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Non-frightening Zombies are Lame Zombies

Modern Aggro Budget Mono-Black Reanimator Tokens Zombie


The goal of this deck is to create a survival situation for your opponent with never ending waves of zombies. I've always loved survival video game modes where the goal was to hold out as long as possible. Taking that as inspiration, I've constructed this deck to do just that.

  • The turn by turn wave is generated by feeding Gravecrawler to Carrion Feeder so Headless Rider can be triggered over... and over... and over...
  • Speed, consistency, and persistence is achieved by milling yourself so Carrion Feeder and Headless Rider can be reanimated to the battlefield.
  • There are "bosses" that either grow big over time, release powerful spells on ETB, or persistently cast spells over time.
  • There is a final wave generator that will create infinite zombies and infinitely big bosses.
  • Carrion Feeder Grows mildly big. It's "The Enabler" in the combo responsible for the waves of zombies.
  • Champion of the Perished grows 2 times faster then Carrion Feeder. He is a tank.
  • Gray Merchant of Asphodel ETBs with a very powerful and hard to dodge spell. Usually continues getting in 2 dmg per turn when the defender knows about all the reanimation.
  • Liliana has three spells. Her [+1] spell helps speed up the waves while also keeping you consistent and alive. Her [-2] spell focuses the zombie horde towards one target usually overwhelming it. Her [-3] spell is a true display of her black magic as a necromancer; under the right conditions, she can infinitely raise the dead (Liliana's (-3) + sac outlet + Shambling Ghast's "Search the Body").
  • Replacing Carrion Feeder with Phyrexian Altar, which would replace the 1zombie per 1swamp combo with another infinite combo, was not considered. I'm not a fan of infinite combos. Though there is an infinite combo already in the deck, I find it objectively appropriate; it keeps this ghastly power solely within the boss necromancer herself. By the time it can get set up, there should have already been a sufficient amount of growing non-infinite waves from Carrion Feeder. By this point in the game, if your opponent can't manage your horde of zombies, an infinite wave makes sense. Lastly, the point of the deck is not to end things quickly; zombie deaths are slow. The idea is to have fun slowly discouraging your opponent and draining their will to live with your "Endless Ranks of the Dead".
  • Call of the Death-Dweller is situationally better then Ghoulcaller's Chant when you need two 1-drops or only one 3-drop back. But, the chant allows you to get Gray Merchant of Asphodel back for a second dose.
  • Casting Death Baron will produce a smaller wave that turn. But, it'll make any wave its alive for a lot stronger. Play it strategically or Unearth it.


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98% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

11 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.80
Tokens Treasure, Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Jacked, Zombie
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