Nylea, God of Slivers

Standard feyn_do_alduin


Edeadda says... #1

Domri is definatly a +, other than that ur pretty well set lol. I have been wanting to play a sliver deck jus bc it seems fungood job :)

October 4, 2013 12:20 p.m.

Haha_chiefton says... #2

Bow of Nylea would make Thorncaster Sliver triggers, when sent to creatures, instantly kill almost any creature because of Deathtouch.

October 4, 2013 2:56 p.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #3

Haha_chiefton I do have 3 of them.

Pro's: I use the first strike, double strike, and thorncaster and the bow works really well with all of them. with the first two, I can stall any non -flyer all day long.

Con's: the main problem is getting the bow + any of the three out on the field at the same time. there's no draw support at the moment, I would probably need to swap Sacred Foundry s for Temple of Triumph for some scry support. but doing so would slow me down, thus hurting me in the long run.

maybe you or Edeadda could shed some light on how to fix this.

October 6, 2013 12:41 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #4

btw, the bow would go into the Gruul Charm slot for flyer hate

October 6, 2013 12:42 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #5

with reference to the land swap statement, this is why it would slow me down:

Idealy, my opening hand has a Sacred Foundry and a Forest in it, this allows me to cast Striking Sliver on turn 1. this leaves me a number of different options for turn 2, there are three 2 drops I can play to get ahead; Predatory Sliver , Sentinel Sliver , and Manaweft Sliver . any of these three would apply sufficient pressure to make your opponent squirely if left unattended.

having swapped out the R/W land would leave me with an inflexible board state for an extra turn in exchange for a "scry 1" trigger. I don't think to trade off is worth it.

October 6, 2013 12:55 a.m.

Edeadda says... #6

idk ik its a sliver deck but the only thing that comes to mind is Elvish Mystic and I don't think it would do so well lolbtw why no Door of Destinies :p

October 6, 2013 2:06 a.m.

feyn_do_alduin says... #7

Door of Destinies is too slow, Elvish Mystic doesn't fit the theme, and 4x Mutavault creates consistancy issues.

October 6, 2013 2:13 a.m.

gfrpaac says... #8

-3 megantic sliver+3 domri rade

October 6, 2013 3:19 a.m.

gfrpaac says... #9

-2 forest and mountain+ 4 Stomping ground

October 6, 2013 3:21 a.m.

gfrpaac those are the most immediately obvious choices but those are both REALLY HARD to get. And people wanna double value for trades.... Anything else?

October 6, 2013 10:24 a.m.

Besides, if you read the description, you'd know that I don't want Stomping Ground in the land base.

October 6, 2013 10:26 a.m.

ScoffMathews says... #12

How good is the bow here? The activated abilities seem irrelevant, is it for the death touch?

October 6, 2013 12:34 p.m.

Edeadda says... #13

yeah bc Thorncaster Sliver plus deathtouch kills anything u pleaseive seen Xenagos do well in slivers but hes more for when u wanna get Megantic Sliver and Battle Sliver out in one go hes helpful early game can burn up three mana to cast him get two back from his +1 (assuming u have a Striking Sliver and a Predatory Sliver ), then throw out a Manaweft Sliver ,T4 land and Blur Sliver (tap for 1mana), summon Thorncaster Sliver , use xenagos +1, gain back 5 mana then no idea lol probly Sentinel Sliver into Bow of Nylea , and swing with thorncaster and sentinel (attack to hopefully clear their board) , then kill em off next turn with a Megantic Sliver , and a full blitz but idk if all my manas correct I think it is someone double check me :p that's about my only other thought yeah ur still having a bit of a wait for the bow but hell doubling ur mana output is still nice

October 7, 2013 12:14 p.m.

ScoffMathews and Edeadda

also the Bow of Nylea works really well with Striking Sliver and Bonescythe Sliver to insta-kill anything with first strike damage. couple that with Gruul War Chant and your opponent will be completely swamped not knowing what to do! (provided that i have three or more creatures in play)

October 7, 2013 5:57 p.m.

thisdude7 says... #15

how come nylea herself isnt in this deck? lmao

October 9, 2013 12:27 p.m.

well, it is a sliver tribal deck,... the only way to realisticaly splash theros is to use the god related artifacts, what's more is that i don't have room for her anyhow. Gruul War Chant , Bow of Nylea , and Gruul Charm are already competing for the same spot in the deck.

