Nuclear Schaeudenfreud

Commander / EDH MistaMint


Tata says... #1

I think you should heed jesteric's remark. It's banned for a reason (like the other, very FEW cards banned in EDH). It's broken, like Panoptic Mirror or Prime Time. These cards are banned because they hurt the game experience for everyone. Following "the rules" doesn't mean you're playing strict, competitive, non-casual magic; it just means you accept and respect the format. Griselbrand is too good in a format with 40-life starting, and it's unreasonable to think other players would allow you to play it.

I think you could replace Seraph of Dawn with something better. How about Restoration Angel to blink Ashen Rider or Gray Merchant of Asphodel ?

I also don't think you play enough tokens to justify Intangible Virtue .

Also, have you considered Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares ?

I think you could improve your mana-ramping with some more mana rocks/land-cycling cards.

You could also add a few utility lands like Tectonic Edge . Have you considered Caves of Koilos ?

February 2, 2014 7:42 p.m.

MistaMint says... #2

Tata Where I play is a very casual environment, with people that I know. And one of the important things about playing magic with people that you know is that you don't do things that are cheap/broken/annoying as they will no longer want to play against you anymore. That being said, Griselbrand is only as broken as the person using it. He's not the win condition in this deck. I'm not racing to get him onto the field as fast as possible. I'm not trying to dump him in the graveyard to cheat him in. And I'd much rather tutor for one of my win conditions instead of him. The reason he is in the deck is flavour. He fits in with the demons, and he fits in with the lifelink theme. I'm not going to be playing him and using my massive life total to pick through my deck because that's just not fun. However, should I be low on cards you can be sure that I'll be drawing seven more. On top of that, it's hardly a resilient card, it can be removed a number of ways and obviously makes a big target of itself once it hits the field. For these reasons, this is why it's staying in the deck and I won't be addressing further comments about it. I feel I've explained my reasoning and can use him without him being "broken".

Now, as to the other cards, I honestly haven't looked through the lands yet to see what I'd like to put in but obviously have a lot of room to add them, so any suggestions on those I'll consider for sure.

As good as Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares are, I'm trying to stay away from too much spot removal. Getting a one time use on one creature doesn't have the benefit I'd like to see. Trying to use more mass removal to get around protection and regeneration.

Admittedly, Seraph of Dawn is rather weak, but fits in with the angel and lifelink thing going on. I was thinking of subbing it with Unburial Rites but Restoration Angel is a definite maybe. I used to have two, and if I still do I'll probably out one in, but I don't think I'll buy one

February 3, 2014 11:09 a.m.

Tata says... #3

Resto went down in price, big-time. I think it's only about 4 $, which is awesome.

Though you say you won't address further comments, I'd like to point out that " should I be low on cards you can be sure that I'll be drawing seven more" is THE reason why Griselbrand is broken in EDH. I wouldn't play someone if they ran Griselbrand for this very reason. And like you, I play my friends in casual environments.

I know what you mean about 1-for-1ing with spot removal in EDH. Unless you can generate significant card advantage, it really isn't very good. However, you are running Mortify, so you do at least understand that SOME cards must be destroyed at the cost of a 1-for-1. That's why path, swords, etc, are there to deal with huge threats that must be answered immediately.

Some cards you could consider cutting:

Ring of Thune

The vigilance isn't that wonderful, and the counter every turn is merely decent. I'd replace it with a much better card. You run Vindicate , so I assume you're not too tightly constrained by a budget. Why not get one of the swords to replace this ring?

Altar's Reap

Too situational for too small an advantage. Why not run Read the Bones if you want card advantage? Or Phyrexian Arena or Underworld Connections ? Altar's Reap is like spot removal; it's basically a 1-for-1, or more technically a 2-for-2. Why not get a card that generates continuous card advantage?

February 3, 2014 12:33 p.m.

Tata says... #4

Some lands: Tectonic Edge vs other badass lands. Caves of Koilos for mana-fixing, Forbidding Watchtower for manland, Spawning Pool for manland, Strip Mine vs other badass lands, Reliquary Tower maybe not for your deck, Cavern of Souls name angels I guess, High Market sac outlet if you wanna be more reanimator , Volrath's Stronghold is awesome, Thawing Glaciers is very good mana ramp, Haunted Fengraf is decent, Buried Ruin is decent, Tower of the Magistrate vs voltron generals with equipment.

February 3, 2014 12:46 p.m.

MistaMint says... #5

Tata it occurs to me that after all this about griselbrand, that I probably ditched him with the resto angels so it's not even an issue lol

February 3, 2014 6:07 p.m.

MagicHands88 says... #6

February 9, 2014 6:17 p.m.

MistaMint says... #7

MagicHands88 Trying to keep it geared towards multiplayer, so I try not to use cards with "target opponent" like Devouring Greed .

