Not Your Regular Squad

Standard* JundGrixisNayaBantEsper


JakeHarlow I made this 75 as my list for the upcoming standard meta and I need some advice from a player who played RDW. What do you think?

March 11, 2015 6:45 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #2

This is a great start. I ran RDW for months after Khans of Tarkir dropped, and I won several events with it. I'll go through my initial thoughts. I'll end with a list of cards I'd suggest to drop, and a list of cards I'd suggest to try out.

I know he's considered to be very powerful, but I don't think Goblin Rabblemaster fits here. He's actually rather slow for this deck. If you're looking at a Sligh strategy, he's too high-curve. Also, at 19 lands, 6 3-drops seems heavy. I would cut this card.

A more explosive card for you is most certainly Akroan Crusader, especially since you're running Titan's Strength. I would also suggest Hammerhand alongside this. I know this seems like a lot of stuff, but I'll give suggestions on what to drop, don't worry.

Dragon Whisperer is great for devotion, but I don't see him fitting into your hyper-aggressive curve. You probably won't get that formidable ability to go, and making him evasive is only moderately nice. You're better off using evasion that comes from Hammerhand to give you better value, as it can also trigger heroic and prowess.

I also ran Firedrinker Satyr and ended up deciding that he is kind of inefficient and honestly a liability against quite a few matchups. I cut him for a playset of Wild Slash, which you have. I'll suggest a replacement; don't worry.

For the mainboard, I would suggest dropping:


I would also look at Lightning Berserker and Dragon Mantle. Both are very viable RDW pieces. The card draw and mana sink option on the latter are extremely potent. Getting an extra draw can be of vital importance to a Sligh deck. Think of it as a cantrip that enables prowess, heroic, and allows you to trade with a Rhino or something big late-game, or even close out a game. The card is good.

The reason I've suggested more token generator cards (Dragon Fodder, Akroan Crusader) is due to your synergy with Foundry Street Denizen as well as the greater opportunity to Stoke the Flames for free. Watch out for Bile Blight, though.

Your sideboard is mostly good. Abzan is a hard matchup, though, since Rhino, Bile Blight, and Drown in Sorrow are things. You need to address these challenges.

Immediately, drop Temple of Triumph, Outpost Siege, and Purphoros, God of the Forge. I don't know what those lands are for, if not to help you hit these 4-drops. However, these are still quite above your curve and probably not what you want to be doing if you're committing to a Sligh strat.

Here are some better (in my opinion) options:

March 11, 2015 9:18 p.m.

Thanks for all the advice!

I REALLY like Dragon Whisperer and during tests he is wonderful. T1- Foundry -> T2- Whisperer -> T3- Swiftspear hit all out. Give Flying to Whisperer and Titans Strength him. Thats already 2+2+2+5= 11 by T3.

Goblin Rabblemaster: I get it. During most of my playtests he hits the curve to late and drops in the middle of a Drown/Crux/Anger/End. He is probably gonna be out for another card.

Now for Firedrinker Satyr I will swap for Akroan Crusader for sure. Satyr is slashed/striked/burned all the time and it's a waste of tempo and life.

For the Main I will do this:

-2x Rabblemaster

-4x Firedrinker


+4x Crusader

+2x Hammerhand.

This will be like this for now. What do you think?

March 12, 2015 8:19 a.m.

Also what do you think of splashing green for bigger creatures and Atarka's Command to deal with lifegain?

March 12, 2015 4:49 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #5

As for the mainboard changes, I like them. They're great. Is there any chance to use some devotion plays with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx? Maybe a single Crater's Claws? Probably a bad idea, I'm just trying to find a way to get value out of the in Dragon Whisperer and Mardu Scout.

Your sideboard changes look very good too.

March 12, 2015 5:32 p.m.

I agree. Just now I was thinking for better plans to utilize the RR symbols in the main. Also Crusader was sadly a bit slow for me to use and he usually went no where...

As for Devotion I will take out the weenies for Fanatic of Mogis + Stormbreath Dragon and Purphoros, God of the Forge. What do you think of a R/G Aggro/Burn devotion list? I could use g/r cards like Atarka's Command Fanatic of Xenagos Fanatic of Mogis and Shaman of the Great Hunt. Sounds like a fun idea but I may stay in the regular devotion route =)

March 12, 2015 5:42 p.m.

JakeHarlow what do you think of the list now? I shifted to burn and during tests it is very strong.

March 14, 2015 9:13 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #8

I think this is extremely viable. I would take this to FNM for sure. I only have a few ideas for your SB, since you've only got 11 cards listed.

Constellation decks are making a few comebacks, with the recent success of devotion decks. I see you have a set of Destructive Revelry, and that's great due to your burn plan and the prevalence of Courser of Kruphix. But maybe a single Back to Nature might be an OK idea.

Since you've got space, maybe Chandra, Pyromaster for even more card advantage? Not really necessary, but could be fun. I can see you aren't using Anger of the Gods, but Scouring Sands might be a good card for the sweeper role against all the token decks in the format. It's also nice for killing Elvish Mystic in the popular rampy decks.

You might also consider more tokens for the Aggro matchups. Dragon Fodder is coming back. It really could be devastating to board it in to augment your burn plan.

