

After 10 years, this deck has unfortunately been discontinued.

Prossh’s Power Hungry kit was my first jump into EDH many years ago, and since I have slowly constructed him from nontoken sacrifice and big bomb jank to a finely tuned factory of death. He’s not quite cEDH, but is definitely stomps at events to the point where he’s my choice for a “quick game”. The deck’s joked about having a “7 turn timer” in my group, because of how effectively it is able to kill all other players the turn after Prossh is cast. My curve makes it very easy to drop one card, then pass the turn until you can cast Prossh for some value and reap enter and exit the battlefield triggers, and swing in for war in between.

Because I don’t like infinite combo, I own many of the pieces needed but don’t include them in the deck. Them and other gimmicks I occasionally use are in the sideboard. Parts that are more fun than needed such as Hellrider and Aetherworks Marvel can be slotted out.

Why play my version of Prossh?

  • Runs like clockwork

  • Lots of triggers and combo

  • Full-power destruction

  • It’s not Blue

What are the deck’s weaknesses?

  • Very little interaction, one sided

  • Lacks recursion and other ‘essential’ EDH categories

  • Gets hated out for being a powerful commander and deck

  • Price!

Steps to Success

I heard in a video a long time ago that when you play Prossh, you have tokens that can be thought of as money. And when you get this money, you can spend it on different things, which would be different sac outlets that use these tokens, or putting them to work. Using this concept, my deck consistently performs using this 7 step plan:

Almost all the lands in the deck are two color cards besides a sprinkle of basic lands and utility like Phyrexian Tower, Kher Keep, Khalni Garden, and Volrath's Stronghold. Generally, playing a tapped land is my go to, since my mana dorks are around three mana and only three one drops exist in the deck.
Now is where pieces start to get dropped to set up for Prossh to hit the field. These are diverse but can be simplified into four large groups (and can be seen by sorting by custom category):

  • Ramp

It’s green, so we have plenty of ways to grab fixing. Many of these double dip as token generators, a pet card exemplifying this being Growth Spasm. Another interesting example in this group is Shaman of Forgotten Ways, which is a game winner by itself.

  • Token Generators

A lot of these are the previously mentioned ramp cards that make Eldrazi spawn, or weaker generators like Ophiomancer that set up chump blockers or future ammo.

  • Army Combo

These cards involve pumping up creatures into a formidable army to overrun opponents, or slug the board when tokens hit the front lines. Very straightforwards damage to the face, and includes the staple Purphoros, God of the Forge.

  • Death Combo

Because the tokens being made (and Prossh) are very prone to dying, reverse Impact Tremors effects make it just as painful for tokens to hit the field as when they leave. These chip or melt opposing forces with Grave Pact.

These categories spill into each other a lot or are redundant, because of how powerful there effects are. Other cards to cast in this time include the few spot removal included, tutoring, or setting up draw engines like Deathreap Ritual.

Save Eldritch Evolution, Sidisi, Undead Vizier, and Furystoke Giant for later!

Cast Prossh. No other 6 drops exist in the deck. Make sure to utilize all your triggers, and use effects while you can such as Ogre Battledriver!
Going from casting Prossh to killing everyone occurs in a few different ways. First, they already may be dead the turn you cast him from stuff like Purphoros, God of the Forge. If not, you can abuse ETB effects by casting something like Mogg Infestation on yourself, or throwing down Chancellor of the Forge. Already existing tokens can be used not for ammo but an army themselves with Furystoke Giant or Shared Animosity.

But the big one?

Cast Eldritch Evolution on Prossh and grab Craterhoof Behemoth.

Even if you don’t kill everyone, removing Prossh is now key if not already done because you can cast him again, redoing your effects of turn 6 of trigger ETB effects. There are many cards in this deck that allow you to sacrifice creatures, and Prossh cannot eat himself, so you can get rid of him through one of these sources. Thus these next turns tend to be repeats of 6 and 7 as increasing waves of kobolds hit the field, and drawing more effects for each time makes the deck even more dangerous. At this point, Eldrazi Monument becomes a wincon, and Aetherworks Marvel and Xenagos, the Reveler’s ultimate shine. Volrath's Stronghold is also more important lategame to reuse creatures like Acidic Slime and Avenger of Zendikar.

