
New to magic and TCG strategy in general, this is one of my first decks. Criticism is encouraged. This is, however, a casual deck, so I'm not looking to buy any shocklands or expensive cards. I'm more than willing to buy any commons that would be better alternatives to what I've got.

The main strategy is to get Guttersnipe and Goblin Electromancer out ASAP, and get to casting those instants and sorceries, clearing anything they put down and blasting them in the face. The other cards I've chosen attempt to work around that core mechanic, but many of them are simply there because they fit with the deck, rather than having a specific purpose.

Considering swapping out Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius with AEtherling, which is in the mail.


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Okay, the deck has gone through a number of changes since I first posted and began playing with it. I've also got a couple dozen games under my belt, so I'm not a total newbie any more!

Optimally, your first hand will have a nice combination of your low cost cards. Young Pyromancer, Goblin Electromancer, Lightning Bolt, Shock, Magma Jet, Disperse to take care of any creatures they play. Very much a "draw-go" deck for the first few turns. The combination of Dissolve and Izzet Charms (Charms especially within the first few turns) will have your opponent frustrated that their field is devoid of creatures and you're still sitting at 20 health. Hopefully you'll have gotten a Guttersnipe or Young Pyromancer out to take advantage of your instants and pinging away at your opponent. Once you ramp up to an AEtherling or Spellheart Chimera, the game should be nearly over. I'm absolutely loving control, simply for being able to foil any big plays your friends (er, opponents) try to make.

The sideboard is half useful, half for-fun. Act of Treason is for any big threats your opponent is able to sneak past; either by your lack of Disperse, Dissolve, or Izzet Charm, or simply having too high of toughness to deal with. Get some extra damage off with your new friend, and it can't block any creatures you've got out. Downsize plays a similar role. Annihilating Fire is to deal with graveyard or salvage decks. I've got some extra low cost creatures in there if you feel the need for them. Hypersonic Dragon is for adding additional mid-game damage and for when you really just want to draw two cards (Divination) on your opponents turn. Niv-Mizzet, Dracogenius is a really fun card, but ultimately Aethering took his place in the mainboard. He's still fun to pull out on occasion.

If you guys have more suggestions, let me hear them! You've all been a great help and I've learned so much.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 4 Rares

22 - 1 Uncommons

18 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.28
Tokens Elemental 1/1 R
Folders Standard
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