Nobody has the intention of building a Wall
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 487 | 316 COMMENTS | 58269 VIEWS | IN 252 FOLDERS
Made some minors changes for my version of the deck, i hope to test it this week end, need to cut one last card, not sure what i should cut.
Have you seen this card: It's seems interesting to have a way to copy Arcades if needed.
April 11, 2019 7:15 p.m.
Spark Double is interesting, indeed. I don't know if it is viable right now. It seems situational. Could help you against spot removal or give additional draw. i don't feel like needing more draw and its cmc is a bit high but nonetheless interesting. I'll wait for more opinions on this.
Good luck with you deck this weekend Eloniel. Show them the might of the walls :D
April 12, 2019 11:35 a.m.
Won last night. Everyone talked about what ot add etc. I think we need to let the WOS come out then decide if we should change anything. As of now we have a high win rate.
April 13, 2019 9:25 p.m.
LeGiTxHERO says... #7
I plan on picking this deck up very soon and looks super fun to play!
However I wanted to wait to see if you made any changes from war of the spark. Teyo, the shieldmage, wall of runes or Huatli, the Sun's Heart come to mind as decent additions to the deck.
April 24, 2019 2:56 p.m.
Hi LeGiTxHERO and welcome to our little brewpage :) I'm not planning to add Teyo, the Shieldmage or Huatli, the Sun's Heart to the deck. Teyo, the Shieldmage is too expensive mana/toughness wise for what he does. Those 3 mana are better spend in other defenders. he would create one 0/3 for 3, and probably been destroyed before using him a second time. Huatli, the Sun's Heart is just like Belligerent Brontodon , they can't do much alone and would still need something like High Alert . The lifegain from Huatli is not so good, also. I like Wall of Runes and maybe cut Perimeter Captain for it, but I'm not 100% sure at the moment.
Nice THCue, I played him only once last time and lost, but was fun as always! Also nice change you made, I don't think I will add fetches in the future to keep it on a budget but they are always a good choice.
Vlasiax I don't know, it needs two different mana, which is sometimes hard to hold back.
April 25, 2019 1:28 p.m. Edited.
I think we are way past the budget phase lol mana drain etc. This deck is not cheap anymore but we can just let it grow now but not super crazy. I do agree with the three cards posted above.
April 27, 2019 10:01 p.m.
Know what am doing this....
Removing Dispel and adding in Wall of Runes
April 27, 2019 10:18 p.m.
HobbyGamer007 says... #11
I agree that huatli is unneeded but Teyo, the Shieldmage might be better than Masako the Humorless . While Pseudovigilance at flash is a neat trick, I can't I magine a situation where you'd die in a backswing with this deck, since it's not running any haste. Basically you should attack and 2nd main play one or 2 more walls, which not only block absurdly well but in this deck also often kill what they block. Teyo's Low end is a 3/3 for 3 that draws a card, his high and is 3 mana for 3- 3/3s that draws 2 cards and protects you from nasty stuff like Settle the Wreckage . While I agree he's not awesome, imho he's clearly better than Masako.
Running Dovin's Veto in favor of Negate is a no-brainer but the manabase has to support it. Running 9 Fetches and 3 duallands(Not necessarily ABUR, just fetchable ones like shocklands or even Prairie Stream over Hallowed Fountain on a budget. Shocks are at a long time low right now anyway, they're gonna get more expensive until they'll reprint them in like 4 years) should make it stable enough to support it.
Wall of Runes seems like an amazing addition, 3/3 that casts an Opt as it enters for 1 mana would be absurd enough to play in Vintage if it were on a single card. I would cut Perimeter Captain as the lifegain hardly ever matters and in a deck that's on the aggro side it won't even trigger that often. Dispel is too good to cut imho as it basically hits all good targeted removal in the format, protecting Arcedes is a prority for the deck to function.
Speaking of priority, if you happen to upgrade the Manabase, you might be able to support Command Beacon which is awesome if the commander gets pricey. Only run it with a good manabase and if your meta happens to regularly kill Arcedes more than 2 times per game.