So to make it clear, this deck does not rely on beating opponents with commander damage like a lot of others do as a primary wincon, running Xenagod and the like. Success comes from chipping opponents when your tokens enter the battlefield, foddering them off for more damage, card draw, scrying, ect., and then chipping and causing more effects when they leave the field again. This can melt life totals from the number of tokens Prossh creates himself.

So hope you never see Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite!

Card Picks

The deck has a lot of fixing and relies almost entirely on non-basic lands. Blood Moon kills this land base, but that’s expected for a three color deck. In an opening hand, tap lands like to be played first since there are few one drops, and only Sol Ring really matters turn one.

Command Tower and Savage Lands Three color duals for a three colored commander.

Bloodstained Mire, Verdant Catacombs, and Wooded Foothills - All grab the lands in the next category, but would prefer to grab the ABU duals if they are available.

Badlands, Bayou, Blood Crypt, Overgrown Tomb, Stomping Ground, and Taiga - Get hit by fetches for a little deck thinning and can also be tutored by Skyshroud Claim. Shocks are great in any deck that can use them.

Dragonskull Summit, Rootbound Crag, and Woodland Cemetery - Buddy lands that are friends with the shocks and ABU duals.

Evolving Wilds - A placeholder for a Jund Triome.

Fire-Lit Thicket, Graven Cairns, and Twilight Mire - Simple filters, also don’t come in tapped and with another land effectively produce colored mana. Great fixing.

Temple of Abandon, Temple of Malady, and Temple of Malice - Great cards that can ease mana floods and screws, manipulate Sylvan Library, and save you from drawing Craterhoof Behemoth when you have Eldritch Evolution in hand.

Luxury Suite and Spire Garden - Great lands that function basically as ABU duals in Commander. Unfortunately don’t have basic land types and so are harder to grab with ramp.

Forest, Mountain, 2x Swamp - Basic lands so I’m not getting cheated out of effects like Path to Exile, and some targets for ramp like Growth Spasm.

Snow-Covered Mountain, Snow-Covered Forest - Why not?

Gaea's Cradle - Lucky to have, and definitely not budget. Makes the deck perform better but can easily be not included. Fits in the category of using tokens before they die, and produces an insane amount of mana. A great target for Sylvan Scrying or an opponent’s Tempt with Discovery!

Khalni Garden - Makes a plant token. Kind of a mediocre effect, but can chump or be put to work like the other tokens. Combos with Avenger of Zendikar?

Kher Keep - A colorless token generator, not often used except in desperate situations, or as an extra pump if you remember that it’s there.

Kessig Wolf Run - In my deck explanation, I mentioned that this is really the only voltron card I run. It’s because alone it wins games in any deck where lots of mana can be produced, like here with Cryptolith Rite and the lot.

Mosswort Bridge - Reaching the hideaway threshold is very easy to do since Prossh and his tokens count as 7 of the 10. I used to abuse this a lot more with big eldrazi but tucking away a bit of tech can also be useful.

Phyrexian Tower - Similar to High Market, which I don’t run, only because the tower produces black mana instead of life. This card is great for killing Prossh for recasting.

Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth - Major black fixing, originally added to supplement the heavily costed Grave Pact, and has continued to prove useful.

Fuel for the fire, or create the fire themselves.

Acidic Slime - Is almost universal permanent destruction on a stick. Being on a stick allows it to function just like any token role in the deck but with removal, and can be reused with Volrath's Stronghold. In my opinion better than Reclamation Sage because it hits lands and nostalgia bias.

Avenger of Zendikar - Functions as a secondary Prossh with a flood of plant tokens and also rears his own army. Landfall isn’t the most common in the deck at the point after when he’d be played, though.

Blood Artist - First of the “Creature dies, deals damage" on a stick. Notably only hits one opponent, but when ANY creature dies. Great with Grave Pact.

Catacomb Sifter - Comes with a friend that can be popped for mana and allows deck sifting with scry on a creature death for a very reasonable price. Doesn’t have to kill a creature on his own, too. It should be known that multiple instances of scry at the same time scry the same card on top of the library if it is kept.

