This a protoype I'm working on, depending on how you look at it, you could describe it as control/tempo. Here are some pointsI'd like to make out with the Primer
Standard removal and reach package, Kolaghan's Command is a work horse and works well with snapcaster.Bolts and Electro's are staplesSingles of Terminate and Slaughter Pact help with emergency situations, at worst Terminate is 4 damage with
ablaze]] who also works well with Anger of the Gods
The singular Chandra Ablaze.No one likes her, I don't know why, she's a card that in conjuction with notion thief gives me insane card value while destroying whatever is left in my opponents hand. She also acts as a good finisher, ditching my red cards that aren't needed late game into 4 damage chunks, building into a storm like death.
COUNTERS: For counters, i'm working on Remands for their helpfullness at stalling and cantripping. Mana leaks for a cheap round about way to deal with things, and a single Counterflux it's nice having this mainboard as it helps with twin, storm, and control. goes well with Chandra as well. Still testing it over my cryptic command though.
I don't have alot of hand disruption cuz I hate top decking it mid-late game. But having them in the opening hand is always nice, so a small 2-1 split of Inky and TS
CREATURES: So I'm still playing around with Ideas, but for now I'm running the 3 Notion Thiefs. 3/1 body for 4cmc flash is fragile but it surprisingly dodges a decent amount of removal used in modern aside from burn and path. He turn's Burning Inquiry into complete hand destruction. It's almost like 1/3 of a Cruel Ultimatum except at a huge discount. Turns Chandra into the same but repeatable. and the lone Time Reversal becomes a reset the game, I have 14 cards for a turn. That being said I am unsure if I want to keep TR in or add a 4th Burning Inquiry
Snapcaster Mage- Reads books and makes tea.
Tasigur has proved to be a real powerhouse in this deck, as before I used the Dragon Duo of Stormbreath and Thundermaw. he's often a 1-2 drop 4/5 who nets me a card every now and again and allows me to keep mana up to react if need be.
And 1 batterskull because grixis needs life gain and this is the best "unkillable" threat I can use.
Sideboard is largely Meta based but this is what I'm using to get by most things and I can't complain of it to much atm.
Any tips, suggestions, thoughts, or questions all welcomed!!! I hope you enjoy the list. I'll be bringing more updates soon.