When you're building Pauper Commander and want to take on the world with only one creature in the deck. Focus of the deck is to hold up a boatload of mana for your Crypt Rats as combat deterrent, only to spend it at the end of the turn cycle. While you lack creatures, you'll make up for it by having every trick in the book to keep your commander on the field. Two key abilities to exploit would be Lifelink and Deathtouch. Giving the rats lifelink and dumping 5 mana while everyone else has about 3 creatures on board nets you 65 life. The rats with Deathtouch just gives you instant speed Damnation for 1 mana. Not a deck for making allies, because who wants to play against Life Drain x Pestilence in the command zone? Some potential downsides of the deck, besides getting singled out for your archenemy status, would be running out of cards, hard to kill creatures, and commander damage/infect. You'll be playing a lot of cards that don't add to the board so being overran when you're short on mana is a real possibility and creatures that won't die to damage or can be easily brought back can't be dealt with by your commander. You'll be able to heal most damage, but not commander or infect. Lots of good choices for MVC, but I'd probably go with Rush of Vitality or Battle-Rage Blessing (Offer Immortality) as your best draw. Finally, if playing purely for fun and not the win, consider adding cards like Tainted Strike. You'll all go down together simply because you decided to spend 14 mana throughout that game.


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97% Casual


Date added 2 months
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Pauper EDH legal.

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.23
Tokens Blood, Clue, Food, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You
Folders Edh pauper decks
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