Chancellor of the Forge - Another secondary token wave, but is more conditional than Avenger of Zendikar, and is a token doubler more than anything. Creating a goblin on turn one doesn’t hurt either.

Craterhoof Behemoth - Is a token all-star and a major wincon for this deck. Casting it the turn after Prossh, with 8 creatures total, lets you swing in for (0+8)*6 + (5+8) + (5+8) = 74 damage, with trample too. This is enough to kill a player and more, especially after effects such as Impact Tremors from the initial cast.

Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder - Mostly a single use token doubler. Offs himself after Prossh is cast, but provides a decent amount of fuel. A card that can probably be slotted out for alternate wincon.

Furystoke Giant - I don’t see this card run almost ever, but in token decks being able to just shock face OR a creature with every token is nuts, and while it doesn’t often win a game right there and then, having Prossh eat him and trigger persist allows another run of shocks.

Goblin Sharpshooter - Turns creature deaths boardwide into bits of removal and face damage. I personally didn’t get his value at first but he pulls more than it looks he would, and can wipe out opponent’s token boards alone.

Hellrider - Pet card from standard days. Not the best, not the worst. Turns swinging with a lot of little tokens into a significant amount more of damage, especially when Kobolds of Kher Keep are 0/1s.

Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - If Korvold is King, Prossh is god (And what's a king to a god?). Korvold lives off the bounty of Prossh's sacrificing and the engine of the deck. Notably is a sacrifice trigger and not a true death trigger.

Mitotic Slime - Alone triggers enter the battlefield and exit the battlefield effects seven times each. A good snack for Prossh or great to Goblin Bombard.

Ogre Battledriver - Is a turn 6 assister, allowing Prossh and gang to swing in right when they come in. Immediately decreases in usefulness after that, and often swinging in isn’t always a good idea to preserve tokens. A haste enabler is always great though, and he does it well.

Ophiomancer - Combos greatly with Deathreap Ritual and provides excellent chump blockers. On your turn though, doesn’t do much.

Poison-Tip Archer - Is Blood Artist + Zulaport Cutthroat without lifegain (negligible anyways) on a deadly blocker body. Notably, the effect doesn’t happen when he himself dies.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - The primary four drop of the deck turns a Prossh cast into 14 damage to all opponents. Token generators will quickly burn your opponents away. While uncommon, his second ability can be useful for swinging in. A literal god in red token decks. Prossh, Skyraider of Kher + Purphoros, God of the Forge

Sakura-Tribe Elder - Grab one of 6 basics, on a stick. Just a rampant growth that can pop a few triggers if drawn late game.

Shaman of Forgotten Ways - A banned commander card (Biorhythm)) on a stick, with a condition easy to achieve in a tokens deck. Oh, and also is a great way to accelerate Prossh to the table. I prefer him and Somberwald Sage to things like Elvish Mystic due to the number of taplands in the deck and the potency of their effects.

Sidisi, Undead Vizier - Diabolic Intent on a stick, also a potent blocker. Try exploiting Prossh for a recast! She can also exploit herself. See Demonic Tutor under Instants & Sorceries for a list of good targets.

Smothering Abomination - Not a very good card the first few turns and should be cast after tokens are on the board, to gain some great card advantage. It flavorfully and mechanically pairs well with eldrazi token generators due to its tax, so make sure to leave it some food for the next turn. Or it eats itself.

Somberwald Sage - Produces more mana than Shaman, but has a weaker body and no secondary effect. Less flashy, but still effective. An option to slot out.

Viscera Seer - I toyed with him for a while but decided he should stay after all. Scry is a powerful effect, even though well saturated in this list, but being a sac outlet himself for one mana is huge. Combos to form a fine sift with Catacomb Sifter.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician - An alternative to Smothering Abomination but with an activated ability instead of being passive. Is a limited draw source due to the life pay, but is often negligible. Knocking -1/-1 counters on opposing tokens is always nice. Second ability is also there.

Zulaport Cutthroat - Is a remix of Blood Artist, hitting ALL opponents, but only when YOUR creatures die, which isn’t a problem. Different but the same in our case, and the redundancy stacks.