May 4, 2019 5:08 a.m.
HobbyGamer007 Very well said going to try that. Thanks for Chiming in!
May 4, 2019 11:57 a.m.
HobbyGamer007 says... #13
Cavern of Souls is great, Steely Resolve not so much. First off, steely resolve doesn't prevent stuff like Innocent Blood , Supreme Verdict , Settle the Wreckage etc., etc..
Wouldn't ever run the latter. It's a 2 mana do nothing. I also always advise against auto-including Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots in decks that don't profit off of Protection AND Haste. They're just too expensive for just protection and they don't take cards out of your opponents hands, while counters and cards like Heroic Intervention do.
May 4, 2019 4:41 p.m.
THCue You are probably right regarding the budget. When I made and bought the deck, the most expensive card was Mana Drain with 40€, rest of the deck around 80€. The price, especially for defenders, steadily increased. I don't think I want to add fetches though, atleast not yet.
Like HobbyGamer007 explained, Dispel will also stay. And like I and HobbyGamer007 mentioned earlier I will also put Wall of Runes in and Perimeter Captain out. I just need to get one. While I agree, that Masako the Humorless became unnecessary over the time, I don't think, Teyo, the Shieldmage is the card to go, he is just too expensive, for what he does, atleast in my opinion. I really tend to Heroic Intervention here, to gain more protection for our creatures.
Also, you guys convinced me on Dovin's Veto , it will replace Negate in the future. I just need to get one (I should have gone to a prerelese event :D).
I'm not sold on fetchlands yet, they would increase the price drastically and also change the manabase. I currently run all the shock lands, but i think they could have an impact on the battle lands in the deck (depending on the amount of basics/fetches).
Command Beacon is good in a very toxic meta, but I usually have answers to this in my hand in form of counterspells. Also it provides only which could screw up early turns. Same is true for Cavern of Souls . I think it is too extreme to choose "Dragon" for it, while it provides only for everything else. I really haven't had any issues recasting Arcades in the past, due to all the protection I have in the deck. That's also the reason I only run one card like High Alert and I also never had to use one of those in my games either.
Is Arcades being destroyed/countered/etc. a lot in your guys meta?
May 5, 2019 7:29 a.m.
Arcades doesn't get countered much in my meta as long as I am not attacking. Once I do, Arcades gets targeted and taxed out of reach. That's why I rely on high alert and assault formation as well.
May 5, 2019 10:38 p.m.
Played alot of games he never got countered. I have to say I never really had to use High Alert but it's worth keeping in just encase. Never needed to add anything to Arcades or even use Command Tower . I have it but don't see use for it much.
Vlasiax I never hand mana issue very rarely and the creatures you posted for mana don't really suit for this deck. I rather draw a card and have a creature that can do something. Skyshroud Claim Lets us put two lands into play not our hand. That's huge key word right there.
Hope that sheds some light on things.
May 6, 2019 10:38 a.m.
Been running this deck for a while and it really sucks vs control decks because if you don't have Arcades or High Alert or Assault formation on the field you can't really win.
Which is why I run many counter counters like Dovin's Vito and Dispel and stuff like Dive Down
Also thinking about adding some wincon planeswalkers because we have many creatures to defend them even with zero power.
May 9, 2019 8:20 a.m. Edited.
Vlasiax there is no real reason for not running Portcullis Vine , I just think it is not that good :) I put Dragon's Eye Sentry out in favour for Resolute Watchdog . Like THCue said, I also don't run dorks because I don't think that they aren't needed so badly and have a big target painted on their head (espeacially Noble Hierarch ) I think I'd rather play a defender for one mana instead of a dork, to put pressure to the table. I'm torn between Lightning Greaves or protection in general or counterspells. I can't say what's more effective. But greaves can be very good, I agree. Struyk how many counterspells do you run?
May 9, 2019 12:34 p.m.
