JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #2
Ha ha! SilentSpook I completely agree and Searing Blood was in the side and Boons were in the main but I switched because I was playtesting with sears against my brother's RDW list.
@ BigFace: Love the name =) and thanks for the compliment and a +1 would be nice =) (You too SilentSpook =) )
May 5, 2015 10:04 p.m.
WitchStalker says... #3
Holy crap this deck looks disguntingly consistant and awesome. Can't really abandon my RG dragons deck although this one looks so tempting ;____;
May 6, 2015 1:12 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #4
Ha ha, thanks =). I was playing R/g Dragons because its so strong and consistent, but changed with Collected Company. Its a absolute star and helps fetching Rabblers and give em haste with Surrak/. Thanks for the comment and +1!
May 6, 2015 1:21 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #6
Just updated it =)
I was considering black, since it adds more removal, but can hinder my aggressiveness. What do you think?
June 20, 2015 10:51 a.m.
Carson12rocks says... #7
I don't think I would add black for removal because red still has plenty of removal. And yes black would slow your deck down. What do you have issues with removing?
June 20, 2015 4:26 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #8
This is the one you're considering adding Black to? I think the list is fine. If you're having trouble with Mardu, maybe add more Display of Dominance to your sideboard.
This deck is extremely powerful. You had a bad game against Mardu, and it sounded like the player drew a ton of good cards both games. It's easy to want to over-correct after a game like that, but remember that variance accounts for most of that poor showing. You'll face him again, draw better, and beat him. Sometimes in Magic we get our butts kicked because our opponent drew the exact cards they need to beat us. That's just the game. You'll beat him handily, I promise you. This deck has plenty of distance to crush Mardu, don't doubt it.
June 20, 2015 4:37 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #9
Have you considered Den Protector And Deathmist Raptor?
June 20, 2015 4:43 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #10
I really life this decklist, I was hoping you could check this deck out, just seeing how good this deck is, this is my RG Aggro
SCORE: 1 |
June 20, 2015 5:06 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #11
June 20, 2015 5:07 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #12
Sorry I posted it a second time, I think it glitches out on my screen, but I didn't know if it happened on yours to.
June 20, 2015 5:09 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #13
Yeah, just realizing he had great draws and answers at every turn, and he completely shut me down. So I have to re-adjust to that list because it is going to be more common. Thanks for the reassurance!
I like the Den-Raptor combo, but a little be too expensive. Also, I like being a little more proactive than combo-ing it out. Surrak, the Hunt Caller is known in this list for being active and aggressive. He makes everyone aggressive, which is the game plan.
June 20, 2015 5:19 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #15
Do you remember much about the Mardu list? What kinds of spells were you having difficulty with? Maybe we can figure out a better sideboard or play strategy to help you turn the tables when you have a rematch?
June 20, 2015 6:29 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #17
I guess he had answers at every turn. I dropped Rabblemaster he Foul-Tongued it or I dropped Surrak and he dropped downfall. So it was like I dropped a threat while he killed it and on his turn he dropped a threat and I tried to respond with my own threat but he stopped it. Nothing I can do to that but sideboard well to stop his threats before he can try to touch mine.
June 21, 2015 5:40 p.m.
JakeHarlow says... #18
Crackling Doom will always be a problem, but giving your guys Hexproof with Display of Dominance could help. There's also some green instants in Standard that grant indestructible but I cannot recall their names.
June 21, 2015 5:43 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #19
Just saw a 1st place SCG Tournament G/R Dragon list like mine that beat Mardu Dragons... That's a confidence booster =)
Display of Dominance can help with Foul-Tongue and against Esper Dragons... I am thinking of using Ashcloud Phoenix... Thoughts of adding in/out?
June 21, 2015 5:56 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #20
Absolutely going to try and pick up the Den-Raptor combo it's proving strong with Ashcloud and picking my dragons back up! Nice idea Carson12rocks! Just one problem... Raptor is REALLY expensive.
June 21, 2015 5:58 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #21
Yah, I know, I also know the indestructible card name It's called Mortal's Resolve. Den-raptor is expensive but some how I got 3 den protector and pulled a deathmist. I already traded the deathmist and I'm running the 3 den protectors in my RG Aggro. Also, you could build a side board with planeswalkers that would be hard to deal with. Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker is an insane planeswalkers that I ran 2 of main board. Have you considered Heir of the Wilds? He's an extremely powerful card and if you play Atarka's Command you can give him reach and kill any dragon in standard theat doesn't have indestructible. It's something funny. Also it makes your deck that much more aggresive. A bit off topic, but I figured it might be helpful.
June 21, 2015 6:32 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #22
I agree with adding Ashcloud Phoenix I would also suggest adding some mana ramp, maybe Rattleclaw Mystic or Elvish Mystic. If you wanted even more aggresiveness I would suggest adding Monastery Swiftspear. Insane card, but I would suggest adding more burn in general then. Adding more burn would increase your chance of removing their threats and killing them faster.
June 21, 2015 6:45 p.m.
SilentSpook says... #23
Just so you know, Display of Dominance won't stop Crackling Doom and Foul-Tongue Invocation, since the 2 spells target a player, not your creatures. Its still a great sideboard card against control and abzan midrange. Also, Elvish Mystic is incredibly valuable, especially in this deck. Playing everything a turn earlier is exactly what aggro wants, especially with dragons. Plus you have no one drop creatures otherwise. I would also advise removing one Wild Slash from the sideboard for one Mob Rule. This is a game winner against mono-red, dragons, and even abzan aggro. With Xenagos, the Reveler and Elvish Mystic, you could have no problems casting it turn 4. Stealing all of their creatures, and in combination with yours can easily kill the opponent in one swing.
June 21, 2015 10:55 p.m.
JundGrixisNayaBantEsper says... #24
I like Mob Rule, but weenie-lists isn't that prevalent in my meta, so I will take out a Wild Slash to adjust, but Elvish Mystic is a card I should use, as well as Ashcloud Phoenix. What do you think I should take out?
June 22, 2015 9:38 p.m.
Carson12rocks says... #25
I would say Stormbreath Dragon or maybe 2 copies for Ashcloud Phoenix but I'm a budget player, so that's something I would do. Maybe a Boon Satyr and a Surrak, the Hunt Caller and maybe a couple of Rattleclaw Mystic. I don't know exactly but some of those sound like good trades.
SilentSpook says... #1
I think that searing blood is too much of a sideboard card, especially when you don't have a ton of burn otherwise. Boon Satyr is definitely worth the mainboard slot, it makes your pre-sideboarding match versus Esper Dragons. Being able to flash it in with company or bestow when they are tapped out, and it can trade with Ojutai.
May 5, 2015 5:29 p.m.