
Just a decklist meant to provide ideas for a Superfriends concept that uses Maze's End as a potential win-con. With some luck Gond Gate sees early play so that all Gates enter untapped, or Spelunking come into play early to make sure ALL lands enter untapped. Besides lands/gates with color identities, there are a handful of lands that provide any color of mana, and notably Interplanar Beacon to reward planeswalkers being cast. All artifacts in this deck, Growth Spiral, Paradise Druid, Circuitous Route, Kiora, the Crashing Wave, Narset of the Ancient Way, Commodore Guff, and Wrenn and Realmbreaker are to provide some mana ramp. Notably, Nine-Fingers Keene can also get a gate in play each time it attacks, adding to the Gate aspect of this deck.

Since the deck is more focused on planeswalkers the creature spells are limited, but most are here to provide a lot of tokens to create a larger board state to make up for the lack of creature spells, as well as other planeswalkers that create tokens. Notable creatures that help in other ways are: Sprite Dragon taking advantage of most of the deck being non-creature spells, Mila, Crafty Companion   for some extra loyalty counters and card draw, Storrev, Devkarin Lich to return things from the grave as needed, Carth the Lion for searching for planeswalkers, Bioessence Hydra as a big creature to swing that takes advantage of the high planeswalker board presence, and lastly the commander Maelstrom Archangel to cheat a few things out.

As Storrev, Devkarin Lich and Wrenn and Realmbreaker bring things back from the grave, so does Deadbridge Chant, ensuring things get opportunities to see play again in the late game and cheat a few things back out. Elspeth Conquers Death and The Kami War   are the only Sagas in the deck that also serve to bring things back from the grave as well as operate as forms of removal. Other enchantments in the deck either create tokens, serve as alternative removal, or build up/synergize with planeswalkers in someway or another (be it the "Oath" series or things that add loyalty counters); the exception being The Prismatic Bridge   as yet another means of cheating things into play.

There is nothing too special about the instants or sorceries as they are mostly counter and removal spells to add some protection during the game, save for the one-sided boardwipe Ruinous Ultimatum provides. With that said, some planeswalkers also have abilities to remove or bounce back opponent's permanents, board wipe, and other things instants or sorceries tend to do. There is never a guarantee a planeswalker's ultimate ability will see play, but there are some very useful/annoying emblems that can be created. A few key planeswalkers have abilities that rely on other planeswalkers, if not help them get more loyalty counters, such as: Ajani, Mentor of Heroes, Chandra, Legacy of Fire, Commodore Guff, Sarkhan the Masterless, and Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God.


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