smiffdemon says... #2
*budget alternative when talking about Bringer, not cheaper CMC wise.
May 20, 2015 5:12 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #3
smiffdemon thanks for all the recommendations. I've thought about Karrthus for a while, was going to use him as my commander in my old Jund Dragons EDH deck but went and dropped the money on Scion first.
As far as direction of the deck it's still mostly a "toolbox" against my playgroup. There's a Kaalia deck that likes to do reanimation as well as an Undying deck so the Leyline of the Void comes in handy.
Only reason I don't have Silumgar, The Drifting Death in is mostly because I don't have one. I've been using Dragonlord Ojutai as protection for scion for now or if I want to be mean turn my Scion into Yosei, The Morning Star and freeze whoever came after me first.
It would be awesome to play against a fellow Scion deck. Right now I'm dealing with a Turbofog deck in our group so I either pound that deck with hits from dragon tempest or pull off the Door to Nothingness which usually gets both a shocked reaction and utter laughter.
Thanks for all the recommendations though! Much appreciated!
May 20, 2015 5:15 p.m.
smiffdemon says... #4
Karrthus is kinda pricey, so I totally get it. Thankfully, Silumgar isn't! If you find him laying around at your local cardshop, I think he'd be a pivotal addition.
But yeah, play to cater to your opponents for sure. Don't let me tell you otherwise! It's the reason that I have a sideboard with Pithing Needle and Phyrexian Revoker which are weak cards in general but not to my playgroup that has a few people using commanders from the 2014 sets.
+1'd by the way!
May 20, 2015 5:27 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #5
smiffdemon Thanks a lot! I'm sure someone in my playgroup has a silumgar somewhere so I'll ask them first (though I don't know how much they are really willing to help me these days haha).
May 20, 2015 5:30 p.m.
Heavystorm274 says... #6
Mana Confluence? City of Brass? I feel like both would add some more consistency.
May 20, 2015 7:54 p.m.
ViridianTempest says... #7
As a fellow Scion player, I can safely say he's one of my favorite generals to play (and I've played a few). Some quick thoughts I had... Mana Bloom and Armillary Sphereare far outclassed by some very cheap pieces of ramp... Skyshroud Claim and Farseek(which get better if you have shocklands or True Duals), while Mind Stone and Chrome Moxare cheap and good pieces of ramp (okay, Chrome Mox isn't super cheap.) Moving on, Terminus might not be the greatest piece of boardwipe for a deck that relies on it's commander as much asScion decks do. Austere Command may be the actual best boardwipe, and it gets points for being one of the most modal. Leyline of the Void is a great Magic card, but it clashes with your reanimator subtheme. Something targeted like Tormod's Crypt is often better. Kill Shot is easily outclassed by Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile, and Krosan Grip is just something you should be playing. Gravepurge is not as good as Footbottom Feast, you should play Feast first every time. I'll finish up with a few Dragons... Dragon Tyrant usually spells the end of an opponent, Quicksilver Dragon says "2U: Save Scion from a spot removal spell", Hellkite Charger + Bear Umbra + Aggravated Assault makes infinite combat steps, and Scourge of Valkas, in addition to being my favorite card with the Dragon subtype, is the best thing to target with a kicked Rite of Replication. Also, while I remember, you're playing all 5 colors so play the best counterspells: Plasm Capture, Counterflux, and Pact of Negation won't break the bank, while Mana Drain and Force of Will are the best counterspells ever. Whatever floats your boat.
Scion of Legends Playtest
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 0 | 0 COMMENTS | 74 VIEWSThe only other thing I can suggest, which would do more for this deck than any of the above suggestions,is to upgrade the manabase to shocklands/true duals and fetchlands. This is easily the most expensive part of a 5-color deck, and it's not an easystep to take, but the more consistent your mana is, the more often you'll get to smack people with big fat dragons. Take a look at my list if you don't mind, and let me know if there's anything you think I should change. Thanks for listening to me ramble on for way too long :p
May 20, 2015 11:34 p.m.
smiffdemon says... #8
ViridianTempest: Gravepurge and Footbottom Feast literally do the exact same thing for the exact same CMC.
May 20, 2015 11:57 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #9
ViridianTempest Thanks for all the suggestions. Yeah I want to jump to Shock lands but it's definitely a $$$ thing. I've been playing this deck consistently since i've built it and haven't had much of an issue with my mana base. 4-5 times I'm up there pretty quick.
