O-Kagichi, Vengeful Spirits

Commander / EDH TuesdayTastic


NeoChrisOmega says... #1

One think I'm thinking of doing is working with copying counters for the many kami cards that use removing counters

May 29, 2017 7:46 p.m.

TuesdayTastic says... #2

And what kind of cards could do that? I think that is a very good smart way to take the deck, and having cards that could create multiple divinity counters would be amazing.

May 30, 2017 2:08 a.m.

ATreeOctopus says... #3

I am also very excited for O-Kagachi. A few suggestions on the deck: Mortal Combat + Iname, Death Aspect can potentially win you the game.

Primordial Sage is card advantage.

Permeating Mass is a pretty good reason for someone to not attack you.

Eternal Dragon is a flavorful way to fetch out a plains-- and you could play the cheaper duals eg. Prairie Stream

And you gotta have a Ghost Quarter, it's too on theme to not include one.

May 31, 2017 1:39 a.m.

TuesdayTastic says... #4

Primordial Sage is a good idea. I'm surprised I didn't include it already.

I forgot Permeating Mass was even a spirit. I'll have to add him as well.

Eternal Dragon is also a great idea, and is on theme considering that he is a Dragon Spirit, which I have a small cycle going on here.

Ghost Quarter also seems like a very flavorful inclusion. I'll have to get that one.

All in all thank you for the suggestions! They are all very wonderful and very fitting!

June 7, 2017 6:01 a.m.

Well im doing spirit tribal as well

for the myojin cycle specificlyand other spirits

you can put in "Kingdred Boon" from C17 because it will give divinity counters better than That Which Was Taken easily refil for the myojins

Karmic Guide is also a spirit just so you know. so is Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit

oh did you remember the spirit avatars as a possiblityhttp://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?name=+[spirit]+[avatar]%7C%7Ctype=+[spirit]+[avatar]%7C%7Csubtype=+[spirit]+[avatar]

seriously no soulshift spirits?http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?text=+%5Bsoulshift%5D

finally have you heard of the Onna spirit cyclehttp://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?name=+%5B-onna%5D

they have a ETB trigger and the bounce back by casting a spirit

the cycle is the following on a stickShatter, Demystify, Unsummon, Cry of Contrition (excluding haunt) and the green is basicly a card draw

August 14, 2017 11:50 a.m.

TuesdayTastic says... #6

Thanks for your suggestions!

This list was made over 3 months ago when O-Kagichi was first spoiled, and I also didn't have a good grasp of all of the cards available. I am going to update the list to better reflect what I am currently playing, and I will probably include more of these cards.

At first, I really didn't like the Oona cycle because of how mana intensive they are, but the more I think about it the better they are. You get multiple triggers off of spirit matter cards such as the Kirin, and you also get a pretty good effect. Cards such as Urza's Incubator can also make the Oona much cheaper to play, and give you a ton of value. I am playing Promised Kannushi which has soulshift 7 but I believe that is the only one. (I'll update the deck soon). There are a lot of upgrades to be had, but in the meantime, I will just wait for EDHRec to update some more.

August 16, 2017 1:14 a.m.

SilentNSly says... #7

Myojins with Kindred Boon or That Which Was Taken is really broken, especially the and ones with Boros Charm

August 17, 2017 4:25 a.m.

SilentNSly says... #8

August 17, 2017 6:17 a.m.

Here's some spirits I can point out

Reminder of the good old Deadeye Navigator is a spirit and the onnas are etb trigger plus a couple of more

You can also put in spirit avatars in this deck as well https://scryfall.com/search?as=&order=&q=%28t%3ASpirit+t%3Aavatar%29

Ore Gorger = have fun removing the opponents stupid powerful non-basic lands.

Karador, Ghost Chieftain ex main spirit tribal commander now can be the Lieutenant for this heck he's basically in a way Gisa and Geralf but for spirits

Kira, Great Glass-Spinner basicly a double dip on Drogskol Captain but problem is you have to shoot your abilities twice on your creatures to buff them.

Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar you choose from 3 chooses from a draw you choose the card for the situation going on and this is for every single dang draw.

You have a nice amount of enchantmentsEidolon of Blossoms feels sadden she's not in this Team

Eidolon of Countless Battles from the number of spirit tokens you make this is cute.

Drogskol Reaver seriously why is this not in the spirit usually have life gain and you can draw like crazy.

Ghostblade Eidolon oh great O-Karachi just has to make contact twice to eliminate someone from the game

Bounteous Kirin talk about life gain.

Infernal Kirin very classy you get to look at there hands and get a butt load of discard if you have the correct spirits

He Who Hungers...why...just why is this not in your deck? This is Coercion on a stick and it recurs a spirit when it dies (to hand) and you got token making.

Hokori, Dust Drinker plus bouncing it with Spectral Shepherd at the end step before you turn then casting it again and other spells and leaving at less 1 and a blue = cute

Elder Pine of Jukai you need lands you can dig to them with this plus combos with Loam Dweller

Last but not least Sekki, Seasons' Guide a huge 8/8 that makes spirits from damage and you can sac eight he's back on the board

October 8, 2017 9:17 p.m.

SilentNSly says... #10

Oh wow.. there are a ton of nice spirits!

October 11, 2017 12:20 a.m.

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