Pontiff of Blight is just in the wrong place in the mana curve for me for what it does. I've never been a fan of the extort mechanic tbh. I think I'd much rather be doing other things at that point in the game.

Sanguine Bond Makes sense, and the only reason I didn't put it in was because I had Vizkopa Guildmage in there, but I understand the need to have a backup of that ability in a one of deck. I'll see if I can make room for it

February 9, 2014 9:47 p.m.

MagicHands88 says... #8

makes sense. I actually just made an EDH deck just earlier today with Teysa here. I think it's cool that we both went opposite ways with her. (Also, Extort is better in multiplayer. vs 3 people, extort one, they all take one, you gain three. that's my logic) Check it out if you want: Death (by) Taxes. Otherwise I gave you a +1. Keep fighting the good fight

February 9, 2014 10:32 p.m.

Magiclover318 says... #9

Just curious why Blood Baron of Vizkopa isn't in here?

February 9, 2014 10:48 p.m.

MistaMint says... #10

Magiclover318 I had Blood Baron in here originally, but thought he didn't really fit in. Since I try to get the game to enter a point where I send everyone into a life draining vortex, his ability would never kick off because no ones health would be low enough unless they were out of the game

February 10, 2014 6:25 a.m.

Magiclover318 says... #11

Makes sense, so how about Obzedat, Ghost Council ?

February 10, 2014 8:49 a.m.

MistaMint says... #12

Magiclover318 Again, originally had him in, but his "target opponent" was lack lustre in multiplayer

February 10, 2014 8:56 a.m.

MistaMint says... #13

They are better in other formats, with multiple copies of cards allowed. As good as they are, they just didn't feel right in this deck

February 10, 2014 8:58 a.m.

squadcarxmar says... #14

Unmake is always recommended from me. Return to Dust is amazing and I feel like Planar Cleansing couldn't hurt. Flickerform for your ETB effects is something you could consider. Angelic Chorus and Storm Herd would fit the theme. I know of some other useful cards for this type of deck but I cannot even think of their names right now. Sorry.

February 18, 2014 12:20 a.m.

MistaMint says... #15

squadcarxmar Unmake would be perfect, I don't know how I missed that one. I'll have to see if I can make room for it. I'm a little light in the instant department. Flickerform I would go with if I had some more ETB/LTB effects but I don't think I have enough to warrant putting it in. The two token cards are good, but I'm going to be removing Phantom General to make room for Serra Ascendant so more tokens aren't nessacarily a great idea. Thanks for the input though.

February 18, 2014 10:13 a.m.

squadcarxmar says... #16

You're welcome. I love black/white. Hope this deck is good to you!

February 18, 2014 10:21 a.m.

Aelorith2117 says... #17

February 19, 2014 12:06 p.m.

MistaMint says... #18

Aelorith2117 I'm not sure worship has a place in here. With all the lifegain in here already I'll not have to worry too much about being low on life. And if someone can hit me with enough to take me out, then they probably deserve the win lol

February 19, 2014 12:12 p.m.

Drathen says... #19

February 27, 2014 9:51 p.m.

Unlife says... #20

I've been running a teysa deck as well, though more voltron then toekn. If you're working on lifegain, Rhox Faithmender is great. If you do grab an Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , consider a Cabal Coffers or Magus of the Coffers . And if you want teysa to beat face, Eldrazi Conscription is a lot of fun

April 17, 2014 7:03 p.m.

MistaMint says... #21

unlife I had faithmender in the first version of the deck, for obvious reasons, but decided against him because I already had so much lifelink, and while doubling it would be good, it didn't add to the spiral that is my main win condition. In that scenario, I only need to gain one life and the game is over.

I'll keep the other two cards in mind if I decide to get the tomb, but I'm not even sure I'll get that. I already had to fight so much to fit the cards in that I wanted, it would be a struggle to find two to cut

April 17, 2014 9:06 p.m.

electromancer says... #22

Fellwar Stone won't work as intended because of EDH rules. If you would produce an color mana outside the colors of your general it becomes colorless mana.

April 21, 2014 1:41 a.m.

MistaMint says... #23

Electromancer Which is fine, it still boosts my mana count and the colourless can come in handy. In one on one I can see it being a drawback, but this is for playing with 3 or more people. I find that white and black are very versifier colours and an opponent will tend to have one of the colours I'd need

April 21, 2014 9:17 p.m.

I love the deck idea but I'm curious as to why you don't have the decks namesake: Life's Finale ?

May 7, 2014 2:58 p.m.

MistaMint says... #25

teakasaurus_rex A few reasons. 1) This is the third name I've tried for this deck for easy linking and it keeps ending up a card I didn't know about. 2) The card itself wouldn't really mesh with what the deck is trying to do. But most importantly 3) My finale is better then that one card alone lol

May 7, 2014 5:59 p.m.

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