As far as leyline it doesn't mess with my reanimation because it only affects my opponents (I have a deck in my playgroup that depends on delve and another that has a lot of undying) so it's mainly a smack to the face for them. I also just picked up a Plasm Capture and getting a Counterflux this week so i'm making swaps (was using what I had handy for counterspells at first). With the infinite combat steps I was running with Bear Umbra + Savage Ventmaw + Aggravated Assault while having a few dragons out as well. Does the same thing but the combat steps cost me 2 less than they would with Hellkite Charger.
I'll definitely check your deck out as well and thanks again for checking this one out.
May 21, 2015 9:37 a.m.
I had a Scion deck and changed it into Karrthus but one of my favorite cards for the deck, and quite tribal, is Cryptic Gateway - it allows for you to drop something like Dragon Broodmother, Broodmate Dragon, or Bladewing the Risen and have multiple dragons on the battlefield to immediately tap and bring in more dragons. It's really helpful when an opponent has a lot of bounce spells because you can recast the dragons a few times without having to spend near the amount of mana. This works especially well when you have Dragon Tempest on the field.
My last suggestion for you would be Mirari's Wake because as soon as you get it out everything get's better. Double mana is the best for expensive CMC dragon cards!
Nice Deck, keep brewing!
May 22, 2015 2:46 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #12
Zicca21 Thanks for the suggestion on Cryptic Gateway!
As soon as I think I'm done brewing on this I find something else/get recommended something else.
May 22, 2015 2:50 p.m.
ViridianTempest says... #13
That's the cool thing about EDH: It's your deck, and your decks are supposed to be extensions of yourself, so as your interests and playstyles change, so do your decks. And when people tell you about cool stuff, you can just jam it in for stuff you no longer want to use.
Also, don't listen to smiffdemon, Footbottom Feast is 124% better than Gravepurge. Trust me.
May 27, 2015 7:46 p.m.
smiffdemon says... #14
ViridianTempest I think you're screwin with me now lmao
May 27, 2015 11:18 p.m.
Solid list, looks fun! :PHow about Unburial Rites to get even more extra value out of these dragons ?
May 28, 2015 10:27 a.m.
thatgingerguy says... #16
xavouine Thanks for checking it out! I've thought about that one as well. Just getting to the point where cutting/swapping cards has become extremely difficult haha. This deck has been a lot of fun and has drawn a fair amount of hate in my playgroup as it's taken down every EDH deck in it.
May 28, 2015 10:47 a.m.
thatgingerguy says... #18
Mackman99 yeah want one, never pulled one and he's still sitting up at about $40 so it's a lot to drop. There are some in my playgroup but all not wanting to trade haha.
May 29, 2015 11:05 a.m.
maxshadow987 says... #19
here are a couple of good combo in those deck
Dack's Duplicate + Enduring Scalelord : Transform Scion into Enduring, copy it with Dack's. Swing at the player with the most life.
Aggravated Assault + Savage Ventmaw is a greath win condition it give you infinite battle phase if savage is not kill
and i think you already know - Moltensteel Dragon + Scion of the Ur-Dragon + Skithiryx, the Blight Dragon
if you need inspiration you can also look at my deck scion of the many dragon
June 4, 2015 2:21 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #20
maxshadow987 I have checked out your deck before and it is also awesome. I have the aggravated assault + savage ventmaw combo in my deck and trust me my playgroup has seen that combo pop off more than once. It's an interesting deck to play because I'm constantly shifting how I have to play it. Also it brings about a lot of hate, there is a constant "gang up on the 5C deck" mentality in my group as of late haha.
Thanks for checking it out.
June 4, 2015 3:44 p.m.
Meghatron714 says... #21
I agree with a lot of the suggestions Athenaaa gave you. Patriarch's Bidding is my favorite card! Defense of the Heart would be amazing in this deck! You should also consider something like Bloom Tender for mana ramp. I threw one in my Scion deck just to try it out and it frequently allows me to throw the game-winning punch. Another great way to pull the mana necessary for this deck is with Land Tax. I would take out Descendants' Path and throw in a Birthing Pod instead! Works well with reanimate and allows you to control the dragons on your field. My second favorite card would be seriously beastly in this deck! Check out Sneak Attack, not only can you drop a creature for one red mana, but if you have good reanimate cards you can really beef up your graveyard for a Patriarch's Bidding or Living Death. Just something to consider!! Please look at my deck and see if you have any advice to offer. I don't know how to add a link without it taking you to someone else's deck instead. Just go to Meghatron714 and my deck is called "Did Someone Say Dragons?..." Thanks!
