 says... #1

+10 for my favorite movie reference.

December 11, 2015 9:52 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

The new Natural State would be a better alternative to battle most of the hate cards you're looking to get rid of with Seal of Primordium. I'd also try and find space in the SB to go up to 3-4 leylines, since they're integral against discard in modern which is on the rise due to the popularity of Modern eldrazi decks. Also, what are you're thoughts on using Keen Sense now that you're not running Kor Spiritdancer?

January 20, 2016 3:22 p.m.

Monsmtg says... #3

I actually just got a third leyline (what I mean to say is I'm working on the side a bit), and I use seal to deal with blood moon mostly, the one extra mana isn't as relevant to me as dealing with blood moon, also tron is very prevalent in my meta. To be honest I have been doing well without that card draw. When I'm out of cards I still have a beats tick and the extra power in losing on ks is important, lifegain also keeps the game longer if I need it. Thanks for commenting.

January 20, 2016 3:33 p.m.

DarkConfidant says... #4

I like auraheproof decks. I recommend to cut the spirit mantles, because when your hexproof creture/s have something like 20/20 and trample because of rancor or unflinking courage it didnt needs to be unblockable.Instead of te spiritmantles you may put the keen senses from the maybeboard into the mainboard. kor spiritdancer is nice too, but i understand why you are not playing some metas she is very terrible.


March 8, 2016 10:08 a.m.

Monsmtg says... #5

Thanks for your comment. I'm actually considering dropping the courages and 2 spumbras for the Keen Senses. The Spirit Mantles are important to get through against affinity, kiki chord, and soul sisters.

March 8, 2016 10:21 a.m.

elpokitolama says... #6

Dat reference.

April 15, 2016 8:59 a.m.

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