October 9, 2013 12:31 p.m.

thisdude7 says... #17

oh okay i see, nice deck i love it haha +1

October 9, 2013 11:04 p.m.

HappehNinja says... #18

Why not have both Garruk, Caller of Beasts on the main deck rather than having them on the sideboard, since you run mostly creatures? You can take away one Ranger's Guile and any other non-land card and put them on the sideboard. If your not running Gruul War Chant mainboard, then mind as well not run them at all. The Gruul Charm s that you're running on the deck can replace those. In that case, consider Magma Jet (scry II), Shock (early game response), or Lightning Strike (good all around).

Your tittle is kind of misleading since you don't actually run Nylea, God of the Hunt , but that's not too important. However she could be a great addition to the deck since she gives your creatures trample and her second effect might come in handy. Not to mention that she is way cheaper than Groundshaker Sliver ...

Anyway, the deck is looking way better since you created it. I'd give you 1+, but I already did so a few months ago.

October 10, 2013 1:49 p.m.

HappehNinjamuch appreciated, the reason why I side-boarded the better cards into the side-board is this: a deck is only as strong as its weakest form. That said, I thought it would be better to leave the suprises for the second and possibly third game. also, I haven't been able to get Nylea herself. she's a little unavailable atm.

I like the idea of Magma Jet though, it appeals to me. I'm also interested in Commune with the Gods for early creature fetch, what do you think?

October 10, 2013 8:16 p.m.

otherwise I would run 3 Nylea, God of the Hunt

October 10, 2013 8:19 p.m.

HappehNinja says... #21

Commune with the Gods is kind of the opposite of what you would want to do on a tribal deck. You might get to keep a creature, but you'll waste some potentially good answers along with other creatures. As for Nylea, God of the Hunt I would run two. Three is over-kill.

October 10, 2013 9:55 p.m.

larsson86 says... #22

nice one, my deck is alot like this one, im kinda new to magic and will be playing my second gameday next weekend.I got a couple of questions if that is ok.

1.Why are you only running 22 lands? i tought 24 was the lowest you should go.

  1. i see that you dont use all the possible dual lands there is, why? I use 4 of each temple of abandon, triumph, temple garden, sacred foundry, stomping ground, mutavault,

thank you for your answer

October 12, 2013 1 a.m.

larsson86 hey, welcome to magic

that said, here's the down low: while 24 lands is the happy medium for a land base, and its an very good to start off with that number, but adjustments need to be made according to the flavor of the deck, I have a large number of cards that have a converted mana cost of 2, this means that having a slightly smaller land count is permisable, I could go as low as 20 If I wanted (which I am, because Mutavault is only a land part of the time). also,I'm running pseudo mana ramp with Manaweft Sliver , it allows me to tap my other slivers for mana, aswell as itself.

now as far as the temples go, they come into the battlefield TAPPED, meaning that I get slowed down by one or two turns, which is BAD imo..and if you read the description, the land base is like this for two reasons, the first is to save money, at the time, a playset each of Temple Garden and Sacred Foundry was less expensive than a playset of Stomping Ground . and the second is that since the checklands like Rootbound Crag rotated out of standard, you need to get smart in how you build your land base. without those check lands like i mentioned before, it becomes REALLY hard to run more than 2 colors in any deck. Think of this deck as a red/green deck that splashes white. by using the shocklands (i.e. Sacred Foundry ) I can have access to both of my major colors (red and green) and still get access to white mana.

October 12, 2013 12:39 p.m.

and so far, larsson86, this land configuration has worked REALLY well for me so far

October 12, 2013 12:40 p.m.

dadadart says... #25

Hive Stirrings and Door of Destinies are great. In modern there is Descendants' Path .

October 13, 2013 5:19 p.m.

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