July 20, 2015 10:23 a.m. Edited.
Scion is the best! you've got some combos here that I had not considered for my scion deck. I might have to steel them :P
Other good 1 card combos to consider:
Credit Voucher + Keen Sense + Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind = win for only 7 mana. put keen sense on Scion, turn him into the Firemind, then draw cards until you are almost out of cards in your deck, then cast and activate the voucher discard your whole hand (about 80 cards and draw the mall again. You've dealt about 160-180 damage
Dack's Duplicate + Enduring Scalelord = a 9,999/9,999 flying creature and a 9,999/9,999 Scion for 6 mana. Just turn Scion into the Scalelord then cast Dack's Duplicate, attack with one or both Scalelord's (one or more opponents, as long as one has the most life) and the trigger will put +1/+1 counters on them until I want it to stop, then damage is dealt!
Dragon Tyrant + Might of the Nephilim = a 16/16 flying trample double strike dragon... aka instakill. simply attack with Scion then, whether or not they block you can say "surprise! your dead."
Aggravated Assault + Savage Ventmaw and Bear Umbra + Hellkite Charger = Attack infinite times... that just makes me happy ;D
Boros Charm + Pernicious Deed , now that's just mean! If you can combine it with Mycosynth Lattice it is just stupid.
Hellkite Tyrant + Mycosynth Lattice = steal all of your opponents stuff including lands.
Cyclonic Rift + Nicol Bolas is a fun and hateful thing to do, cast Cyclonic Rift overloaded, attack with scion, they can't block cause all of there stuff is in there hand, turn scion into Nicol Bolas, then then they drop there whole hand.
For other card ideas take a look at my scion deck, I've spent a lot of time on it and it is very strong. How to train yours Dragons.
+1 from me
November 20, 2015 9:42 p.m.
TheMaggotPrince says... #23
Deck looks like a lot of fun! I just build a Scion as well as a "cheat all my favorite cards" out kinda deck. Trying to determine if it will replace my Kaalia deck or if it will just be another fun deck a run. If you are in to cheating out fatties regularly but not really relying on them I'd recommend Elvish Piper, Maelstrom Archangel , and Kaalia of the Vast to get those bombs from your hand onto the battlefield with ease as well. If Scions getting them from the deck then someone should get them from hand as well lol! I run a lot of Nondragon cards because with 5 colors I have nearly all of magics critters at my disposal and Conspiracy is insane when it cheats out the likes of a Gisela, Blade of Goldnight while Atarka or what have you is also on the field.
May 1, 2016 2:30 p.m.
This comes a bit late, but I followed your advice and added more Dragons to my Ur deck. Thanks for the tips.
October 16, 2016 6:10 p.m.
thatgingerguy says... #25
kkira not a problem. Glad I could help. I need to actually play this deck more again. Been playing a Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck for some time now.
smiffdemon says... #1
I think this deck is off to a great start! I love some of the options you have in here.
Silumgar, the Drifting Death is a must. He's not only instant protection for Scion, but he can kill weenies super easily. Believe me, when you're going up against some goblins, you'll be thankful. Hell, late game, Silumgar can kill some major creatures if you've got enough dragons. Combo's super well with Dragon Broodmother and Utvara Hellkite.
I'm not sure what direction you want to go with the deck - if you want more combos, there are the usual ones that have already been done 100 times. You have one piece of a combo with Nivvy in there and Curiosity or Ophidian Eye is cheap and pretty easy to get.
I've also found Sunscorch Regent to be awesome in this deck, especially if you get him out early game. He doesn't seem threatening, especially while your opponents are focusing on Scion - and then soon enough he's HUGE. Also that bit of lifegain helps tremendously while setting up your board for combos or just trying to pool together enough mana.
Bringer of the Black Dawn is an awesome tutor for this deck if you feel you need more of that. It's a cheaper alternative to things like Demonic Tutor or Vampiric Tutor as well.
Cheap reanimator spells you might consider: Animate Dead Life/Death
I'd also recommend Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund. He's got a handful of good combos that go well with him and he'll give your dragons haste if you don't already have Dragon Tempest on the field. More options are always good. Alternatively, Temur Ascendancy for haste and card advantage.
Again, I'm not sure what approach you want for the deck in general, so I'm just giving general ideas based on my own personal preference of playstyle.
But this deck looks awesome! I'd love to play against it with my own Scion deck :)
May 20, 2015 5:09 p.m.