Aetherworks Marvel - What is this? It’s a fun punch card for sacrificing 6 things (in most cases, creatures, but also fetches, to get a free card off your top 6 cards of your library, like a different version of Xenagos, the Reveler’s ultimate. This card is mostly for fun, but the bonus can sometimes be a game changer. Definitely a card that can be slotted out.

Arcane Signet - Supreme commander rock for decks with more than two colors. RIP Gruul Signet.

Ashnod's Altar - Only needs Phyrexian Altar to go infinite. But also provides a conditionless sacrifice outlet, and for ramp at that. It’s secondary as a sac outlet to Goblin Bombardment, especially since it really is only useful on your turn.

Chromatic Lantern - Fantastic staple for three color decks, eliminates all mana color issues by making all your lands tap for any color, and provides mana itself! Great for Grave Pact.

Skullclamp - Trade a kobold for two cards, for one mana. A steal. Or put it on something bigger, and then have Prossh eat it. This is the kind of deck where this card really can be abused.

Sol Ring - Y’know

Alike a lot of the creatures in this deck, the enchantments for the most part fall into supporting the Enter-Fight-Die life cycle for tokens. A lot of them have great art too.

Awakening Zone - Cheap and consistent token generator whose tokens are also ramp, they aren’t that great at attacking though. Provides playing larger cards on turn 4 and 5 when lands may have entered tapped.

Bastion of Remembrance - Highly efficient death trigger in both CMC and damage. Also brings an off-color friend!

Beastmaster Ascension - An easy way to make meek tokens into bruisers granting +5/+5. Because 7 creatures have to attack, you need more than just Prossh’s goons, so if played earlier in the game having more useless tokens attack just for charges is ideal. Nothing more to it than providing permanent power.

Cryptolith Rite - Allows for a lot of shenanigans with casting more than you should, making it so that tokens can recast Prossh themselves. Could theoretically go infinite with Ogre Battledriver and Parallel Lives with an outlet to sacrifice Prossh, becoming an advanced Food Chain Because this would be almost a five card combo, and the card is so good on its own, it stays.

Deathreap Ritual - Is honestly very week but is a drawing engine. It’s kind of like a twisted Mind's Eye but with creature sacrifice. The more players there are the stronger it is. Could be slotted out.

Dictate of Erebos - Is almost “strictly better” than Grave Pact, as the cost is less color restrictive and can be flashed in for some rude plays. It wipes out opponent board states as a secondary effect to the normal functions of the deck.

Doubling Season - Power Hungry originally came with Primal Vigor, a whole board version of this. Doubling Season is strictly better, doubling tokens you produce, and also synergizes with some effects where counters matter like Beastmaster Ascension and Kraul Death Priest.

Fecundity - A Horn of Greed for creature death. Death triggers are of course plentiful in this list and makes this an intense draw engine, especially since it’s a secondary bonus to a death.

From Beyond - A bumped up version of Awakening Zone, with Scions having power than Spawn (1/1 vs 0/1 matters), and that if need be can be exchanged for Catacomb Sifter or Smothering Abomination, in some scenarios. Another token generator.

Goblin Bombardment - The best sacrifice outlet in the deck. Get rid of creatures (Prossh!) and do damage, the main goal of the deck. Is a great way to respond to a board wipe, and since it can hit both creatures and players, you can hold a whole board hostage with threats of eliminating opposing commanders or important tech. If you have an option to get rid of a creature through Prossh or this card, always bombard.

card:Grave Pact(10E) - Strictly colored, with the same effect as Dictate of Erebos, forcing opponents to sacrifice their own stuff when mine die my any means, which makes chump blocking dangerous for opponents. It’s funny to imagine in the card art that he is telling your opponent’s creatures to get in the grave. Redundant but good.

Growing Rites of Itlimoc   - Sifts for a creature (many of which have great utility), and then on an easy to achieve condition (just by casting Prossh) becomes Gaea's Cradle but better, providing green mana even without available creatures.

Impact Tremors - A stunted version of Purphoros, God of the Forge, and stacks with him to deal more damage with tokens entering the field.

