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Noyan Dar, Aligner of Hedrons

Standard Combo RUW (Jeskai, America)



Do you like Jeskai Ascendancy ? Do you like combo decks? Do you like drawing your entire deck on turn 6 in standard?? Then this is the deck you want to play.

How this works:

Turn 1 and 2: Draw some cards and fill your graveyard a bit with Magmatic Insight . Try and see if you can fix a bit of colors so you can find and play a Jeskai Ascendancy as soon as possible.

Turn 3 and 4: Dump a Jeskai Ascendancy on the field, and use Oath of Jace to draw and fill your graveyard a bit more. Dont forget to play lands. You want to hit 6 lands on turn 6.

Turn 5: Start smiling in an odd way to let your opponent know you are up to something. Also, drawing cards is never bad, but do make sure you keep at least 2 cards in your hand that you can play for 1 mana (Secure the Wastes and Treasure Cruise are pretty good at that).

Turn 6: Untap. Draw a card. Play a land. Throw Noyan Dar, Roil Shaper on the field. Play a 1 mana spell. Stack your triggers correctly:

  • First put the +1/+1 and untap ability on the stack.

  • Put the ability of Noyan Dar on the stack.

  • Put the loot ability on the stack.

The net result of this: You got another card deeper in your graveyard. One of your lands turned into a 3/3 elemental creature. That land that just became a creature gets +1/+1 and UNTAPS.

Now you can use that 1 mana spell to play another 1 mana spell, turning another land into a creature and untapping them both. Repeat this process untill you run out of things to do. With all the looting and delveing, it should be easy to throw a Hedron Alignment into every zone and dig for a Part the Waterveil to get an additional turn.

Some fun things to note:

  • Jeskai Ascendancy , Oath of Jace and Hedron Alignment cost you nothing if you animated 3 lands. They even give you extra mana if you have 4+ lands animated. You can float the mana to fuel something bigger without having to delve.

  • You dont need to wait untill turn 6. If you manage to get one Hedron Alignment in every zone by turn 4 or 5, go ahead. I found it quite hard tho.

Some less fun things to note:

  • Without Jeskai Ascendancy comboing out is very tough. Be carefull when you play against an opponent that plays a lot of enchantment removal.

  • There is quite a learning curve on this deck. It takes quite a bit of practice before you can play it correctly. Stacking the triggers and keeping your hand stocked up enough is quite important.

Possible improvements:

  • I play only basic lands because we dont have any spare fethces. But on the other hand, I don't know if you can live long enough with the points you loose due to fetching. Turn 6 is quite far away then. Oh, don't play to many tap lands. You need your mana.

  • Magmatic Insight is really good, but you gotta have 4 of them to play 4. If you have 4 of them, play them all (I only got 3...).

  • Find a way to stay alive a bit better. Dazzling Reflection and Encircling Fissure are in there to give them a try, but I am unsure how they work out.


If you want to do something else for your sideboard game, try the following.

Take these cards out:

1 Day's Undoing

2 Part the Waterveil

2 Narset Transcendent

4 Hedron Alignment

3 Oath of Jace

Put these cards back in:

4 Zada, Hedron Grinder

2 Slip Through Space

2 Expedite

2 Mighty Leap

2 Temur Battlerage

Your gameplan pretty much stays the same, except that you want to win on turn 6 by killing your opponents with lands that have haste, a lot of counters, flying, a lot of Jeskai Ascendancy buffs and being unblockable.

Although, if you go for Jeskai Ascendancy on turn 3, Zada, Hedron Grinder on turn 4, and make 4 tokens with Secure the Wastes on your opponents end step, you got a pretty good shot at just outright killing your opponent in turn 6 with a few spells. Casting 3 spells when you have Zada, Hedron Grinder and 4 soldiers will give you 22 damage, without the buffs that cards like Mighty Leap might give.

Zada, Hedron Grinder has gotten a lot more fun with the new 1 mana - draw a card spells, look out with it tho! The size of your deck might be a limiting factor.


I played this deck on and off for a little while and it is great fun to play, even if a simple topdecked card can mean the difference between winning and losing the game. Oath of the Gatewatch made this deck quite a bit better in my oppinion. Oath of Jace is great fuel for the delve spells.

If you got other spells that might be fun with this deck, please let me know and I might give them a try.

If you got players in your local game store that can appriciate fun combo decks, bring this along.

Due to Flavour restrictions you are not allowed to play this deck if you play Hedron Alignment and Zada, Hedron Grinder both mainboard. Also bonus points if you scoop when an opponent plays Ob Nixilis Reignited and you are on the Hedron Alignment plan.


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Net result of my first 4 round tournament with this deck: 0 - 4. I won 2 games overall with Hedron Alignment which caused cheers around the room, but it wasn't good enough to win any matches. This deck needs some work to be better, more disruption and ways to keep yourself alive are a must.

Good luck if you are taking this deck for a spin, let me know if you do something fun with it! Oh, and a suggestion, try fitting in Sphinx's Tutelage aswell ;)


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 4 Rares

7 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 9 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.17
Tokens Emblem Narset Transcendent, Warrior 1/1 W
Folders Deck favs
Ignored suggestions
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