I have seen some spoiled cards but I'm probably not keeping up, I like to be surprised by some! But yeah she just might... But where o where would she fit in.
January 23, 2014 8:54 p.m.
firemanefruitcake says... #3
Gyre Sage may work for you. gives you mana at a breakneck speed
January 25, 2014 4:44 p.m.
It might but right now my big mana producer is Karametra's Acolyte as I can ramp up in green pretty quickly. But thanks for the suggestion, I'll check out how she plays in here and give her a shot. If I find myself getting all my ramping creatures killed I'll always look for more.
January 25, 2014 10:49 p.m.
It looks like you're expecting to play big guys like Worldspine Wurm and Colossus of Akros out of your hand. Maybe a Grisly Salvage would help for when your Whip of Erebos comes out. GS helps you get mana and access to creatures. Commune with the Gods can help you find the Whip.
With 7 mana, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Whip of Erebos can combo to fling dead creatures at opponents all day long; just whip em out and use Jarad's ability. That looks fun!
+1 cuz it's not your typical Golgari (I like seeing out-of-the-box thinking, even it's just MGD spash black to make more fun)
January 26, 2014 8:08 a.m.
Grisly Salvage has definitely been considered on multiple occasions, as well as Commune with the Gods . I'll have to play around with both a bit to see which one would be better in this build as I kind of feel like either would be great to replace Putrefy because I don't need a whole lot of removal when I'm doing the majority of that with my creatures.
I know right! That fling ability is fantastic and 7 mana is usually not too hard to come by in this deck. Like there could be opportunity for whipping out a Colossus of Akros , monstrous it, attack with it, and then sac it at the end. Like that much mana pours out of Karametra's Acolyte .
Also, I can see who gave +1 and you haven't yet on this deck at least ;) but thanks for affirming the decision to get through my library faster by utilizing self mill!
January 26, 2014 9:36 a.m.
W-w-what? I think once I hit Comment I usually bounce somewhere else, let me make sure I hit it this time.
You'll want Grisly Salvage over Commune with the Gods since you might need to smooth out your land base in the early game, but either will help you find that mana dork you didn't get in your opening draw. Plus, GS is an instant and will save you the two mana on your turn.
January 26, 2014 11:56 a.m.
TalladegaMagicMan- I'm definitely back and forth on her, the Colossus of Akros gets trample when it's monstrous but she may be extremely helpful when it comes to large Arbor Colossus that can't break through. I'll have to keep her in mind though if the smaller Colossus get's stuck. I suppose that's also why there is the alternate of Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord as my back up.
thewyzman- You got it now, thanks :) Yeah I have Grisly Salvage in there now, it's a nice addition.
January 26, 2014 6:05 p.m.
Hey it's all good! It happens, just made a similar mistake yesterday. And you're right, this might be the most competitive deck that I own. At least I hope it is. I mean there are always chances for mishap but we'll see.
January 26, 2014 11:01 p.m.
Hey thewyzman (or others) what do you think about Read the Bones instead of Grisly Salvage ? It costs one more, it takes two life, it's a sorcery, it goes through one less card, but it gives me 2 cards instead of one, and it's any card not just creature or land. I wouldn't want to force myself into putting one or both of my Garruk, Caller of Beasts into the graveyard.
January 27, 2014 10:36 p.m.
I think GS is better off since it gives you more (1) access to scavenges, (2) pumps Jarad, (3) access to creatures if you're using the whip.
TalladegaMagicMan, He's trying to use the whip to reanimate his creatures, which is a theme to his deck. Taking out his Whip would be like taking Grisly Salvage out of a dredge deck.
Whip a creature, attack with it, then at the end of your turn sac it with Jarad for an additional pump. Given, I think it's much too slow and inconsistent for competitive gaming, it's still fun casual.
Don't worry if Garruk ends up in your graveyard some times. If he's the only way you can win then your deck fails. Of course having him will help you tons, but not having him shouldn't stop you from winning, so don't worry about losing him in a GS.
Having card advantage is key in matches, so Read the Bones is never a bad idea. I would drop a Corpsejack Menace (helps you alot, but is situational when at his best), and a Colossus of Akros (you don't want to be holding eight-drops in your opening hand, especially against an aggro deck)
January 28, 2014 6:02 a.m.
Right? Playtesting this deck is far too much fun and far too easy. The Whip of Erebos isn't always that great in the playtest but I think against aggro and really against most decks, if my hand is a little slower the lifelink will really help. Even if my opponent manages a board wipe when I don't have any defense for that on turn 8 and I can't get anything out for a while but I have 60 life, it's not a big deal to rebuild my field.
