![we come with peace](http://www.factpile.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/we-come-in-peace-iron-sky-trailer.jpg)
Deck combos:
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx + Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx (from hand) = 2x devotion - 4. Great combo to cast Mistcutter Hydra or Vastwood Hydra
Polukranos, World Eater + Bow of Nylea - use mostrosity when atak = destroy X target creatures ;D (sometimes u lost Polukranos ,but its allways X for 1)
Nylea, God of the Hunt + Bow of Nylea - old trample deathtouch combo
![im gonna eat u](http://i.qkme.me/5ebw.jpg)
- he can win many games for u alone.
Kalonian Hydra - double counters is nice, but here its op ( Mistcutter Hydra , Vastwood Hydra ,etc)
Mistcutter Hydra - nice fast finisher or good blocker
Nylea, God of the Hunt - hard to kill core card. Trample for all = gg
Reverent Hunter
- good v no removal decks, and its also side meat v removal/control decks
Vastwood Hydra - is happy when can block->kill and die->boost
Boon Satyr
- better use bestow than creature
Bow of Nylea - have all u need to win games
Sylvan Caryatid - buffed mistic and its good blocker
Most mono green decks havent good draw, so in late game need good top decks.
Cards TOP DECK power MS(mana screw), N(normal), F(flood) and bonuses NC( need creatures ), NCR ( need creatures op have removal )
Arbor Colossus MS 1/5 N 4.5/5 F 5/5 NC +1 NCR -1
Boon Satyr
MS 3/5 N 4/5 F 5/5 NC 0 NCR -1
Bow of Nylea MS 2.5/5 N 4.5/5 F 4/5 NC -2 NCR -1
Elvish Mystic MS 4.5/5 N 2/5 F 1.5/5 NC +1 NCR-1
Forest MS 4.5/5 N 2/5 F 1/5 NC -1 NCR -1
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx MS 4/5 N 2.5/5 F 1.5/5 NC -1 NCR -1
Kalonian Hydra MS 1/5 N 5/5 F 4.5/5 NC +2 NCR -1
Mistcutter Hydra MS 1.5/5 N 4/5 F 5/5 NC +1 NCR 0
Nylea, God of the Hunt MS 2/5 N 4/5 F 4/5 NC 0 NCR 0
Polukranos, World Eater MS 2/5 N 4/5 F 5/5 NC +2 NCR -1
Sylvan Caryatid MS 5/5 N 4/5 F 2/5 NC 0 NCR +1
Reverent Hunter
MS 3.5/5 N 4/5 F 4/5 NC -2 NCR -2
Vastwood Hydra MS 3/5 N 3.5/5 F 5/5 NC +2 NCR 0
MS 3.5/5 N 4/5 F 4/5 NC +1 NCR +2
Fastest play test:
T1 Forest , Elvish Mystic
T2 Forest , Elvish Mystic , Kalonian Tusker
T3 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , Arbor Colossus
T4 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx , Mistcutter Hydra with X=13!