Parallel Lives - A token doubler like Doubling Season that makes a flood of tokens with Prossh. Better costed and more applicable to the deck, since counters don’t matter as much, and curve wise this is often played on turn five anyways. The two doublers together can combine to make an insane amount of tokens that can end the turn as soon as Prossh hits the field with cards like Impact Tremors

Shared Animosity - Does its most work with Kobolds of Kher Keep, giving +5/+0 to the attacking Kobolds. It works well with tokens created in groups by others like Avenger of Zendikar too. In comparison to Beastmaster Ascension, it at base value only provides the same temporary power (only on attack), leaving tokens vulnerable to being blocked, but in groups larger than 6 has more potential to do more damage.

Sylvan Library - Is one of the only draw tech cards in the deck. The numerous scry effects work well with it, and it stands alone because I don’t feel that cards like Mirri's Guile and Sensei's Divining Top are needed because Sylvan Library can let me just take cards off the top in exchange for life, and top deck manipulation isn’t the most important thing this deck does.


The instants package is small, and is dedicated to removal mostly in emergency situations.

Artifact Mutation - A two for one deal. Artifacts are much more plentiful than enchantments, and for two mana killing someone’s land rock and getting even at least one token is good in my book. Eliminating a Thran Dynamo for example provides four saprolings, which is 2 less tokens than provided by Prossh. Saprolings often end up being fuel instead of attackers because of lack of creature type synergy with things like Shared Animosity.

Beast Within - Permanent removal with a negligible downside, and at a snap, makes this card a kill button. If the beast is really an issue, it can be washed away with a Grave Pact effect. Can also be cast on Prossh for recast, and then also provides a bit of fuel!

Krosan Grip - Another strict removal with Split Second to shut down a response that would make playing the card useless. Only hits artifacts and enchantments, but hitting enchantments is big since Artifact Mutation can’t. I like Beast Within more.


Board wipes, ramp, and tutors, for the most part.

Crux of Fate - In turns 8+ this card is often used to spot remove Prossh for recasting, on a board wipe. It’s weird. Using like this is very effective (sometimes drawing annoyance from other players using dragons), and in the rare case where someone’s creature state is more dangerous than mine, it functions mostly like Damnation, but then leaves only Prossh, which is annoying for this deck then. You can respond to destroying your own stuff with Goblin Bombardment, though.

Decimate - blows up four different things exclusively, and they MUST be on the board to be used, and could possibly hit your own stuff. But that rarely matters. Four mana destroy four things is great and deals with a lot of potential threats all at once, but tends to make the whole table hate you, which is often already the case.

Demonic Tutor - Two mana for any card is clean and efficient, allowing you to often play the card the same turn you tutor for it with the curve of this deck. I primarily target Eldritch Evolution, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Skullclamp, Goblin Bombardment or Beast Within for value that I’m missing, as these are some major winners in the deck.

Diabolic Intent - Functions the same way as Demonic Tutor, but you have to kill someone off. This is often good so you can get rid of Prossh as an upside, and in early game killing a plant from Khalni Garden doesn’t do any harm.

Eldritch Evolution - Is AWESOME. I had to go over this card a couple of times at its release, but it functions like a Green Sun's Zenith for two + the CMC of a creature to sacrifice. So if you target Prossh, destroying him so that you can recast him, you then can look for ANY creature in this list, and then cast Prossh the next turn. You could grab anything, but you should grab Craterhoof Behemoth, and then swing in for (0+7)*6 + (5 + 7) = 54 damage with a board state of just 6 Kobolds of Kher Keep. This gets even greater with more creatures and power modifiers. Craterhoof Behemoth + Eldritch Evolution

Farseek - Grabs any of the ABU Duals or Shocks for a quick two mana fixer. It’s often better to grab shocks because they may come in tapped anyways.

Growth Spasm - Is a pet card (wicked art) that works well in the deck, grabbing one of the 6 basic lands for fixing and then providing a token that can be used for colorless ramp, and also contributes to the Enter-Fight-Die scheme.

Hull Breach - At the cost of not being at instant speed, you can destroy both an artifact or enchantment, but aren’t forced to do both, unlike Decimate. Great destruction value.

Mogg Infestation - Is like a better Crux of Fate for this deck, but functions differently. If most often is used on your own board state. First, it kills Prossh, which is always good. Second, it works like a token doubler, since for every creature it destroys (including tokens), it replaces them with two goblins, similar to Beast Within. This then hits all ETB triggers for the new goblins and Death triggers for those who died. In a pinch, can blow up a threatening opponent’s board too.

