Round 1: Vs White Weenie - - - - 1-2
Game 1: Barely won at 2 life and because I started so I got early Verdict. Really considering Syncopate in case of aggro matchup since i need to stop the early threath
Game 2: Got Crush by mutavault, though Silence did it's job on stalling early.
Game 3: Was close. Silence T2,T3 and some Board wipe bought me lot of time, but couldn't draw Sphinx
Round 2: Vs Azorius - - - - 2-0 (Thought it would be harder)
Game 1: Easy win, he didn't expect sudden win. Bagged all my card for T9 or 10 win. Won mostly by surprise factor.
Game 2: SB in +7 counter spell for -4 Verdict and -3 Charm. Having the upper in Counter spell I won after playing Sphinx.
Round 3: Vs RG Monster - - - - 2-1
Game 1: He started. T2 domri, T3 Xenagos GG.
Game 2: SB in +4 Detention Sphere -4 Azorius Charm. T2 domri ate my sphere. He then played only mana dork for a long while. Beat him in the air with Sphinx because I didn't want to show him my strategy. Saying "wtf why im only draying land and mana dork" after t5 was a good enough hint.
Game 3: He got pissed after eating a counterspell after every threat he played. Mutavault and mana dork got me to 7, but finaly drew Sphinx to combo out.
Final Result: 2-1. Was pretty fun. Silence was very good allowing me to stall the aggro deck. Also cast jace T5 then silence vs RG, so he can't play a threat was great. Will try -4 Render Silent for +4 Syncopate.