Notion of Time (Grixis Control) Modern

Modern* Tayfed37


That would be fantastic!

Johnny Walker Triple Cruelty

December 6, 2014 4:30 p.m.

kameenook says... #2

Didn't link Kolaghan's Command properly.

May 14, 2015 4:44 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #3

My bad haha, didn't notice that at first. How'd you like the decklist?

May 14, 2015 9:22 p.m.

kameenook says... #4

I love it, especially the variety. It's always a bold statement to play a card like Notion Thief mainboard, but with Burning Inquiry, you get to Mind Shatter them for 3 and draw 6, Mind Shatter yourself for 3. I'd probably move Echoing Truth to the sideboard, and mainboard at LEAST one Gifts Ungiven, having so many 1 or 2 ofs in both your mainboard and sideboard make the card really shine for what it was intended to do, give your opponent an impossible choice. Not, I'll only search for 2, Unburial Rites Griselbrand, and proceed to win.

May 14, 2015 9:28 p.m.

Tayfed37 says... #5

I've always liked notion thief and he's surprisingly good as a beater and for hand advantage, If I get chandra or Time Reversal resolved it turns into end game mode very quickly. As for Echoing Truth I use it to either temporarily get rid of something for me to counter or I return snap casters to save/re-use them, incredibly effective with multiple snaps in play if given the chance. Also a nice token hose/tool box card, it would be better with gifts though.

I've been thinking of it but I haven't tested it yet. The only thing I'm unsure about with Unburial Rites is I'd have to splash a 4th color so I've decided to not go that route, even if it is powerful it'll mess with consistency and make me really weak to Blood Moon which this deck is surprisingly resilient too. I was thinking of removing a tasigur and maybe putting in AEtherling or either Thundermaw Hellkite or Stormbreath Dragon to go with Gifts plus Rise/Fall. The idea would be using Gifts for Snap-Koala Command-threat-rise/fall. that combination can turn into a 4-1 most of the time cuz its two removal/tempo spells that also recur Snap and the Threat.

So all in all I think you're right and I should swap something for Gifts, maybe Time Reversal? It's not as good since I've removed Reliquary Tower from the deck anyway

May 14, 2015 10:13 p.m.

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