Skyshroud Claim - Often just snags Taiga and Overgrown Tomb for all three colors on one card, and then allows you to use them right off the bat. It’s expensively costed for the curve, and others may choose not to run it, but I do out of preference.

Sylvan Scrying - Is Farseek but doesn’t put the land on the battlefield, trading instead to grab any land. This often is just used to grab Gaea's Cradle or Kessig Wolf Run, but is notable in that it can grab the three Scry lands too.

Both of the two planes walkers run have ramp as their first ability and token creating second abilities. They function as a package of effects that all contribute to the deck.

Garruk Wildspeaker - If played turn 4, allows Prossh to be cast the next turn. His second ability creates beast as fodder but sets him back a bit from his ultimate, which creates a mini overrun. It’s better often to just use his first ability over and over, since opponents seem to dislike him more than the next much more effective walker.

Xenagos, the Reveler - Is more conditional in his ramp, requiring creatures, and creates mana on his +1 akin to a Gruul Gaea's Cradle. He also creates tokens to no cost or benefit to loyalty, which sometimes just provides protection for himself. His last ability isn’t as important but can be used as an Aetherworks Marvel when excessive mana isn’t needed anymore.

Additional Comments

Yeah, this deck is very expensive. But nearly half the deck’s price comes from Gaea's Cradle, and a lot of the rest comes from the rest of the land base. Replacing Shocks, duals, and utility lands with guild gates and thus Skyshroud Claim with Circuitous path is nearly the same effect but much cheaper. Also consider that the sideboard cards are not needed but contribute to the deck’s price.

Unfortunately due to the rising popularity of EDH a lot of previously cheaper staples like Purphoros, God of the Forge and Goblin Bombardment are not cheap. Also buying these cards not in foil significantly reduces the deck’s price. Some, like Skullclamp are essential and don’t have similar cards, so these should be prioritized in a list.

When replacing cards, remember that the deck focuses on effects when tokens enter the battlefield, when they leave, using them for multiple different roles before their death.

In the sideboard, cards I have deemed too oppressive, easy, or gimmicky have been added.

Contamination - Is a black blood moon with a downside that allows the player to get rid of it need be, and whose tax is basically nothing in a token deck. I would absolutely hate if this played against me, like Blood Moon, so it isn’t played.

Epic Struggle - Not usually a fan of “I win” cards without a weird condition. This is way too easy to achieve in a token deck like this, even though twenty is a LOT of creatures and often more than this deck produces in its average run.

Eternal Scourge - Is a nobody on its own except repeatable three mana fodder. It’s main concern is that is combos with Food Chain for Infinite Mana.

Food Chain - Just it and Prossh creates infinite mana, infinite tokens and thus infinite enter the battlefield and death triggers. Way too easy to play with and is just very boring.

Melira, Sylvok Outcast and Murderous Redcap - With the sac outlet attached to Prossh, these two together make an infinite amount of Shocks. No thanks.

Phyrexian Altar - With a token doubler or Ashnod's Altar functions like Food Chain does. A great card in the deck alone, but too easy to manipulate and break.

Pitiless Plunderer and Revel in Riches - These together or even alone make a lot of treasure due to the constant token deaths and Grave Pact effects. Pitiless Plunderer could be run mainboard alone, but I don’t need the extra mana from treasure as the mana it produces is most useful before Prossh is cast, but my own death triggers tend to occur after he’s played.

Smokestack - Literally the namesake of STAX. I hate stax, and this deck can abuse this card to hell and back. Again, no thanks.

Let me know if you can think of improvements or other suggestions for this deck! I am always trying to make it both more fun and synergistic. I even have cards in that are just pure fun instead of interactive.

If you like the deck, drop a +1!

Check out my other well developed decks:

Ultra-Fine Combo Filter

General Skullbriar's Droid Army


Updates Add

Hellrider --> Birds of Paradise

Finally, the day has come. Being here since day 1, Hellrider must be taken out back and put out of his misery. He's fun, but doesn't pull his weight. In his place will be the classic green bird, who while adding more ramp to an already very rampy deck, is very effective and can be fuel itself. I might readjust the amount of ramp in the future. I considered using Ignoble Hierarch instead of the bird, but exalted means little since very rarely will Prossh be going in for the kill alone (Kessig Wolf Run is the exception).

