I'm currently messing around with this spicy modern deck.
It's seemingly a little bit all over the place, but trust me it all comes together!
What are those cards!?!?
First off comes my favorite card in this deck - Phyrexian Obliterator. Stat for stat, it's an insane card and can close out games. Problem is that its casting cost is impossible without a lot of work. More on that later.
Next comes one of my old pet cards - Skaab Ruinator. Also stat for stat, this thing is insane. On top of that, Matter Reshaper can pull out a Skaab Ruinator pretty rarely. It's unlikely, but it's devastating if it happens.
You know what those both have in common? They're both creature type Horror. This means I can use Cavern of Souls and
Unclaimed Territory
naming Horror to much more easily get them out.
It just so happens that these two fit really well into an Eldrazi Aggro shell because Eldrazi Aggro gets creatures out super efficiently. On top of that, Cavern of Souls and
Unclaimed Territory
can produce colorless if needed, and the surplus of these cards even allows me to use name Eldrdazi at certain points to ensure they're uncounterable.
The last few weird cards here are Street Wraith and Thought Scour. card:Streeth Wraith is just a super efficient way to cycle through the deck and throw creatures in the graveyard for Skaab Ruinator. Thought Scour also fills the graveyard pretty well while cycling through the deck efficiently. Also, Skaab Ruinator is castable from the graveyard, so it's actually good to mill it.
Pretty standard stuff otherwise for Eldrazi Aggro. I did end up throwing in a couple Islands and a Waste to help a little bit against Blood Moon if they manage to cast it T2 or T3. If I can start with either of those lands, I can at least do some things that game and not get completely locked out. Then, Stubborn Denial is super nice for both Phyrexian Obliterator and Reality Smasher since the Obliterator is weak to things like Fatal Push and Path to Exile while Reality Smasher will already two-for-one removal, and countering it can be a huge swing towards your favor.
Suggestions are always welcome!
Admittedly, I'm not an expert on Modern by any stretch, so any suggestions would be very welcomed!!!