Oath of the Well Equipped Boros Allies

Standard* Nelstone

SCORE: 148 | 103 COMMENTS | 20263 VIEWS | IN 75 FOLDERS

Nelstone says... #1

Thanks. I've had both Pathway Arrows and Hedron Blade in the sideboard off and on. I lean more towards Pathway Arrows, as Hedron Blade only provides deathtouch on offense. If it offered it on defense, it'd be an auto-include in the 75.

Spidersilk Net might go into the sideboard. It's a good answer to flyers. I like the aggressive weapons package for game one, though.

Team Monastery are both great, but I don't think I could cut anything out of this build to work them in. That, and Monastery Mentor is way out of budget range.

mfw I read Kardashian defense

February 2, 2016 2:11 p.m.

xavrr says... #2

+1 for 2 reasons:

  1. About $50 for a standard deck?! :)

  2. It crowd reference.

February 2, 2016 2:25 p.m.

short72087 says... #3

I went and created the Jeskai Ascendancy version of this deck. It is Jeskai Ascends Allies for their Equipment. Starting off, not much is different from yours. Just the needed changes to make it work. Plan on tweaking it as it go. Really want to try to get Displacement Wave in on it. Think that would be a sick blowout. Tell me what you think.

February 2, 2016 8:53 p.m.

aggro2grave says... #4

i have been waiting to play a aggro theme deck that looks fun for a while now and this just took the crown off any head it could of been on. im super excited to try this deck out.

February 3, 2016 2:06 a.m.

Klavs says... #5

Hooray I helped!

Pretty much is my list that I put together now. Awesome to hear it is working! Good job.

February 3, 2016 6:44 a.m.

Nelstone says... #6

You were right about both Stoneforge Acolyte and Makindi Aeronaut. I was apprehensive about both, they they were made for this deck.

Thanks for helping make the deck better.

February 3, 2016 7:51 a.m.

carlsbergftw says... #7

how's the testing been so far? i like your deck btw +1

February 3, 2016 1:31 p.m.

Noxide1121 says... #8

If you could fit Gideon ally of zendikar in this deck, what would you remove? I want to try this on Friday and I just so happen to have 4 of those bad boys so just curious. I'm gonna piece this together tonight. +1 great deck especially for budget

February 3, 2016 1:46 p.m.

Nelstone says... #9

It's been promising. It can be a fast beat-down deck with one drops and Captain's Claws early. If the game goes long, you can build out your board and create some huge creatures.

I've been happy with how it plays. I'm finding it includes a fair amount of decisions trees, and sometimes requires you to play conservatively to fully develop the board state as opposed to being all-out aggressive.

February 3, 2016 1:54 p.m.

mojojojo13 says... #10

I'd like to see some evasion, Sparkmage's Gambit is something i can think of right now.

February 3, 2016 1:55 p.m.

Noxide1121 says... #11

So that's a no on Gideon eh? Lol

February 3, 2016 2:08 p.m.

Nelstone says... #12

If I were to add Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, I'd run three and add one more Plains. I'd drop one Stoneforge Masterwork, one Bone Saw, one Valorous Stance and one Expedition Envoy.

February 3, 2016 2:11 p.m.

Noxide1121 says... #13

Awesome I'll give it a shot thanks bud. Will let ya know how it fairs this fnm

February 3, 2016 2:18 p.m.

Nelstone says... #14


I was responding to carlsbergftw when you posted and didn't see your post until afterwards.


Sparkmage's Gambit offers a great evasion option, I'm just not sure how it would fit in this deck.

February 3, 2016 2:25 p.m.

Nelstone says... #15

Good luck, have fun Noxide1121.

February 3, 2016 2:27 p.m.

mojojojo13 says... #16

I can imagine a situation where you only have 2-3 creatures and you can't deal damage because your opponent has some big blockers,or even just to remove 2 1/1 tokens that can chump block your guys.

February 3, 2016 3:50 p.m.

