Oath of the Well Equipped Boros Allies
SCORE: 148 | 103 COMMENTS | 20267 VIEWS | IN 75 FOLDERS
1st place on tappedout.net! —Feb. 2, 2016

tomplays.mtg says... #2
I think having Oath of Gideon, and Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip would complement this deck really nicely. Your thoughts?
January 31, 2016 7:16 a.m.
Kazuul's Toll Collector is a cool equipment using card, but it's lack of synergy with allies and Stoneforge Masterwork is a real knock against it. It could work in a deck utilizing equipment, I just don't think this is the one for it.
Makindi Aeronaut could be an interesting addition. I'll work with it and see if it fits.
Stoneforge Acolyte may take the place of Relic Seeker. I really want Relic Seeker to work, but it's proving difficult to get it renown with any regularity on turn 3 or beyond. That's a bummer, because I'd like to see the card be playable.
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip is better in a white weenie shell similar to this: Savannah Lions by Saffron Olive. Oath of Gideon is kind of a nonbo with Kytheon, as once he flips, his loyalty isn't too big of a focus. Unlike most Planeswalkers, he has no ultimate nor minus ability. It does make him a little more difficult to get off the battlefield, and the two allies trigger ally abilities, so there is that.
Thanks for the feedback. Cheers.
January 31, 2016 8:17 a.m.
Lots of decks are running a copy or two of Radiant Flames. This would wipe your field, minus the one creature equipped with Stoneforge Masterwork, and for that they have Murderous Cut or Crackling Doom. I would honestly advise getting a Gideon, Ally of Zendikar or two, swapping out Needle Spires for something else, because at the point in time you have that plus 4 extra mana, you should already be winning and not needing this, plus it has no synergy with the rest of your deck, its just a r/w land, which you have plenty of, so swap out for 1-2 mountains and 2 more Wind-Scarred Crags. Also, Expedition Envoy is really bad unless you have some way to give trample, like Brute Strength. This lets your "tall" guy actually hit in case your opponent kills your fliers immediately, or has a Hangarback Walker to chump block you infinitely.
February 1, 2016 9:43 a.m.
Radiant Flames is why I'm running Valorous Stance and two Make a Stand in the sideboard. You just can't run your creatures out there and be tapped out; you need to play a more conservative game and leave up mana from the protection.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar would be terrific in this deck, but it's just too much money. If I owned two, sure, I'd make room for them, but my goal is to make build an aggressive deck on a budget.
Needle Spires is great late-game and I love running four of them. If I can beat down my opponent early-to-mid game and work through their instead speed removal, Needle Spires can finish the job in quick order.
Expedition Envoy gives the deck early game action, and once I assemble pieces, becomes a 4/3 or 5/4 on the battlefield. This deck can win by turn 4-5, but it can also play a conservative game. Expedition Envoy can help clog up the ground, and then a suited-up Makindi Aeronaut can fly in for the win.
February 1, 2016 11:59 a.m.
Needle Spires is not where you want to be, again it has no synergy and no evasion, literally any chump blocker prevents it from doing anything, and you spent your entire turn turning it on and equipping it, and all that equipment falls off eot. I didn't see Make a Stand in the sideboard, I'm seeing it in the maybe board, and I would very highly recommend putting that in the sideboard instead of Boiling Earth
February 1, 2016 4:28 p.m.
I agree that Make a Stand needs to be in the 75. Boiling Earth may find a spot if token strategies become more prevalent. I disagree regarding Needle Spires; it's shown value after board wipes on numerous occasions in testing.
Klavs says... #1
Cool deck man. I've been putting together a very similar deck for the upcoming game day and had some thoughts. Would appreciate your input.
What do you think about Kazuul's Toll Collector? I know it's not an ally, but the 0 cost to equip is pretty sweet.
What are your thoughts on running 2-3 of Makindi Aeronaut for evasion?
In playtesting, Stoneforge Acolyte does major work. I'm running 4 of him. Thoughts on that?
Cheers mate.
January 31, 2016 2:38 a.m.