I am running:
Disdainful Stroke
Dovin's Veto
Essence Scatter
Hindering Light
Insidious Will
Mana Leak
Muddle the Mixture
Render Silent
and Teferi's Time Twist I would also suggest to protect your creatures
Teyo, the Shieldmage is also must have, protects vs many many many things and gives you 2x 0/3 walls
I am running a more budget version with cards like Trygon Predator and Guardian Project
Here's my deck ( work in progress ):
May 9, 2019 4:56 p.m. Edited.
Struyk That's a good amount on counterspells, I run a similar number. You should consider Ghostway for additional protection. I don't think that Teyo, the Shieldmage offers good protection, cause I can't remember a single card from my friends which says "target player..." if there is one I could probably counter it if it is threatening. While I'm against any planeswalkers in an Arcades deck (atleast for now) I think your deck looks solid, but you should make some small changes over time :)
May 11, 2019 1:45 a.m.
HobbyGamer007 says... #22
To clarify, I never said Teyo is the card to go here, just that he's better than misako :) If you want to try him out at all in commander, this is probably the only deck where he's worth mentioning. Yeah in my meta arcedes would never stick for a turn cycle. This deck is easily thwarted if you never let Arcedes, High Alert or Assault Formation stick, so being able to fight through that is a must. If you face many counterspells Autumn's Veil is a great addition here as well. I dislike Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots here since you don't get much for their cost. Ideally this deck goes someting like:
T1 Wall of Runes T2 Fortified Rampart T3 Wall of Denial T4 Arcedes; swing for 17 Damage.
The nice thing about this is that noone is ever gonna remove or counter your walls. You just need to get Arcedes through. Cards like Force of Will Pact of Negation can help here in an extremely counter heavy meta if you want to play arcedes on curve, or you stay back build up to like 30 Damage wich on T7 onwards is often nearly lethal for a player and then play Arcedes for a big swing. Hardly any playgroup will let him stick for long since he also draws a lot of cards, which makes him so good. If you give him hexproof or shroud all you do is force out a sweeper which you don't want to happen at all, so counterspells are clearly the way to go here imho.
Changes I would do right now:
Cut: Masako the Humorless doesn't do enough Fog Bank 2 mana 2/2 flyer doesn't seem so good Skyshroud Claim ramps you when you're done ramping. average cmc of the deck is 2.2 Perimeter Captain cut for Wall of Runes Island Average cmc of the deck is 2.2
On no budget add: Meekstone Covers your defence Land Tax Color Fixing! Rampant Growth Ramp and fixing at the correct time Three Visits Same Force of Will More control
On a Budget add: Slagwurm Armor Might be really good. Will never get removed and 3 mana for +6 seems kinda broken Geist of the Archives Smooth out draws a bit Rampant Growth Fixing and Ramp Meekstone Defense Autumn's Veil Protection/Control
May 11, 2019 12:29 p.m.
HobbyGamer007 says... #23
If you die by combat damage with this deck, you might want to realize that you can Condemn your own creature after damage is dealt in the combat damage step to gain like 10+ Life if you pumped this turn.
May 11, 2019 12:31 p.m.
Sorry for answering so late HobbyGamer007. You wrote some excellent suggestions, even if I don't agree with all of them. I've thought about the deck for a long time and played some games, considered everythin what everybody suggestes here and because of all this I will make some (great?) changes after the Modern: Horizons release. I will cut Masako the Humorless , Fog Bank , probalby Perimeter Captain and maybe some more :) I also agree with you, that the boots aen't the best in this deck and won't need a slot.
May 26, 2019 1:26 p.m.
Why wait for Modern Horizon ? For now i haven't seen cards that would be good for this deck.Maybe the force of negation but it's only a counter spell and not a card that have synergy with defender.
K4m4r0 says... #1
No problem. It is a bit strange to read, it simply means if some other effect would happen Wave of Reckoning for example, they wouldn't kill themself. They only "deal damage with their toughness value" but their power will never change because of the abilites from Arcades or High Alert.
April 5, 2019 2:37 p.m.