Mitotic Slime --> Fiend Artisan

Fiend Artisan is a weird card, and potentially can be used like a worse Birthing Pod to take the steps to getting from Prossh to Craterhoof, although slower and more expensive. I think it would play more towards the beginning of the game and grabbing utility creatures, but I'd have to play with it a bit first. Mitotic Slime gets voted off the island because it's just a big piece of coal - fuel for the fire, which isn't very exciting or often game changing without the other materials to make it work.

Grave Pact --> Assassin's Trophy

Grave pact is another founding father of this deck due to its power and "Get in the Grave" energy that has become less useful over time. It's difficult to cast, doesn't contribute to winning the game, and draws a lot of hate. I'd rather just use Dictate of Erebos later in the game as a surprise than have this putting a target on my head. I've exchanged it for more general spot removal, a holdover from General Skullbriar's Droid Army who I recently tore down.

Aetherworks Marvel --> Eternal Witness

This deck, it has no recursion (except for Volrath's Stronghold)? Let's change that. On a creature so it can become fuel later.

Decimate --> Nature's Claim

Decimate has forced me to destroy one of my own enchantments one too many times. No more. Nature's claim is something I had never considered before for my green decks, and I'm not sure why, it's extremely efficiently costed for basically no downside, especially since 4 life isn't going to mean anything once Craterhoof Behemoth shows up.

Deathreap Ritual --> Vampiric Tutor

I've never liked deathreap ritual. It forces a specific way of playing out my turns to maximize its effect, often for no reason other than its secondary ability. It is to me a bad Fecundity, which is still just decent. Another aggressively costed tutor hurts nobody but my opponents, and is another refugee from my deceased Skullbriar deck.

Skyshroud Claim --> Wood Elves

See the previous update for info about this cut, I have decided to go through with it.

From Beyond --> Natural Order

The deck's wincon of Eldritch Evolution has been undeniably good. While Natural Order is less flexible than it and can't target the Kobolds of Kher Keep or most of the other creatures in the deck for its effect, I'd like to try it on the same route of Prossh into Craterhoof Behemoth. From Beyond gets axed because it's turn 4 ramp which is getting to be too slow for me (alike Skyshroud Claim), and the tutor effect is extremely situational. I'd rather just use a real tutor turn 1 or 2 to find Awakening Zone.

Doubling Season --> Chatterfang, Squirrel General

As much as the vorthos in me hates putting a squirrel in this deck, for all intents and purposes it does exactly the same thing as doubling season, if not better, replacing 0/1s with 1/1s. I could use both, but doubling tokens is a want rather than a need for this deck and doubling season isn't very effectively costed anymore for what is does, since a majority of the time it's just Parallel Lives for one more mana. In a pinch this guy can become a sacrifice outlet for the tokens he makes too, and for a rather decent ability.

Mosswort Bridge --> Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth

The bridge is actually really good in this deck, but was the only land that I thought could be axed for the new green Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth. The other clear option was Evolving Wilds, but I decided against that to keep the mana base balanced and more easily fixed, even though Yavimaya does that as well. I may change my mind in the future.

Another card I've been looking at is Plumb the Forbidden. Very good uncommon, but generally I think I'd rather not commit holding mana for it incase of a wipe or something similar and instead just use another sacrifice outlet.

Acidic Slime and Chancellor of the Forge are on the fence for being exchanged out.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 2 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 1 Mythic Rares

53 - 7 Rares

16 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.25
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Eldrazi Spawn 0/1 C, Goblin 1/1 R, Human Soldier 1/1 W, Kobolds of Kher Keep 0/1 R, Plant 0/1 G, Saproling 1/1 G, Satyr 2/2 GR, Snake 1/1 B, Squirrel 1/1 G, Thrull 1/1 B, Treasure
Folders Cool decks, Sac Commander, Other People's Decks, EDH (Creature Based), EDH, Edh Decks, Commander Folder, cool ideas, Inspiration, saved decks
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