But thewyzman, TalladegaMagicMan is right in the play tests. More often then not the whip does not come into use and usually after I sacrifice my Colossus of Akros once, it's game over. The whip could help on getting them in that one time but again, usually it doesn't take more then one sacrifice to finish the game. You should try it out! The ramp to Colossus of Akros is very quick (most times), enough so that I actually enjoy seeing him in an opening hand (given that I have a couple dorks as well).
But the double black is harder, for Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and the Whip... Maybe I should up my black mana count just a little and I think that Underworld Connections would also be great in here to make up for card draw when I can't get Garruk.
Thanks for commenting!
January 28, 2014 11:21 a.m.
xXGuiltyNinjaXx says... #13
This seems like a really good build, but i was never able to draw Colossus of Akros before T10, and once I had him on the field I wasn't able to pump him to 30/30. I did 10 playtests and each one ended up with only one swamp on the field. Wish I could give some better feedback, but I'm not the best when it comes to giving reviews(?).
January 28, 2014 11:55 p.m.
Really? That's very odd, I almost never find that to be a problem. He doesn't always make it on to the battlefield but if he doesn't, I already have a Arbor Colossus or two out and another big guy doing work. Hmmm... And only one swamp? Even with Overgrown Tomb ? Yikes. Well I often use the Sylvan Caryatid to find me the extra black mana, but that's just odd. You must have used the playtesting's random decks worst scenario's or something. It's best to have 2 land and 2 dorks in your opening hand- you're usually fine then.
But yeah normally I get out Colossus of Akros by turn 6 or 7, and that's probably just about average, I have had him out on turn 5 with monstrosity before as well. I have yet to actually find my cards to build this deck and shuffle them up in real life but we'll have to give it a shot soon so I can find out whether or not it's as consistent as I would like it to be.
Thanks for giving me that bit of info xXGuiltyNinjaXx, and taking the time to playtest this deck through so many times!
January 29, 2014 1:22 a.m.
Round 1 vs Gruul Aggro 1-2
Game 1- He only got out a couple forests and an Elvish Mystic , put a Boon Satyr in the game as well but I rolled over him with my bigs.
Game 2- I got mana screwed and only ended up with forests and no swamps and he took out my few dorks that hit that ground with Anger of the Gods or Mizzium Mortars , I was done for.
Game 3- This was our only real game where we both got creatures out and moving and things were happening but I couldn't keep up with him because he still had some burn and removed a few of my guys before I could remove him, the Whip of Erebos didn't show up in any of these games and that really hindered me.
Round 2 vs. Bye. Boring.
Round 3 vs. Grixis Control 2-1
G1- It went pretty quickly, only a 8 minute game, as I started off with 3 Elvish Mystic , 2 Forest, a Sylvan Caryatid , and an Arbor Colossus . I drew into more fatties and he got kinda mana screwed and wasn't able to burn away all my guys fast enough. He ended up being on a 2-turn clock against my 3 Mystics and a Corpsejack Menace . My win.
G2- I Mulliganed down to 5 after 2 hands with 1 land and no dorks, and kept with 2 Sylvan Caryatid and no land. I didn't get land until about turn 8 and he had an AEtherling on board and I was dead.
G3- Finally we both had a more regular hand and mana base, but he never saw his win-cons. He couldn't hit a second blue mana source and was sitting with 4 Dissolve in hand and that's probably what won it for me. I rolled over him without too much trouble.
Round 4 vs Azorious Control 0-2
G1- It went just as one may expect from a control match, he took away most of my creatures either with Celestial Flare , Cyclonic Rift , or Supreme Verdict and ended up rolling in the deep with an AEtherling after all my creatures were hanging in the graveyard with Jarad.
G2- Sided in my extra Golgari Charm and 3 Mistcutter Hydra . This game was much closer, I had a smaller Mistcutter out on turn 3 as a 2/2 but he just happened to have Celestial Flare again and remove it with the only spell that could remove it. then around turn 6 it got really interesting as I was able to drop a Kalonian Hydra . He didn't have removal for it then but he had another AEtherling out. He swung with his AEtherling putting me at two turns left before I died, then it was my turn. I top decked a Mistcutter Hydra , dropped it as a 4/4 and then swung with that and the Kalonian Hydra doubling both their counters and looking like a huge hit of 16 when suddenly another Celestial Flare appears and I sac'd the Kalonian Hydra (which ended up being the right choice as he had no more removal for my Mistcutter Hydra ). But his turn to die was a turn after my death so he won game 2 as well.
