Oath of the Well Equipped Boros Allies
SCORE: 148 | 103 COMMENTS | 20266 VIEWS | IN 75 FOLDERS
Played this at a PPTQ today. It just doesn't work in the current meta. There are so many decks running Radiant Flames, Languish and Declaration in Stone for it to actually get any traction. Went a dismal 1-4.
April 16, 2016 4:38 a.m.
Moomoomooo says... #3
If decks are running those clear cards them maybe run Eerie Interlude. The only bad thing about running it is that the equipment needs to be reequipped.
TheRedGoat says... #1
So, Sorry to leave you waiting as long as I did, but I've done it.
April 16, 2016 1:37 a.m.