Bottom line: you've got 4 cards to play with. Put something awesome in there!

March 14, 2015 11:35 a.m.

Ha ha! There's some cards I know they could prove valuable. 1R for an enchantment and when a creature enters it deals one to each opponent. Also Chandra could be pretty good in a 2 of. Also another cool card is 1R for creatures without flying can't block. Some ideas but Chandra will take 2 slots. Thanks!

March 14, 2015 1:36 p.m.

Kroto says... #10

Why is the eidolon mainboard? In most cases you'll shock yourself won't you?

March 15, 2015 10:07 a.m.

Kroto Eidolon is amazing. Usually it gives at least 4 damage to a opponent and completely wrecks their game plan. A t2 Eidolon and their t2 Seeker is so far 20-18. Then I Outburst -> 18-18. They t Wild Slash my Eidolon and in response I Stoke them/Seeker. Now it's 18-16. What burn wants to do if kill the opponent in the most fastest way possible. And Eidolon does that. In Modern he creates all kinds of problems that screw opponents game plans and it helps me burn the opponent.

So basically Eidolon of the Great Revel is a very key player to add more damage in the start and then finish with burn.

March 15, 2015 2:21 p.m.

Globeking says... #12

Ran a very similar list, I found it tough to actually keep the mana fast enough, had to add in Mana Confluence in order to make sure I could hit everything on curve, none the less +1

March 16, 2015 2:58 p.m.

Thanks for the comment and the +1! I like Mana Confluence but I naturally never get mana screwed. All I need is a Wooded Foothills and any source of red and I am good to go! Confluence will be added if needed though!

March 16, 2015 9:05 p.m.

JakeHarlow says... #14

How is testing going, buddy?

March 19, 2015 10:53 p.m.

Hey JakeHarlow! I have been testing, testing, testing, then homework. This list needs some runs in tourneys, but I am most excited for the Prerelease! I am entering with Chipotle and we are going to have a blast and probably pulling great things. He actually built a new list, Temur Superfriends, and he proxying up and getting ready to test with this new build!

I am very proud of this list so far. It can actually get a Turn 4 win off of Burn and a excellent board state! I would love some ideas for the 75 and suggestions to make it better!

March 20, 2015 2:28 p.m.

how does the land base hold up?? do you get screwed? I have wanted to build naya for the longest time and could never find a build. and then I saw this and I love it!!! I would love to build it, but first I need to know if the land base is fine or not, and do you usually have the mountains for chained to the rocks?

March 26, 2015 10:10 a.m.

I recommend mana confluence if you can get your hands on some, great for mana fixing

March 26, 2015 10:28 a.m.

Agreed with Mana Confluence. The land is almost perfect. During tests, just trust it. Hand with a Temple of Abandon, Bloodstained Mire, and the most important fetch in the WHOLE list, Evolving Wilds, then you are set. The land for the main only needs about 3-4 lands. Once done, start burning and hitting with damage! I have only 2-land hands, but be wary about what land you will keep. I like taking risks game one, but a hand of 2 Bloodstained Mires could be bad for all three colors. I currently don't own any Mana Confluence and am spending a lot of $$$ on this list due to money spikes from Regents.

I will test this list JakeHarlow and FallingSky19992 next week, so stay tuned for updates =)

March 26, 2015 11:51 a.m.

JakeHarlow says... #19

Awesome bro. Looking forward to hearing your report! :)

March 27, 2015 1:57 a.m.

Exiled_soul says... #20

I like this a lot. Its very efficient. Only improvement I have is to consider dropping the Seeker of the Way in favor of Firedrinker Satyr. I really aggressive decks and I feel that change could make this build much more aggressive. They both effectively hit for 2 but one comes out on turn one. Sure the prowess will happen but I think getting in for more damage quicker is a better plan. Or perhaps Foundry Street Denizen in here? with all of the token spells you have this guy should be hitting for a ton. For example, turn 1 him turn 2 dragon fodder, swing for 3. Next turn hordeling outburst, swing for 4 plus 2 token for a total of 6. Regardless, just some suggestions. +1 from me!

March 28, 2015 2:04 a.m.

Exiled_soul says... #21

Really like*

March 28, 2015 2:06 a.m.

Exiled_soul says... #22

Also... Because there are so many tokens lying around Collateral Damage seems very playable here.

March 28, 2015 2:15 a.m.

Thanks for comment and suggestions! I was thinking of taking out Seeker of the Way because at times he is too slow and I wait for t3 to do something. So Foundry Street Denizen and Firedrinker Satyr could fulfill the spot but would Zurgo Bellstriker also work??? Any ideas for that?

Anyway Collateral Damage will probably find a home in the side against heavy removal and to cancel out pesky Bile Blight. Does that work? If I Collateral Damage a goblin that is being targeted for a Bile Blight???

March 28, 2015 9 p.m.

daveeeee says... #24

March 28, 2015 11:52 p.m.

Thanks for the suggestion daveeeee! I like Outpost Siege but I wonder if it's too much mana. I could sideboard it... Thoughts anyone?

March 29, 2015 7:52 p.m.

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