Round 5 vs. Boros Burn 2-0
G1- His game was about using win-cons like Purphoros, God of the Forge and Legion's Initiative or Elspeth, Sun's Champion along with Warleader's Helix and Boros Reckoner to rip me up. Unfortunately for him I main board Golgari Charm and I was able to remove his Legion's Initiative and roll over him with an Arbor Colossus and a Mistcutter Hydra I forgot to side out as he never had the red devotion he needed.
G2- He killed off my dorks right away with spendy burn spells but it helped him get ahead a little bit, I finally brought in an Arbor Colossus with Karametra's Acolyte and he then used Chained to the Rocks on my Colossus but lo and behold- I had a Golgari Charm in hand for the rocks, I dropped another Colossus with my loads of green devotion mana and even killed off a Stormbreath Dragon with my Monstrosity ability. He fell to an attack of a pack of Colossi in the end.
So overall I went 2-2-1 which I am very ok with. The 2 guys I lost to were in the championship game and took 1st and 3rd, so I know that my deck was doing something right. I have a better idea for my own sideboard and a better understanding of how this deck works against a variety of other decks and now that Born of the Gods will be out, I have no idea what will come next.
I still take suggestions, so hook me up!
February 7, 2014 10:29 a.m.
kingperry314 says... #16
I like it , it has a good basis, however in play testing it it seems to be short black mana very frequently, 3 games in a row i couldn't cast underworld, jarad, and once even corpse jack. I suggest dropping nykthos possibly and adding(as much as i hate to say it) golgari guildgate. I never drew or really needed nykthos, k-acolyte was more than enough. Devotion robbing decks are gonna screw with nykthos or acolyte but more green/black available will help you build board regardless of devotion. Once the golgari scry land drops i would definitely put that in, but that's 4 months away and who knows what meta will become.+1 overall!
February 8, 2014 8:13 p.m.
kingperry314 says... #17
Also you could check out my JUnd build which has less ramp, but seems to consistently kill self in solitaire turn 5-7, havnt tested much against other decks. It uses corpse jackand kalonian, and maybe give you a few ideas for your deck. It is
Guest List: Jund +1 Playtest
SCORE: 1 | 0 COMMENTS | 132 VIEWSFebruary 8, 2014 8:21 p.m.
Yeah I've been noticing that too, the lack of the extra black mana. I like what Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx does too much to let it go. I upped the black mana and dropped some forests, which is also tough... I may have to put in those guild gates or maybe up my land to 25 or something and drop something else all together! Thanks for checking it out though!
February 10, 2014 10:02 a.m.
CaptainCaveman says... #20
play tested this against my Bant for life ! and this won 1 game by throwing a 30/30 Arbor Colossus at me :D
also i never realized how good Karametra's Acolyte could be, am going to have to give it a serious look in my mono green decks from now on
July 11, 2014 11:18 p.m.
Yeah, it manages to do stuff like that. Sometimes has a hard time against removal but that's what Golgari Charm is for.
Ramp dat green do!
July 12, 2014 2:34 p.m.
I wouldn't classify this deck as "rock" by any definition, but I'm digging the mono-green devo ramp. Think you could throw in a Khalni Hydra for rude amounts of devotion, or is that too much of a mana-dump?
April 25, 2015 4:02 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #23
Being that this deck went modern now you may want to look at Birds of Paradise as well as Noble Hierarch for the mana ramp; taking out Elvish Mystic and Sylvan Caryatid or in addition to. Instead of Nylea, God of the Hunt maybe look at Primal Rage and Surrak, the Hunt Caller seems a little out of place but I understand the haste aspect. Maybe look into Hammer of Purphoros or Fervor if you don't mind splashing red or if you're going to put in Birds of Paradise. You're deck is pretty cool and with the major amounts of mana you may be able to produce these lesser mana cards you can probably get out a lot faster.
April 30, 2015 7 p.m.
Pheardemons says... #24
Also Woodland Cemetery are good cards to have 4 copies of being most of your lands count as either a swamp or forest. Also Garruk, Caller of Beasts Seems a little slow for this deck (not mana wise but his abilities) have you looked at Garruk Wildspeaker or Garruk, Primal Hunter? Also Go for the Throat is a good removal card instead of Hero's Downfall and maybe take out Golgari Charm for more Abrupt Decay or to put Courser of Kruphix in the mainboard. These seem like decent ways to speed your deck up if it helps.
April 30, 2015 7:25 p.m.
Awesome xD +1, Glissa, the Traitor ???
I see you don't like red, haha its my favorit color :) Anyways I would for that reason like you to take a look on one of my decks which doesn't run red, but each other color... Therefor you might be an expert ;)
Darkside says... #1
This build looks like it will be a lot of fun to play. Definite +1 from me. Have you seen the Born of the Gods spoiler?? Courser of Kruphix might have a home here.
January 23, 2014 7:20 p.m.