Noxide1121 says... #17

Seems like the mana base should be a little higher drawing alot of no land hands

February 3, 2016 10:28 p.m.

Nelstone says... #18


To deal with board stalls, the deck has Makindi Aeronaut for evasion, Silkwrap and Valorous Stance in the main for removal, and a bunch of great stuff in the sideboard.


At 20 lands, no-land hands are a possibility. You can usually keep a one lander on a mull to 6 or 5 with enough one drops in hand and the scry.

February 3, 2016 11:09 p.m.

WeWhoSaidWhat says... #19

I am posting this on my phone so I won't be able to link card names. I have dabbled a bit with this deck and the only issues I come across are these:

Stoneforge Acolyte is great, but my only issue is that while he can certainly dig for relevant equips, he has often pitched some things I'd like to have. Namely some sideboard tech, creatures, or lands. For this reason, I personally cut him down to two copies and replaced them with some pumps like Temur Battle Rage.

Expedition Envoy is a great beater, but he is usually easily chumped, so I personally cut all of them for Kitesail Scouts, they lag behind in power, but are a bit more evasive. Like a discount Aeronaut.

A nice minor alteration to make could be splashing blue. Not for anything crazy like Jace, but it could open up some sideboard interaction options such as Turn to Frog or Gift of Tusks. It also gives you access to Slip Through Space, which can give some nice evasion and some draw power. A splash of blue is a simple adjustment, as Wandering Fumarole, Shivan Reif, Swiftwater Cliffs, Tranquil Cove, or even Mystic Monastery are simple and cheap additions to swap a couple tap lands for. Prairie Stream could also be a nice option, though they wouldn't be necessary.

This all said, the deck is great the way it is, and I respect your strict adherence to Borosilicate colors. It's refreshing.

February 3, 2016 11:38 p.m.

Mandalorian says... #20

thoughts on Stormrider Rig since it equips for free?

February 4, 2016 8:47 a.m.

Nelstone says... #21


Having to put cards on the bottom that you'd rather keep when digging for equipment is the trade off for being able to dig for equipment. I've found that I will only use that ability if I have zero pieces of equipment and just about everything else I need.

Although it shares types with all others, Kitesail Scout doesn't have a creature type in common with Weapons Trainer, so you'd miss out on a bonus for that with Stoneforge Masterwork. I do see the advantage of the additional evasion, so it's definitely worth testing.

Yea, I've thought a lot about a third color splash, but I like the consistency of being mono colored and just splashing the second color. Again, it's always worth testing.

Glad you like the deck.


I've been back and forth regarding running one or two Stormrider Rig. I've settled on not including it; I like the four-ofs for Stoneforge Masterwork and Captain's Claws, and the four-of Bone Saw really help the curve. The deck feels more consistent this way, too.

That being said, you could cut both Bone Saw and Stoneforge Masterwork down to three-ofs and add two Stormrider Rigs. It's a good piece of equipment.

February 4, 2016 9:37 a.m.

lopezchr says... #22

What about Strider Harness?. I think maybe 2 can help you after wipes.

February 4, 2016 7:11 p.m.

Nelstone says... #23

Strider Harness could help move things along after a board wipe, but it's too expensive for this deck at mana.

February 4, 2016 8:22 p.m.

Storm46 says... #24

Nelstone, this is so awesome! We'll give it a go on FNM if you don't mind? Thanks for sharing this deck!!!

February 7, 2016 3:33 a.m.

Nelstone says... #25

Storm46, being told someone is going to build and play a deck I've built is an honor. Thank you.

I'd recommend practicing with the deck before playing it at FNM. The deck has many lines of play; sometimes it's right to be very aggressive, other times you need to play slow and hold up mana.

Remember that you can pay and sacrifice Ally Encampment to return an ally to your hand. If you can afford the mana loss, this is a good play against spot removal and board wipes.

Let us know how it goes at FNM. Good luck, have fun.

February 7, 2016 8:57 a.m.

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