scopesightzx says... #2
A fun thing to do with Polukranos is to declare attackers with Bow in play, and monstrous before blockers are declared. You can Monstrous small amounts and still wipe their board.
July 20, 2014 6:03 p.m.
Salmonman1064 says... #3
I would take out 1 Polukranos, World Eater and main board another Arbor Colossus . 4 copies of a legendary is a lot and the colossus has similar mana/power ratio. That also leaves a spot open in your sideboard for more anti-control or aggro cards that can help in a pinch. Just my opinion.
July 20, 2014 8:10 p.m.
scopesightzx that is actually a combo listed in the description and Salmonman1064 I prefer the polukranos because it helps with board clearing and his monstrosity in a mono green devotion deck it better because you can tap for more with nykthos and the acolyte
cjk191997 says... #1
July 20, 2014 12:28 a.m.